Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 570, all the way

PS: Tomorrow began to break out, announce the specific time and quantity of the updated.

The outbreak lasts for three days, the first day is Tomorrow (No. 10), 12 half-year update, outbreak eight chapters.

The next day (No. 11), after 12 in the morning, it will begin to update, and more than 20 chapters should be burst.

On the third day (No. 12), the specific chapter has not been determined, the update time is undecided.

One by one

"Haha, unparalleled brothers."

The cool voice sounded, the first of the fire came out, the green fire left Dongying a month ago, when he learned that there was a fairy in the mating of Wu Yi, he immediately rushed back.

After the green fire, it is the leader of the Wuhuang tribe.

"The green fire, the preliminary leader, there are also people." The sword has a smile.

"Unparalleled big brother."

The young voice sounded, but the woman's doll is like. At this moment, this rain is watching the sword. It is full of surprises.

Next to Wu Yu is the tiger, but the tigers are full of worship.

"Little rain, Qinghu." The sword was unparalleled, and the head of the rain was touched.

"Green fire, black flyer leader, let's go to the account." The sword said unparalleled.

"Well." The green fire nodded and immediately surrounded the shackles of the tribe.

The sword is sitting on a palm seat, sitting next to the green fire with blackboum, as well as a few elders, as for other people, like Wu Yu, Qinghu and others are waiting outside.

"Musou brothers, you can come back in time, there is your God's gods, forgive me that the demon rape will not turn down anything." The green fire said, he is full of confidence in the sword.

The blackboum and others next to it nodded.

During this time, they have been reminded to hang, worried that those demon trails will kill them in the Hanzi tribes, they are all-level, only a first-class god will be, it will not be able to resist, but the sword is unparalleled. Come, it is completely different.

"Don't worry, these demon people are fine, their purpose is not to slaughter the human being, but for me, now their plan has failed, no accident, these demon rape should be left behind, even I didn't leave, I didn't dare to come again. "The sword said unparalleled.

The green fire brow is wrinkled, and the sword is unparalleled. "" Wong Double Brothers, you said that these demon rape, is it for you? "

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled, followed by the encounter on the road to the simple narrative.

I know that the sword is unparalleled, and the monster king is still a shot, and the squats and other people are shocked when they have eight-headed nine-order monsters.

"Fortunately, the Muan Ling Temple is attributive, otherwise it can be hanging." The sword is unparalleled, his tone is very relaxed.

After aware of the facts, the green fire is even more self-blaming, "I blame me, I just want to let the unparalleled brothers come to save, but I don't think about these demon, and I almost harm you."

"Green fire, you don't care, I am going out from the mutual tribe, and it is also a tribe of the Wuyi tribe. The mutual tribe is difficult, I naturally arrive." The sword is unparalleled.

This is said that the green fire is both happy and gratifying.

"The Muan Ling Temple will let me go to the holy place to see her, saying that if you want to ask me, so I can't re-tribe for too long." The sword is unparalleled: "I will stay in this two days. If you are still in the two days, I will kill them all, if they are hidden, I will leave. "

"Well, good." Wuho nod.

"The Lord of the Muan Ling Temple, this is the top beam of my human group, it can't let her wait." The green fire nodded.

"Yes." The sword has suddenly moved, and she took out a few jade simuls, "the preliminary leader of the Wuhi, which is the seventh floor of the eighth floor from the eighth floor, originally. There is also the ninth floor with the tenth floor, but the league has a rule, the ninth floor of the fingers, can only cultivate itself, prohibit the spread, so I can only give the seventh floor with the eighth floor. you."

"The seventh floor with the eighth floor method?" Wu Kumi is immediately hot, connected: "There is a seventh floor with the eighth floor, it is enough, very enough."

"The seventh floor follows the eighth floor, oh, I can also refine the sixth floor now." The green fire also surprised.

As for the ninth floor with the tenth floor, they also know the rules of the demon alliance.

After the ninth floor of the bone migrant, it is the roll of the fingers, which is extremely precious. It is independent of the alliance to make the dissemination, even if you use the demon exchange in the Demon Alliance, you can only go to cultivate Can not be handed over to others.

In the next two days, the sword is unparalleled to stay in the Wuyi tribe, and it is funny, sometimes it will also give you a green tiger.

The Qinghu is the first person in the young generation of Wu Yi tribe, the talent is really good, the sword is unparalleled, the green fire will become a god will become a throne, and even if it is good, it may become a gods in the future.

In these two days, as the sword is unparalleled, when he returns to the mutual tribe, the demon rape in the squadron, and it has been hidden, and I don't know if it is thorough. Leaving, or hidden.

However, the sword is unparalleled, since these demon rape is already showing, then how long it takes, a guard team organized by God will organize, and it has already arrived at the leadership of a god. In the case of their traces, once they found, these demon rape will be undoubtedly.

The ,

After the sword is unparalleled, the mutton is willing to settle back, and it is ready to return to the holy place.

When leaving, a large number of people are delivered.

"How long have you been on the first level of God?" The sword was unparalleled with green fire and went away.

"I have been a long time." The green fire sighed, "I don't know if I have a born year."

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled, and I took out a Qiankun, I handed it to the green fire. "There are a few demon Dan, enough to let you go to the ground, the third floor of the Trinity for a few days, Grasping these days, breaking through it is not difficult. "

"Musou brothers, this ..." The green fire is skepicious.

"Hold, you also know that I am a foreign person. I can still return to this Wuku tribe in the future, and this tribe can only rely on you alone, you are of course more powerful. The sword is unparalleled.

I heard the words, the green fire took a deep breath, nor will it be confident, and they will quit the Qiankun.

"Thank you." The green fire acts.

"Okay, you don't have to send it, leave." After the sword did not double to the tribal door, he turned to the many people of the Wu Yan tribe arched, and then left directly, after him, it is Wu. Rainina's tender voice.

"Unparalleled big brother, all the way to wind!"


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