Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 567 withdraws!

The brown bear is gloomy.

"You must not be so much."

A low drink, this is a roar, and the sound is exactly the same as the real beast.

At the same time, the body of this is awkward begins to skyrocket, but it is more than two meters, but now it has risen to ten meters high, and the body has skyrocketed, and there is also a change, and the face has become pushed. .

Just a moment, this is a big beach, this giant beaker is spread, and this giant bear spreads unsteady.

"That is the body."

Hidden in the banned voids, the Hall of the Hall of the Hall, see this scene, the eyes are not bright.

These demon fits are fine, although some cost is spent for humans, but their book is the strongest, this obstacles are naturally stronger than human state.

"This monster king is a good strength, turning into a body, and the war is better than the human state, and I don't know if the sword is unparalleled." Ice Feng Temple is secretly looking forward, his heart is also quite For emergency.

After all, how long it takes, the monetary palace of the Demon League will arrive, when he can no chance to deal with the sword.


The whole body of the fire-red hair is roaring, just like a large mountain, the sword is unparalleled, and then the huge bear is fierce.

Although the avatar is the monster body, the size is huge, the speed of this giant bears is still not slow, this palm is connected to the slap, the sword is unparalleled.


The sword is unparalleled, and the whole person seems to be hit by a mountain. The blood rolls in the body. There is a hint of blood in the mouth, and the face is also pale.

"The power of horror." The sword is unparalleled, "Even if I have the flesh, I am not injured, this offensive, I can only have three or four palms."

The sword is unparalleled just a horror, but there is still the nephew of those who are in the surroundings.

"How can it be?"

"I have a palm of my own efforts to go all out, he actually lived?"

"Is the body in this?"

A monster king is full of hardships, and it is really scary with the flesh.

"Thirty-three people in human beings, in addition to standing on the highest level, the scholar of the Xuanling Temple, which has already been cultivated to the eleventh floor, the flesh of the other people, I am afraid that no one can be more than him "This is a heart.

And at this time, he brought a piece of tuning, someone came to

"The black feather Temple of the Human League, the Nine-Sea Temple has arrived outside thousands of miles, no need for half a clock to arrive at the bloody plain."

"Is it so fast?" I was shocked.

Since they are doing, they are ready to naturally, they know that the sword is unparalleled to save the Human League, and it is clear that in the surroundings of the blood month plain, only the fastest, the black feather Temple in Tianyu City The main two of the sea temple, so they will send out the monsters to the road to monitor.

When the black feather Temple is able to rush here, he can know it in the first time.

As for hidden in the dark, the hide of the ice peak ...

The Ice Peak Temple has been careful to follow the sword. There is no difference between the sword. Even the sword is unparalleled, and those ordinary demon rape naturally can't find it.

"Half of the bus!"

I watched the sword and watched the sword. "The flesh of this sword monarch far beyond my imagination, half an minutes, maybe I can kill him, kill him, I can't leave his body at all, which is not what I want. "

The command he received is that there is no double kills the sword, and there is still the body of the sword. The body is back, the body is still the second, the most important is the Qiankun ring.

And the time, the top is more enough to let him kill swords, but they can't let him have a sword unparalleled body and swords.

"The mission failed, withdraws!"

This unparalleled man is interrupted, directly issued the retreat, and only seeing his huge body and shrinking quickly, once again, it is no longer the same, and it is no longer boundless, but turned around.

As for the other eight demon rape, they are not hesitant. Follow this unity, they are ready to leave.

"Is it given up?" The sword stopped, and looked at these demon rape and stood in detail, and the heart was also secretly tone.

However, I saw the monsters who leined, and it was hidden in the ban on the banner, but the completion is a sink.

"A group of waste." The Hall of the Ice Peak didn't help but secretly.

His original intended to let this group of monsters killed the swords, then he once again robbed the sword without double Qiankun ring, but did not expect this group of demon, and sent such a strong lineup, they did not kill the sword.

"See it, I can only personally do my hand." The Hall of the Ice Peak is cold, the tongue is licking, and the lips are

"I personally, I will have a little trouble, but I only have to get the compass, these troubles are nothing, this sword is unparalleled, but only a foreign person, the old guy of the Demon Alliance should Not to face me for him. "

After the hometown of the Ice Peak, the figure is directly movable.


A stream of light brushing the void, the ice peak hall held a golden gun, after the appearance, the golden gun broke out a terrible Li Man, with a strong strand force, directly put the ban on the front of the ban on the ban on a huge hole.

This is a banned, it is a great price to spend a great price, and it is a long time to take it for a long time, even if it is a sword, it takes a long time to break it, and the hide of the ice peak is only a shot. This ban has appeared a huge cavity, which can be seen that the strength of the Horizhen Temple is strong.

When the main thing of the Ice Peak Temple, the demon rape and the sword were not performed immediately.

"Not good, it is the temple of the Human Union!"

"This look, this breath is actually the Hall of the Ice Peak!"

"What will this death? How will this Ice Peak Temple?"

The brown bear man is, and other monsters are raped, and all the faces have changed.

The Horizon of the Ice Peak is the most top existence, the strength, and the third place in the whole human descendants.

Such a strong temple, one person is enough to kill them all these monsters.

"Ice Peak Hall?"

The sword is unparalleled to see people, but also dark.

He is also unclear, why is this Ice Peak of the Temple to arrive here so soon.

Task, after he issued a rescue information, even if it is close to this blood and the nearest black feather Temple, the Jiuhai Temple has not arrived, and this ice peak is the holy land, so short time, how to get it Here?

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