Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5653 5648? ??? for three hundred years

At this point, there is one in addition to the business, it is Wu Z.

Since then, the sword is unparalleled to bring Wu Z. After the other time and space, the true spirit takes some tests to them, and it will bring Wu Zuo to the tomb mountain and cultivate with the heir.

Unexpectedly, Wu Zuo's potential really gave the true spirit and did not play the small surprise, actually arrived at sixty layers.

As for Hui Qing, now I have reached sixty-five layers.

Unparalleled with swords.

Breakthrough speed, let the sword have a feeling of suffocation.

It is not a loss of the first inheritor.

The beam covers the entire tomb mountain, and it has disappeared with a fragrance.

Shang also came out from the Dongfu.

The strength of the body has undergone great changes.

In congratulations, the merchants follow the true spirit to the top peak.

The sword is unparalleled, it returned to his own cave.

This time, the recovery of the blessings, let his soul fall into exhausted, it should be resting.

Next, it is necessary to prepare for other time and space.

As for the breakthrough, I didn't feel the pressure for the sword, but I didn't like Hui Qing to give him a big pressure!

Even if the business breakthrough has become a robbery, it is better to give him a powerful ancient temple.

The ancient temple that was killed in the beginning, it was a robbery, and after transformation, it directly arrived in the second robbery.

Even the power of the enemy's trumper.

This is not his opponent, not to mention business.

Nowadays, they have broken through, but they lack a quota, and he is not too suitable, and it is recommended to recommend it.

Leave a headache for the true spirit!

The comfortable lie in the cave house, the sword is not doubles for a year, and the power of the soul will return to the peak.

This year, the true spirit also gave him, what kind of treasure is needed, although it is satisfied, even if mentioned.

And the time of departure has been determined.

Thirty hundred years later, the Hulan Mountains in the heavens.

There is a little unexpectedly for this sword, not the true spirit so generous, but to go to the heaven.

He thought it would be in the tomb!

But there is nothing, it will arrive at the time of the day.


The sword is unparalleled, and the voice jade is broken, standing up and active.

At the same time, it starts to calculate, and now the lack of treasures.

After that, he did not practice well, the realm of the promotion did not improve.

It is indeed a lot of treasures.

On the realm, even if there is a treasure, it takes time to practice.

Now only three hundred years left, swords are unparalleled naturally not to cultivate the space of the universe.

Instead, I chose the body.

The emergence of ancient temple makes him strong to the power of the body route.

In particular, it is seen that in some ancient books, many of the long-term flow of the long river, is a god stream.

In case he goes, the long river is also popular!

Is it not exposed using this source?

So Godhead course, can not be abandoned.

Although the need of a lot of treasure, but for strong, as long as a strong, they will not lack treasure.

Note that after the made up, then remove the sword unparalleled in the tomb of the mountain identity token, you will need to say that all the treasures of the true spirit.

When the top of the hill sits the true spirit of unparalleled need to see the treasures sword, eyes wide rounded.

He should not have generous, generous finally time or budget, we only have three hundred years time, let these people go to, how much can use it!

I did not expect to be so ruthless sword Warriors, all of a sudden want to Godhead treasure one hundred million square crystal universe.

That was worth one hundred million square treasure ah!

Robbery environment strong, not easy to want to come up with so much of the universe crystal.

These treasures are enough sword Warriors will Godhead practice one hundred thousand times a.

Warriors can not believe his sword three hundred years, the Godhead practice one hundred thousand times.

At the same time, this time of ten candidates, select all of Godhead treasures.

Even the honest part of Hui-ching, also chose Godhead treasure.

They are not stupid, only three hundred years, in addition to enhancing in vitro God, there is no shortcut to enhance the strength of the other.

"Well, let him give you practice it!" True spirit of distressed and shook his head.

But he still thought the go lose, the deity is leaving for the original community, looking for a Treasurer Zhu Dianzhu go.

Soon the effort, will solve the awkward situation immediately.

On the tomb of the mountain, super Chuan Songzhen.

Nine people opt come, so many people crowd around all over.

So far, the strongest mountain tomb several inheritors, actually appear together, this is unprecedented ah!

But for business breakthrough, I am afraid now ten people together.

"There is no double brother, it seems that the hero will be slightly happy!" Dongsheng smiled in the side.

Among the nine people, in addition to the backbone, the relationship with the sword is not bad.

Several people are free to talk and directly open the transfer array.

The true spirit allowed them to go to a hidden secret in the original world, where there is a natural god treasure, which can enhance their body.

This gathered everyone at once.

At the same time, the true spirit also told them, there is one of the strong people who travel to other time and space, where is it waiting for them.

This makes the sword are unparalleled, who will go with them to other time and space.

Some of the inheritors of the Polyson Temple, he read a little one or two.

It may be enough to enter the true eye, I am afraid there are still few people.

But there will be answers soon.

! ! ! !

Nine people come, the original circles.

Familiar atmospheres come.

When the first time I entered the Temple, it was an entry.

Dagan entered the original world, and the Daiyan entered the Xuanwu Temple.

The emperor is going to Qinglong Temple.

Everything seems to be in general yesterday.

Nine people just arrived, a familiar figure greeted them.

Zhu Qi!

Many people know, don't introduce, take them directly to the secret.

The original circle, it is a bit similar to the water, it is more desolate.

A group of people flew into a fragrant time, and they went to the secret of the true spirit.

That is a mission of mountain forests.

When you look far, there is no special.

But at close feelings, they are all one of them.

This mountain did not look so simple.

"It is the power!" The sword is unparalleled and found to find an embarrassment.

The secret of this place actually has a power.

It is very similar to the original Shenli universe.

It is a good treasure to improve the body.

Zhu Qi stopped his body shape, said: "In the mysterious mystery, there is an eye of Shenquan. You only need to absorb the power outside of the ten lifting, unreliable too close, will antagullion!"

After that, he turned and left.

Several people looked at each other, did not hesitate, rushed directly.

The speciality of the power is trampling them.

Directly toward the core of the mission of the mountains.

The spring eyes are in the depths of the mountains.

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