Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5665 5660 ??? Guidelines

It is the encounter of Huqing, which is different from them.

But I don't know if it is good or bad, everything is not clear.

Qiankun has not been determined.

Ten people in the districts have different situations.

But their goals are the same.

Do a big stronger, create brilliant!

The sword is not going to think, but he got up and left the room.

As for the bodies, it was not destroyed by him.

Going out of the room, pushing the door of the small courtyard, but the outside is standing two people wearing a stuff.

The strength is all the first time.

When you see the sword, the eye hole is a condenser.

Two people are Chen Qingxuan arranged here.

I was not ready to stare at the sword, but the defending the wind suddenly came to the door.

She is also afraid that the sword is unparalleled, and she will be prepared for a while.

At the same time, people have sent treasures, ready to fix the injury on the sword without double.

Even if you don't agree, you will take the sword unparalleled, if the other party wants to see the sword, she is not difficult to block.

At that time, I found that there was a hurt in the sword, it would be bad.

However, I didn't let Chen Qingxuan thought that the treasure she gaven, has been swallowed by these two Vientiane monks.

They all believe that Wu Shuang is just a waste, even if it gives treasures, it is not easy to use.

It is better to have two people.

In the past, they did this.

"Wu Shuanghong, you are not good here, where is it going?" A triangle Vientiane monk stopped the sword unparalleled road.

Although they don't know, this unparalleled young master, why do you want to be hurt here, since Chen Qingxuan is here, it will not let Wu Shuang leave this place half.

The sword didn't look at these two people, cold channel: "Is this uncle to do, do you need to ask you?"

Two Wujia's servants dared to take him so.

It seems that this body is very bad!

Although there is Chen Qingxuan's false care, I am afraid that no one is looking at him.

Seeing the original personality is weak, can't repair the power of the power, suddenly hard, it is a glimpse.

I didn't react for a time.

It can be seen that the sword is unparalleled to go out, and the two stopped the sword unparalleled.

"Hey, young master is going to go, I naturally don't dare to ask, but some people say it, I want me to see the young master here, please forgive me!" The three-eyed man, the laughter is not laughing in the sword In front of the unparalleled, the wide chest is leaked.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a clear.

I really didn't expect that one day, he will be threatened by two mortals.

"You are looking for death!" The sword leaking murderously in the light of the light, lifting the leg is a foot, directly into the chest of the triangle eye man.

This power is very powerful, plus the other party is not seriously treated, thinking that Wu Shuang, who is in front of him, is still a young master, and it is not placed in his eyes.

What he didn't expect is that it is just a foot, just take him out.

And the flesh is seriously injured.

The spiritual practice system is mainly.

The flesh is the first.

Vanying is mainly harmonic.

God is like this source.

Just like these two Vientiane monks in front of them.

Although it is mortal, it has a 10 times the body of the body.

But in front of the sword, it is still not enough.

Although the body is very weak, there is an experience of the past life, plus his soul is powerful, and now there is also a power of the peak.

Although the flesh is weak, it can be very strong.

Just that foot, I didn't kill the other party, he was still unexpected.

This time and space practice system is very interesting.

"You!" Another Vientiane monk, staring at the sword.

I didn't expect the sword where the sword will suddenly start.

This makes the two people.

The three-pointed eye young people who were flying away were even more angry, and they standed directly.

Rushing in the sword, there is no avarate: "The milk is undustful, you don't want to lift, or you will make you regret today!"

Be hooked by a waste, even if the other party is Wu Jiazi, they are just slaves, and they can also be unwilling and angry.

"Regret?" The sword was unparalleled.

There are a lot of things that make him regret.

But every one, is not these melters.

Next moment, his figure flashed, instantly arrived in front of each other, and a hand cut directly down the entire head.

Hot blood, instantly spray.

The triangular eye man saw the companion instantly was killed, it was shocked.

He didn't think of the cowardous young master, a waste.

I actually killed a Vientiane monk.

"You! You dare to kill!" Triangle eye men continue to retreat, pointing to the sword without breeze, saying incomplete.

It is private but it is already a voice, calling helpers.

Chen Qingxuan, the dead order, may not let the sword have no double step half.

At the same time, a team patrol monk has been close to this.

Just Chen Qingxuan in the Temple, the scorpion flashes, and there is a disturbing in the heart.

This is uneasy, it seems that he is not the best in front of him.

But Wu Double.

That's thoroughly became a waste.

The previous care, but it is for the sternum.

Today's Wu Shuang has been completely reduced to waste.

The reason why it blocked is to take away because it is afraid of the victory.

Just a few months, she will erase everything.

So, the sword is really her son Wu enemy, and Wu Shuang has become a waste.

You don't have to go back.

Nowadays, there is a killing style, but her heart has a killing.

Although the sword is stolen, it can be wiped out.

If it is found, it is not good.

She is not worried that someone is Wu Shuang, but is worried about her son.

Wu Enemy is everything about her.

It is her most proud son.

It is not because of a waste, the reputation of her son is insulted.

"Drassing him, I have arranged a person!" Chen Qingxuan's surface is light, private but has already arranged people to stop Wu Double.

At the same time, she is also very surprised, why the sword is unparalleled so quickly, and it is also able to kill a Vientiane monk.

Although her strength of the two Vientiane monks sent a past, she was very weak.

Can Wu did not have a congenital.

Even if she gives the treasure, she can make him break through the Kaoji, and it is impossible to be so powerful!

She naturally can't think of it, Wu Shuang died before three days.

Now Wu Double, it is no longer Wu Double.

Although I took Wu Shuang's sword, but also gave Wu Shuang's name, added a sword.

Say the sword is unparalleled.

I killed a crowd in hand, which is normal to him.

It is the triangular eye man, and he is very upset.

He is now able to clearly feel the cause of the friendly profession, just among the His Hall of Wujia Central.

No time, entangle with these little .

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