Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 571, Xuanling Temple

After leaving the Wuyi tribe, the sword is unparalleled and the holy land, this time does not encounter something danger.

After the holy land, the sword was unparalleled, and immediately saw the Lord of the Muan Ling.

The Holy Land, the top of the Mian Palace, the beautiful woman in the blue robe, the beautiful woman in the blue robe is sitting on the throne.

The whole person is like a vast sea, which is filled with a faint blue ray. This cold shining contains special magic, which is daunting.

Muan Ling Temple Lord.

The first temple recognized in the 33 Temple of the Demon League!

In the 33nd palace, her strength is the strongest, and the natural power is also the highest.

Other temples like the Demon Alliance, some are distributed in the military camp, some are in the retreat or outside, and even have to go to other faces of the world, but the Muan Ling Temple, long years Come, but it has been sitting in the town.

She rarely showed, but she can say that there is no one in the prestige in the Demon Alliance.

Like the hometown of the Ice Peak, the status of the Demon Alliance is also very high, but the hometown of the Ice Peak is in front of this Xuanling Temple, but it still has a low one.

"The Lord of the Xuanling Temple."

The sword is unparalleled in front of the Muan Ling Temple, and the look is respectful.

"The sword is unparalleled." The Xuan Ling Temple released the magic eyes overlooking, "Do you know why this seat is to see you?"

"I don't know." The sword didn't shook his head. He didn't know the purpose of this Xuanling Temple.

The Xuan Ling Temple is indifferent, open again, "I ask you, you can know a person named Jian Yan?"

"Jian Yan?" The sword was unparalleled, and the head of the next consciousness.

"Don't you know?" Xuanling Temple is muttered, "You don't know him, but why is his sword in your hands? And you also know what he created?"

"His sword, in my hand?" The sword didn't have a double, but immediately understood, "said the Muan Ling Temple, is it just a sword?"

The sword is unparalleled only to know the Jianzu, but the true name of Jianzu is called, but he doesn't know.

On the mainland of Shenzhou, Jianzu has been known as the Jianzu, and no one knows his true name.

"Jianzu? I don't know if he is a Jianzu. This seat only knows that he is a sword. The stunning sword in your hand is amazing. It is his weapon. You are killing the life and death. When you use the priest, it is also what he created. The name seems to be called the sword.

"That will not be wrong, my heart sword and heart swords are from the hands of Jianzu, the Jianzu is the Jian Yan said by the Muan Ling Temple." The sword is unparalleled.

"So, do you know him?" The Muan Ling Temple looked at the sword.

"Yes, not only knowing, Jianzu, that is, the Jianyu, who is the Muan Ling Temple, can be said to be my old ancestors, he created the priests, I was the descendants of Jianzu." Sword There is no double.

"Is this?" The Muan Ling Temple nodded secretly, but suddenly I expected asked, "What is he now?"

"This ..." The sword was unparalleled, and he saw that the Xuanling Temple mentioned the Swordzemon, with a different mood, this emotional sword is unparalleled, although he did not have passed, But still can be seen, this is a man of men and women.

"The Muan Ling Temple with Jianzu, is it?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it can be said with a good thing: "Hunting the Temple, the Jianzu, he was already in the millennium!"

"Is it falling? Sure enough!" The Muan Ling Temple sighed, although it was a little disappointing.

"When he was separated from me, he didn't have to change it. The result was not returned. At that time, I guess that he was in the unpredictable responsibility. I can't leave the demon spirit. I will find him ... "The Xuan Ling Temple muttered a few times, and the look was quite complicated, but it quickly recovered.

The Xuan Ling Temple returned to normal posture, overlooking the sword unparalleled, "More than two months ago, you have seen the golden snake God, this seat saw in the dark."

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double look. He didn't think that the life of the life, this Xuanling Temple has been looking at it.

"When I saw you used the sword, and the upper heart sword, this seat knows that you have a relationship with that Jian Yan, so I will have a heart to you, this time I know you encounter The news of the monsters, I also left you in the first time, but fortunately, I arrived in time. "The Muan Ling Temple said.

This sword is unparalleled but it is.

He had a doubtful, and the top of the Tang Xuanling Temple, the first power of the Demon Alliance, almost never left the holy place on weekdays, why they will come to save him, it is because of the relationship between Jianzu.

The Xuan Ling Temple is related to the Jianzu, so the descendants of this Jianzu are also quite care.

"I mention this assassination, even this seat doesn't understand, those who have taken this price with energy, come to kill you?" The Muan Ling Temple looked over.

"I don't know." The sword is unparalleled, "I don't have a foreign person, although some talents, but not let these demon rape make such a big battle to kill me, and I am with these demon There are not many hatebles, the only possibility, what is what I have in these monsters. "

"What do you want?" The sword is unparalleled.

When he thought in the first time, it was the compass.

That Luo, the patriarchal patriarchal patriarch is so regardless of everything to deal with him, and the value is definitely uniform.

"If this is this possible, then these monsters are required, it is estimated that there is no problem." The sword said.

"What compass?" Asked the Muan Ling Temple.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will take the quicade.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Muan Ling Temple will rob this compass. After all, the Xuanling Temple rescues him. Even if you want the sword to give her, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no need to grab it.

The sword is unparalleled to run to the front of the Muan Ling Temple, the opening: "The Lord of the Xuanling Temple is this compass."

The Muan Ling Temple took the compass, put it on his hand and looked at it again, and his willow piconis.

Even if she is her, it can't see the difference between this compass.

"The sword is unparalleled, you said that those demon rape may be rushing this compass? What is the mystery of this compass?" Asked the Muan Ling Temple.

"What is the use of this compass, I am not clear." The sword did not shake his head.

"But I know, the hometown of the Ice Peak emphasizes this compass, you can say that this Luo is already indistries, before in the bloody vendor, the Ice Peak Temple is coming to kill me, just see the Muan Ling Temple You are here, he immediately changed his idea and deal with those demon. "

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