Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 569, returning to Wuyi tribe

You must know that from the Holy Land to this blood month, it is much more than they drive from Tianyu City, but the speed of the Muan Ling Temple is faster than them.

"The Hall of the Ice Peak, can you also come from the holy place?" The Black Feem Temple also looked at the Hall of the Ice Peak, and asked the weird.

"No, I just passed here." The Hall of the Ice Peak opened.

"Oh?" The black feather Temple gazes to the Jiuhai Temple, but there is no search for the roots, and the black feathest is not double, "You, you are the sword monarch."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is coming to come, "the sword is unparalleled, see the Lord of the Xuanling Temple, the Black Pattail Palace, the Lord of the Temple of Jiuhai."

The sword is unparalleled to the Muan Ling Temple, the black feather Temple, the main battle of the Jiuhai Temple, but the Hall of the Ice Peak, but I didn't pay attention.

This Ice Peak is just killing, he feels very clear.

"Hey, this Ice Peak Hall is the arrival of the Muan Ling Temple, this is immediately stopped, turning to deal with those demon, but there is no arrival, or slightly slowly, then the result ... ... "The sword flashed in a cold.

"The sword is unparalleled." The Muan Ling Temple opened.

When she opened, several of the temples next to it immediately closed their mouths.

"This thing is the cause, the wind has already told me, if this is not gueled, this event is the trap specially arranged in order to deal with you, and the hammads near the Wuyi tribe will appear Daren to slaughter the human martial arts, it is to bring you from the holy land, then you assassinate you on the way. "The Muan Ling Temple said.

The sword is not double-finished.

He was confused before, and those who were in detail, they were very low, and they were afraid that they were found by the human being. However, there will be a monsters who have never been unscrupulous. The people are in the people's martial arts. All this is he.

"I don't know what these demon rape is crazy. I have a good effort to deal with you, although you are very good, but it is a foreigner." The black feathest is the opposite, and there is some weird.

"Well, no matter what the purpose they have, now they are killed by this seat, then they will never stop the strong in a short time, after all, here is my human territory, these demon rape in the human territory There are some strong people, but it will never be too much, like the existence of the monster king, there is a very rare. "

The Xuan Ling Temple is finished, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." The sword nodded.

After the Muan Ling Temple, there were not many stays. Directly left, the black feather Temple was naturally returned to Tianyu City, and the Hall of the Ice Peak ...

The Lord of the Ice Peak is deeply seen in the sword. The eyes are cold and cold, but you can choose to leave.

The four temples have left, only the sword is not born in one person, standing in this plain.

The sword is unparalleled.

"I am too big."

It is indeed very big.

Originally thought that his strength, in this demon continental human territory, he should be able to walk, but he underestimates the strength of the ethnic group.

At the same time, he did not expect the monster ethnic group, which would actually spend such a big fight to deal with him a foreign person.

In addition, the appearance of the hometown of the ice peak also made him unidentified.

He knew that the Hall of the Ice Peak is hate, maybe I will find a chance to go to him, but he underestimates the determination of the Horizhen Temple, and I have never thought that the Human Temple dare to work in human territory. This time, if it is not the Muan Ling Temple Sudden What happened, then what happened, I really can't expect.

"Decomprehension, step hard, some crisis changes, can happen at any time, in the future, I have to be more careful and cautious, no matter where, even if I think the safest place, I always have to leave a heart "

"After all, there is only one!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and his heart grows a lot through this.

Next, the sword is unparalleled to continue to the martial art.


In the human territory, the monsters are in detail.

When the mission of murderous swords, the monsters who were unparalleled were killed by the Muan Ling Temple, and the old black robe in the dark hall got the news.


"Such a strong lineup can be said that I gathered my monster ethnic group in the human territory nearly 80% of the top power, and even the adults were in person, and the results were there, and even the people were killed by the Muan Ling Temple. "

"Waste, a group of waste!"

The old man is crazy, and his eyes are full of blood.

For a long time, the old man is calm down.

"Nearly 80% of the top strength is killed, my strength of the ethnic group in the human territory will greatly shrink, in the future, must be more careful."

"In addition, if it is the news, I am afraid it will be angry."

When I thought of the horror of the Emperor Demon, this black robe was not cold.


The Wu Yan tribe, I have been very hot, but with the nephew of the demon rape in this time, the people who slaughtered the human beings, after several tribes, the inside of the Wu Yan tribe is self-dangerous, with the past The atmosphere is naturally different.

When the sword is unparalleled to the front of the Hulong tribe, it is found that the door of the mutual tribe is closed, and the inside is more guarded.

"Fortunately, there is nothing to do."

The sword is unparalleled to see that the tribe is safe, slightly spit, and then it is directly flipped directly to the tribe.


When the sword was unparalleled, the people of the Wu Yan tribes immediately saw it immediately, and immediately issued an explosion.

But when they look at the sword, the sword is unparalleled, it is a surprise.

"Is a unparalleled adult, is a unparalleled adult!"

"The sword monarch, the hero sword monarch of the Wu Yan tribe is back."

"Fast, hurry out, the sword monarch is back."

The entire Wuyi tribe is awkward, and a large number of people have come out from the account, and they are jealous and excited.

More than two months ago, the sword was unparalleled to kill the golden snake gods in the life and death, became the news of the new gods of the Demon Alliance. I have already spread it to the corner of the human territory. The people of Wu Yan have naturally heard.

They also know that this is a miraculous existence that is miraculous to kill God, and it is a sword who walked out from their tribe.

Although everyone knows that the sword is unparalleled, the people who have a tribe, the people who have a tribe don't care. After all, it is human beings, let alone the sword is unparalleled, it is true to join their tribe, which is their tribe.

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