Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5666 5661???? Is a powerful soul

Connectively to solve another Vientiane monk, he is too lazy, but it is straight.

At this time, there was a white run youth, with a dozen people flying from the air.

Sword is unparalleled.

According to the description in memory.

In front of this white robe, the relationship with him is not general.

Like him, it is Wu family.

Just this White Robe, is a three-bedroom child.

It is Wu Qiong's second "Wu Liang!"

According to the age, the sword is unparalleled to call the other party.

But this brother, but there is nothing to do.

I was gave him humiliation.

Seeing the Sword of your face, Wu Liang Yang, you will not take the eye to see this cousin.

A waste.

No matter where there is no respect.

Even if it is a blood.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, I feel that the other party has no problem.

Treat waste, usually ignore.

It can be dilemma.

Then this person, what is the difference between with waste.

The key original Wu Double is not a waste, but the future of the ultimate sword.

"Private killing, this is a heavy crime, give me a moment!" Wu Liang's indifferent command.

In his eyes, this brother is not as good as a family slave.

Of course, there is also an indication of his father.

Although I don't know why I want to seize Wu Double, he is too lazy to ask.

Dozens of Vientiane monks, as well as the leading or a monk.

Sword is unparalleled now, it is not an opponent.

What's more, the Wu Liang can be born for a long time, as well as the Maharae.

This situation is defeated.

There is no one of the swords of the card, there is only the power of the soul.

At these people, a powerful mental force suddenly rising.

Directly feligned in the original place.

Wu Liang was surprised, staring at the sword and unparalleled: "How can you, how can you have such a strength!"

"Strength?" The sword is unparalleled, it is like watching an antite.

Although Wu Jia has a good strength in Vietnam, it is a top ten families.

It is too weak in his eyes.

When he is a Taojun, he can one person can one by one.

The extension of the power of the soul, causing the attention of the internal power of Wujia.

In a quiet place, an old man suddenly opened his scorpion, and it was shocked in his eyes!

"The power of a strong soul!"

At the same time, the family is heavy, and some of the closed family, they have also passed.

The power of a mysterious soul suddenly appeared in the family.

This is a big event.

Wu Qiong, who was originally in the Temple, also felt that the face suddenly changed.

This is more important than Chen Qingxuan.

"Yu Chi Yingfeng, Wu Shuang's things, I have to go back!" Wu Qiong is changed, leaving only a legacy.

The present is rushing towards the sword.

Chen Qingxuan is only immortal, and he does not feel the power of the soul.

Naturally, I don't know anything.

Instead, I smiled and stared at the front of the eye, but I had something else.

Although he is also immortal, he is that his strength has arrived in the limit, but it is Mingjiao Tianjiao. The strength is not weak, and naturally feels the power of the soul.

Although the power of the soul is very unfamiliar, but there is a causal connection.

Related to his sister.

Is it the unpiguble outer?

This makes him very unexpected.

"I see, there is no need to wait!" Yu Chi Mingfeng directly shot.

He has seen Wu Qiong only left a fidelity.

Can't stop him at all.

Wu Qiong has a big change, anger: "Bold!"

Can be tender, but it is a clear smile. "Why not dare!"

He is Mingjiao Tianjiao.

Although Wu Jia is on the seven-star Zongmen Qing Yunzong, it is nothing but a dog.

It is what the people of Qing Yunzong are.

He is not afraid!

And he is not a fool, these people are for their own outsiders, so hard him.

I am afraid that there is something that I don't want him to know.

He naturally won't go straight.


The sword is unparalleled, and even he doesn't know, it will cause such a big vibration.

For a time, I felt that there was a strong breath.

"Bad!" The sword is unparalleled.

He suddenly thought that this is a time and space dominated by Shen.

The power of the soul is different from this.

Although his soul has only the emperor level, but he has long been supernown by the native of the source, his soul is beyond the emperor, and it is strong than the robbery.

Already reached the hierarchy of the master of the universe.

This caused the attention of countless people.

There is no other way now.

I can only look forward to the power related to him, hurry over, he only needs to recover the peak in the body of a part of the other.

Although the strong in this time and space is the power of the power, it is also the source.

It is also possible to let him restore the peak.

There is no strength, there is no bottom to do anything.

Soon, there is a number of emperors.

"Wu Liang, what happened this happened!" The first thing to open is the old age.

The old man staring at the sword, he can feel the mysterious soul, from the young people.

Seeing so many people came, Wu Liang was scared, but it quickly responded soon, and quickly said that the sword was unparalleled.

The white eyebrows leaked the strange look.

He doesn't know that Xiaofen is a unparalleled thing.

A side of the family in the family.

Although it is also the disciple of their three rooms, it can be Wujiajiu, each room has tens of thousands of children, where can I know.

What's more or a young child who is born only for decades.

For the power of immortal immortals, a closed door is a thousand years and even millions of years.

Not clear is normal.

These people are relieved after aware of their own people.

It is good at home.

If it is a strong, it is necessary to treat it carefully.

After the white eye, the old man was launched, smiled and looked at the sword. He said: "You, but the body of the reincarnation?"

Birth is only for decades, there is such a powerful soul.

It can only make him think of it is a reincarnation.

However, guess is good, the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is not concealed, because there is no meaning, nod.

So much the better.

Everything is clear, if the other party works, he can restore the peak faster.

Just he worried that these people think about him to deal with him.

"I don't know if you are in front of the world ......." The old white eyebrows are careful.

The sword is unparalleled to answer: "I am not ancient wood mainland!"

This is not lie to the other side, and he is indeed a strong in ancient wood, and even this time is not.

"Oh, this way!" There is a singular color in the eyes of the old man.

At the same time, it also sent to the real power in the family.

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