Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 568, the killing of the Herball

Unless ... "The sword flashed in the brain, and immediately looked up at the hometown of the Ice Peak. This look, his face is now a sink.

This ice peak is to break the ban on the battlefield from the side of the sword, and the monsters are nesting, and he is closer to the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, this Ice Peak Temple is broken after breaking the ban, and his eyes did not put it on those who escaping the fans. Instead, he stared at him.

Amazing killing is also condensed in the main view of the Ice Peak Hall.

"This Ice Peak is, not to save me, but to kill me!"

The sword is unparalleled. When he immediately took the heart of the sword, the other hand was a printed mark on the front of the front, and these imprints were to show the third weight of the secret surgery.

At the same time, the embarrassment of the swords and unparalleled eyes are also lit, and that is always condensed in the eyebrows, and there is still a ready to go.

In front of him, a jade bottle is suspended, and there is a drop of white liquids, which is a white liquid, and it is the horrible ice heart spodide toxic fluid.

In short moments, the sword is unparalleled, and the triple kill has been quietly prepared.

He, never happened.

If the Hall of this Ice Peak is really dare, he will hear the three killings in the first time.

Perhaps you can't kill this ice peak, but you will never let the latter better.

The hometown of the Ice Peak is killed, and the eyes are dead to gather on the sword unparalleled. As for those who flee, he is too lazy.

However, when he appeared in front of the sword, it was not far away, but when he was in the sword, he was in his perception, but there was a breath with a breath.

This sudden appearance, so that the heart of the ice peaks just killed, the heart slammed, his eyes flashed a fear, then the mind is moving, but it is immediately moving.

"The monsters are stunned, the gall dare to kill the gods of my human alliance, you will die!"

The Hall of the Ice Peak, the sound is shocked, and then the sword is unparalleled. This is obviously the hometown of the ice peak of the killing.

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

He is very sure that the Hall of the Horizontal Hall is to kill him.

He is even desperately planned. Just wait for the hometown of this Ice Peak, but I didn't expect this Ice Feng Temple to suddenly transferred my eyes, and the demon traitor has killed the past.

The sword is unparalleled, but he quickly understood.

I saw the front of those who were escaping, a blue figure suddenly appeared.

This is a graceful beauty, she has a blue long hair, I am going to my feet, wearing a blue robe, even a pair of eyes are buried. Blue rays.

She stood there, and she naturally had a heavy corrugated to open, and people feel like it is caught in the Wangyang Dahai.

The beautiful woman in the blue robe appeared, and the surrounding time and space seems to be completely solidified.

Those who are escaping, including the first monster Wang Yue, and when they see this blue robes, the women are all showed the color of the horror.

"Xuan Ling, the Muan Lord"! "

"How can it be!"

"The Horizon of the Ice Peak is all, how can I even come from the Muan Ling Temple of the First Power of the Human Union!"

These demon rapes have been completely desperate, even the monster is like a dead.

They are very clear, if it is just that the Hall of the Ice Peak, they may have a chance to escape, but now it is the Muan Ling Temple!

The first power of the Human Union, even if the hegemony of their demon berf, there is a demon emperor, and it is estimated that it is a bit less than this Xuanling Temple.

The Lord of the Xuanling Temple personally came out, how did they have the opportunity to escape?

"The demon rape!"

The blue robe beauty, the Muan Ling Temple stands on the void, and the eyes are cold, and the jade hand is slowly waved.

When a blue wavy is directly tailored to these demon rape, all of them are covered in these monsters, and these demon rape are struggling, but they can grasp the Jade hand of the Xuanling Temple.

! !

A volatile fragment sounded, instant kung fu, these demon rape, including the monster Wang Yu, have become a corpse, falling down the ground.

This scene was seen in the eyes of the sword, and immediately took a breath.

A monster king of the Human Temple, eight-headed people's nine-order monsters, just in an instant, this Muan Ling Temple is only casual, and it is all killed.

What strength is this?

The first power of the Mi Ling Continental Human Alliance is strong?

The same horror, there is also the hometown of the ice peak, I saw him at this moment, and quickly appeared in front of the Muan Ling Temple, with a congratulations: "The Muan Ling Temple."

Although the Horizhen Temple of the Ice Peak is enough to take the front three, he is very clear that he is very clear about the strength of this Muan Ling Temple.

Just because the absolute strength of the Muan Ling Temple, the monsters in the demon continent did not dare to be too arrogant, and this Xuanling Temple has always been a trip in the Demon Alliance.

Her orders, even if the Horizon of the Ice Peak, I don't dare to violate it.

The Lord of the Xuanling Temple in the void waved the missionaries of the squad, and then the eyes of the faint blue rays, he looked over the Hall of the Ice Peak, "The Hall of the Ice Peak, you Is fast enough? This seat just received the news, knowing that there is a mission-free monster king shot, I kill my killing of the Di League, I immediately got it, I didn't expect you to grab the front of this seat. Here."

"This ..." The Hall of the Ice Peak, lookedzing: "I just passed through this vision. I immediately came immediately after I received the news, not from the holy land."

"Is this?" The Muan Ling Temple will willow, and there is no more asking.

At this time, near the horizon, two streams rapidly, so soon, in front of the Lord of Xuanling, the two people naturally came from the black feather hall of the Temple of the Temple.

"The Lord of Xuanling Temple, the Hall of the Ice Peak."

When the black feather Temple saw the Xuanling Temple, he also took a shock, and the spin was shouting, and the tone was respectful.

"Those fascinating?" The Black Feather Temple couldn't help but ask.

"Those fascinating have been killed by this seat, and the two white arrogant." The Muan Ling Temple opened.

When I heard this, the black feather Temple was shocked by the Temple of Jiuhai.

According to their knowledge, this Xuanli Temple has always been in the holy land, almost never left, and today's things, it is obviously that the Muan Ling Temple will immediately arrive from the holy land. This, and killed these demon rape.

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