Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5664 5659 ??

"Mother, I have been hunt!" Wu's enemy is indifferent, just whisper answers.

Chen Qingxuan is very excited, then said: "It is good, you only take this, there is me outside!"

"Outer"? Wu Enemy has some unexpected, mother's outside world, what is going on?

He did not have a good sense of Wu Shuang, and he never used the other party as an opponent.

Naturally unclear.

Can Chen Qingxuan.

Even Wu Double didn't know, he still had a.

An immortal.

Moreover, it has reached Wujia.

"It is Chi Chi Feng!" Chen Qingxuan slowly got up and back against the enemy.

Wu enemies have been moved, surprised: "Is the Mingxi Tianjiao, Xiao Ming Wang Chi Mingfeng?"

Vietnami, there are two major super zone.

One is the orthodox seventeen of the ancient wood continent, and the other is MYG.

Seven Star Zongmen, Qing Yunzong, is related to the heavens and Earth, and the passage is related to the openness of the ancient times, and has been inherited.

It is the first door in V.

The lunar rivals are respectful to the Qing Yunzong.

And Ming Education is different.

It is the show, although it is better to have a long history of Qing Yunzong, but the overall strength is not weak.

Xiao Ming Wang Chi Yingfeng is now one of several Tianjiao.

This is a big person.

Even if Wu Jia, I have to treat it seriously.

Although the Wu Enemy is young, he also has a heart to wait for the Tianjiao, and there is also confidence in the heart.

Unexpectedly, this kind of character, actually the waste brother, Wu Shuang.

"Don't be careful, I have let you return, and Yan Chi Chi is only a immortal fairy. You are the emperor!" Chen Qingxuan is very confident.

Even how the Ming teacher is arrogant.

Here, Wujia.

The Super Family under the Vietnaster World, the seven-star Zongmen Qingyunmen.

On the background, the strength is much higher than Xiao Ming Wang.

Chen Qingxuan read his son, hurriedly left.

Wu Jiake Temple.

Contemporary Wujia three-bedroom eldest son, is a Wu Enemy, the same, Wu Shuang's Ber, Wu Qiong is confronted with a pleasant young man.

"Wu Qiong, I am just a big child, why not stop me, since you don't pay attention to him, let me take the lead, why not!" .

For this exterior, he owes a lot.

When the sister fell, he was closed, and now the sister is falling, and the exterior of the unpredictable, has become a Wujia laughter.

He naturally wants to pick up.

This is his last loved one.

Even a waste, he is also asylum.

I didn't expect that Wu Jia actually made him take away with the family's children.

This made him unreasonable.

With Wu Jia's sex, one is out, and it is also a waste of cultivation.

The bar is not allowed to let Wuhuang go with his own.

This is also able to draw a future Tianjiao.

Wu Qiong has been laughing, which is not guilty of this Xiao Ming Wang.

"Ming Feng brother, I don't worry about my mother, there is no double in Wujia, why is you? It's better to let him stay in life, it is also a beautiful thing!"

The heart of Chi Chi Feng has doubts, paused, "Oh, leisurely life?"

If so, he is also assured.

A few days ago, I suddenly had a heartacultane, which is a causal.

He felt that this except, plus his sister's fall, he hurriedly came.

Before Wu's family, he heard the experience of the outside, and he had been determined to take away Wu Double.

"Is this not very good?" One voice interrupted the confrontation of the two.

It is Chen Qingxuan that enters the main hall.

Yu Chicheng did not turn his head, but it was an explosion of a sense of compression.

Wu Jun saw this, also voted.

Chen Qingxuan is not humble, went to Wu Qiong, a little bit of a gift, then looked at Yan Tengming, slowly said: "Although the unparalleled body is born, I can be my son on my name, I am worried about the Mingshi brothers. ! "

Wu Double, after all, is surnamed Wu.

This is also retreating in the persuasion.

It will give up the other party.

Wu Qiong also smiled nodded, and he did not work in a side.

The confrontation in the main hall is still continuing.

And the sword is unparalleled for three days, it is finally the seven seven eight eight for the injury to the body.

"Call!" The sword was unparalleled and spit out.

He is now only a mortal except for the soul.

This source has not been opened yet, he can't restore the peak at all.

"Need to find a helper!" The sword was unparalleled.

If it is this cultivation, he is afraid to live in the world.

But now find a situation, how can he have time to live in the world, slowly cultivate the talent of this body.

I am afraid I arrived at the immortal fairy, that is, when I start the origin of the source, I at least the year.

Even if he has the past experience, it takes hundreds of years.

And there is a lot of external objects.

He can't wait.

It comes to this time and space is to achieve a robbery.

In fact, hundreds of years or even thousands of years, it is not long.

It's just a present situation, let him not dare.

What if the stepmother will kill him!

Don't do things, or you have to slip.

If there is an emperor is willing to help him, only the power of the source is needed, and it can make him instantly pull out the power of life.

Have the power of life, he can quickly return to the peak.

It's just now, where is he going to find the emperor to help him?

Just when the sword is unparalleled, the bottom is feeling that a factor is suddenly coming.

Just where it is not far away.

And the other's strength is very powerful.

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled.

In Wujiazhi, people who have a blood of him have too much.

But give him the feeling, but it is very indifferent.

The breath that is just coming is very gentle.

It is a relative, and the attitude towards him is different from the people of Wu Jia.

This makes the sword unparalleled very surprises.

Now he lacks such a loved one!

As long as he restores its peak, the grievances of this body can also solve it quickly, then look for others.

I don't know where they have gone!

According to the memory of this body, it is all what he has seen.

This time and space is very powerful.

It is indeed the same as the Lord of Xuanyi, is stronger than the original Moro time.

It is a starry sky, one of the most dazzling nine time and space.

Its internal construction is also different from other time and space.

The main architecture is nine days ten.

As for the universe, it is like a star, floating above the long river.

Ancient wood mainland is one of ten places.

He entered ancient wood mainland.

Where did Huqing have Wu Z. Where are they?

At this point, others also have this idea.

It is just that other people's encounters are better than the sword.

But I'm not going to go, I have worked hard to restore the peak.

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