Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5654 5649 ?? Fan Feng

At this time, there is already one person sitting in a knee.

Nine people quickly find a position, forcibly tearing space, instantly entered a humid cave.

I found someone who arrived, the principal who was sitting in the knee, and opened his scorpion.

A pair of phoenixes contain a red flame.

"Who are you?" In addition to Wu Zhi, the rest is very surprised, asked with the same voice.

Only Wu Z. One person, staring at each other, and a fear in the scorpion.

Because of the people in front of you, he knows.

I thought it would be an inheritor, how to see that the other party is not like it.

Haven't heard that there is such a powerful woman on the tomb mountain!


A flame force, instant roll, except for swords, unparalleled and Huiqing, is back to the back.

These people are not vegetarian, the other person dares to do it, can this be used to her?

When you raise your hand, when you want to fight against it, Wu Zuo is stopped, and it also said that the other's identity.

"She is, Fan Feng!"

When I heard this name, nine people instantly understand.

When the sword was unparalleled, I also frowned.

"Fan Feng, the first of the 18th God!"

This name, they all heard, just did not expect that this time the true spirit will arrange such a person to follow them before.

Wu Zuo has no opening, just nodded.

In addition to the title of the 18th God, the other party has an identity, which is the bisteman of the decision of the emperor.

However, this, only Wu Zuo and swords are unparalleled.

Fan Feng did not look at Wu Zhi, but he looked at the sword unparalleled, then the cold channel: "Her sword, do you pull it out?"

Look, this sister of the Democratic Emperor, with the decision of the big emperor.

There is a hostility in the eyes of the sword.

The sword is not because this is a little less pleasing to the other side. The heart is also dark, why do you make such a click to give them.

One of the people is not the appearance of my enemy, I don't know if the other party is a disagreement!

The name does not ring, the shelf is quite big.

The eighteen other hundreds of people on God's head of Fan Feng, did not much interest, I have found a place to sit down cross-legged, ready to enhance the Godhead.

Wu Zuo is a voice: "Warrior brother, don't we join hands, first give this mother!"

"What's joking, she is the people who have arranged in the true spirit, let alone because some small things will be killed, I am not a born mad!" The sword didn't have a good sound.

But for this Fan Feng, he doesn't like this.

Just faintly answering a sentence, it is not working for each other.

I hope that the other party should not engage in things, or the legs will be interrupted.

What is the first of the 18th God?

His current strength can be comparable to the unneaked emperor.

The declined emperor of the year can be the Lord of the universe, he can do it.

This Fan Feng's strength can always mean.

And this person must report, the eyes are very small.

Listening to Wu Zhi, these two people are also dead.

Of course, it is also possible that Wu Zuo is hit by the other party.

The 18th God will be the first, which is at the original Moro flight, at least the top three of the emperor.

Wu Zuoo is an opponent.

If he stands on one side, I am afraid that Wu Zhuo will see the other party, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

So what is going to practice now, and Wu Zuo is tightly smashed.

In this regard, he didn't care.

This time, go to the time and space, he still needs help of these people.

Naturally act as a person with head.

Just, some people may not take him.

For example, Zhen Wuyang followed the Buddha's two old guys.

Don't look at it is an universe, but the two people are not good.

Also, Hu Qing and Wu Zuo Zuo have fully trust.

Dongsheng is also good.

Have a much feelings.

It will also support him at the time.

In this way, five people are standing here.

Several people, can't kill any waves.


Just sitting in the knees, the sword was unparalleled, and his power was wrapped in an instant, and he was sent to the body.

This is really extraordinary.

The distance between the ten, there will be a group of power to rush to absorb it.

Just he felt that this speed was slow.

The rest absorbs a while, and it can also feel obvious, this speed is far less.

Look at Fan Feng, just five in the spirit.

"Wu Zhi Xiong, what do you think?" The sword asked without a double test.

Wu Zuo's body, is 70,000 times, this distance is probably too slow.

"It's a bit slow!" Wu Zuo replied directly.

Here, the nine people got up at the same time, and they walked forward.

It seems that Zhu Qi did not know much about his strength, and he would say that he would have anti-anti-diagnosis.

Starting them all believe.

In this ten people, Fan Feng's body is most powerful.

At least 800,000 times.

Second, it is Wu Zhi.

As for others, including Huiqing and swords are almost different, around 60 times.

It is the six-fold in the sword, and these people are all in the bottom.

Dongsheng has six thousand.

Thinking of the original ancient temple, when the opening said that it was 180,000, the uncomfortable breath, the sword did not end more and walk more.

Keep it directly in five distances.

Hui Qing also followed.

In this distance, it requires a strong force that is particularly fast.

Although Wu Zhi's body is powerful, the speed of transformation is slightly slow, only to go to six stools.

Not barely.

It is back to the backbone, some are not to serve, and they have also went to the distance of the five.

Continuous Shenshan invaded, let his face become purple, but it is still a while, or to bear it.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled is a smile, there is no rating, but started his own immersion cultivation.

One day, the sword is unparalleled to increase the difference between almost one hundred times.

Sure enough, it is very helpful.

If in the outside world, not only the speed will be slow, but the treasures needed.

The power here is more pure, and it is absorbed, and there is no impurities absorbing the speed.

In the past ten years, now they can reach the distance of five people.

And the accomplished god will fan Feng, then go to the three distances.

The opponent's body strength makes them tongue.

Already almost 900,000 times, the speed of enhancement is not a star half of them.

In the nine people, the fastest improved is Tong Tian Buddha, and only five thousand times ten years, and the body is more than 7 million.

As for the sword and unparalleled, although the transformation of the absorption is fast, he has the power of his vision, there is too much power, just three thousand times.

However, this is just beginning, so the speed is slow, the more late, the faster his speed, until it exceeds everyone.

This is the benefits of the volatile body.

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