Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5655 5650? Peebele the cave


But now not to give the sword without double, he must have a little more.

So just walk forward, close to spring.

The sword who opened the scorpion was unparalleled, staring at Springs for a while.

He found that there was no spring water in the spring, although there was a mist of mist, but he still saw it, it was a void's abyss.

It is time to keep it, and there will be a sense of dizziness.

The sword is unparalleled, I can only send it to Wu Zhi, ask the other party to know.

But I didn't expect, even Used is unclear.

This makes the sword unparalleled.

But now I can't go to the front, I can only continue to swallow.


At the time of three feet, the whole force of the power of swallowing the power, the sword is unparalleled, and the body of the sword has begun to double.

At the time of Daojun, he can reach 50,000 times.

After the emperor, with the help of the beast soldiers, they can break out to 100,000 times, and it is not the limit.

In the limit state, he can explode 120,000 di.

In other words, his flesh and the body can bear, so that his boundaries of his basic body can also increase the level.

Just want to upgrade to a treasure that level needed, too much.

The true spirit will also be distressed.

The macked power of a gentle genre, the treasure you need, can support several origins.

Moreover, he will immediately leave the people's temple, can only find treasures to improve the body in other time and space in the future, but at that time, it is not more than the temple.

So he wants to improve, how much can be improved, and it will increase, anyway, free.

"The power of the beast!" The sword didn't have a double heart, and a dark red atmosphere broke out.

Instantly, all people present are one of them.

The rest of him is ok, knowing that he has a beast.

Fan Feng is very surprised to see the sword, but she didn't expect the sword where there would be a candlelon.

But the next moment, her breath also turned suddenly.

A familiar atmosphere, rushing.

It is a Phoenix in one of the nine big beasts!

It is also a born beast.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and the other party has a beast.

In ancient times, the news of the beast God, he has.

In order to make a gradroad, he can looked at the ancient book.

However, the animal god soldier built by the phoenix is ​​not the beast for the increase in the body, but a beast for the body.

The reason why the other party's body is so strong, I am afraid it is also related to the beast.

Otherwise, the emperor, you want to reach 90,000 times, it is not that simple.

After the sword is unparalleled, the speed of swallowing is more faster.

Three hundred years, it has passed a third, and the sword is not arrived at 700 times.

At the same time, he also went to only a distance, becoming a recent one in everyone.

Although it is faster.

But the promotion of the body is not the fastest.

But the backbone, his body is a bit bone, from 1,500 times, 100 years, and rushing directly to 80,000 times.

People are very surprised.

The sword is unparalleled with Fan Feng with the beast god soldier, and it is possible to improve, and it is, and there is no, and it is actually the first.

The sword is unparalleled to smash the opponent's body, and understand.

Of course, just think about it.

"I finally see it!" The sword is unparalleled, and there is a reason, that is because he is very curious in this hole, there is a treasure, actually can explode so much power.

So he mainly, in order to adapt to the power of absorption, continue to move forward, no concentration of absorption.

After near the cave, he looked at the bottom.

Just look at it, the sword is unparalleled, feels a violent force, and the moment is invaded by his eyes.

Pain, instantly let him lose rationality, directly retreat to Baizhang in the rear.

This scene frightened everyone.

Wu Zuo and Huqing, even busy putting down the cultivation, rushing over.

"There is no buddy, what is going on!" Hui Qing up, asked: "Is there a creature in this?"

The sword is unparalleled, the head is deep, the eyes are stinging, and they can't blink, and they can only shake their heads. If you can't say it.

Wu Zuo took the arm on the sword unparalleled shoulders, said: "It should be anti-alive, there is nothing!"

"Haha !!!" Fan Feng is a clear smile, disdain: "It's a stupid, just like my silly sister, I don't know if there is any ban on the ban?"

I heard the mobilization of the other party, and the color of the black is cold, but I don't dare to pay back.

Huang is not afraid, standing straight and go straight, anger: "You don't remind it, how can you ridicule!"

"Hey, a group of idiots, I really don't know, cultivate these indigenous people, what is the use!" Fan Feng sclerberlined a few words, returned to the scorpion.

The sword is unparalleled, but he doesn't think this is stupid.

When you don't understand, you have to check it.

This is the road!

If it is a small, fear!

How can we become a strong?

So there is no need to pay attention to each other.

After watching the sword, there is no mistake, Hu Qing and Wu Z have also went to our position to continue cultivation.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the injury to the anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-.

He has the power of life, even if it is strong, it is only a fragrant time to recover.

After recovery, he suddenly found that the doubles have changed.

I hope to wear, with the power.

His eyes actually contains more than 100,000 times the power of the body.

"How is this possible?" The sword is unparalleled, you can't believe it.

He just looked at the cave and then was backed.

However, after repair, it is a population that brings him more than 100,000 times.

Although it is only 100,000 times of the body of the eyes, it is constantly sharing.

He only enhanced a thousand times a day.

"I understand!" The sword leaked the color on his face, step by step, directly close to the cave.

This scene made Fan Feng a little surprised, not because the sword was unparalleled and reached near the cave, but she found that the sword is unparalleled.

Just a day, the force of anti-anti-anti-anti-alveolar is too fast.

Even if you have a repair, you will take a minimum of a hundred years.

Originally, she thought that the sword had been wasting this opportunity. I didn't expect to recover, and I reached the edge of the spring.

Wu Zhi and others are smiling, there is no accident.

However, when the sword is unparalleled again, the head is shocked by the head in the cave.

As a result, I would like to know that the sword has been shocked once again, but this sword is unparalleled to see a blurred thing.

Unlike, I didn't see anything like it last time.

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