Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5667 5662 ?? Reincarnation

A strongman after the study.

It's coming to them.

I don't know if it is bad.

If you don't have to say more, there is a blood of the Wujia, is also equivalent to a deep causality.

Restoration of the peak in the future, will not forget Wujia.

It is a good thing.


I don't know if it is a person before going to the world. In case it is the magic, what should I do if Wu Jia?

And there is no bottom, I don't know the strength.

This thing is not his three-bedroom, you can decide.

Need to ask the real power in the family.

Wu Qiong, who was rushing, heard this incident, the face changed.

He is aware of the things of Chen Qingxuan.

I am afraid I can't hit it.

And Yu Chicheng wind, his body can't stop it in this side.

"Wu Qiong, this matter is really?" When the old eyes, he heard Wu Qiong's emotion, his brow is slight.

The things of swords and bones have been blocked.

The white eyebrows are amazed, and they will follow.

I can hear the transplantation to the Wu enemy, I also release it.

At least, it is not cheap to give out your own body.

It can be such that it is guilty of the people who have been reincarnating!

However, compared with the sword, it is not a loss.

Just give a little more unexpected.

Why is it transplanted to the enemy, not Wu Qiong 's eldest or secondary Wu Liang.

This is probably also hidden.

However, this is not important, what should I treat Wu Dual?

There is such a big thing.

Wu Yong in the mountains in the mountains, that is, Wu Shuang's father has already been brought over.

"I am actually a reincarnation!" Wu Yong first was amazed, and then he went wrong.

Although his strength is general, it is also known for the reincarnation.

It is a great energy that can be reincarnated, and it is impact still to be strong.

In this way, he also had a mountain.

And it is your own biological son, the emperor.

Another son Wu Enemy, although it is very qualified, it can last after all grow.

Wu Shuang, who has reached the world, can be different from the peak.

It is a big mountain.

The eldest son is the body of the reincarnation, the emperor is very energy.

The second child has a sword, but also the sword bones that he don't know, there is a capital of the emperor.

He Wu Yong's last life He Dynasty, there will be such two proud sons in this life.

Wu Qiong looked at this unrestrained brother, and it was very embarrassed.

It is a laughter.

The body of the revision, even the son of Wu Yong, I am afraid because of the previous things, I will not give him too much good face.

As for the second mother, it is more intriguing.

And because of the things of the sword, I am afraid that I have already hated it in my heart, I don't want to revenge.

The old white eyebrow is also clear.

There must be a decision now.

Wu Double is a powerful, and does not talk about the future. In the near future, it will grow into a super power that is unbeaten by his strength.

Even a strong force.

And Wu Enemy, with absolute qualifications, the future will become an emperor, and even the whole.

These two are the hope of the family.

Can you give up or give up?

If you want to give up, it is also given up Wu Double.

After all, it is a reincarnation.

Wu Enemy, but the real Wu family.


The real clan strong, soon rushed to this place.

A quaint black robes, love is cold, and the breath is absolutely oppressed.

In Wu Jia, if the emperor is considered a high level.

It is a leader in a room.

In the clan, the robbery is the spine of the family.

It is also the capital they stand in Vietnam.

And this black robes are a robbery.

It is a strong robbery and has not been able to pass the third robbery.

Even so, this person's strength is second only to the ancient temple that the sword is unparalled.

God is absolutely more than 100,000.

It is a super powerful of the goods.

His arrival, instantly supplemented the power of the sword and the powerful soul.

The sword is unfolded, and the oppression of the opponent is very strong.

I am afraid that he is not good for him.

"I don't know the list of the exquisite?" The old man asked.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

At this time, Yu Chicheng also rushed over.

I found that so many strong people in this place gathered, and I feel somewhat inconsistent.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it is a happy heart.

That is the strongman who has a causal with him, it seems to be in front of him.

When you are directly tongued directly, your surface is identified.

And said it has been encountered.

His body is not mistaken, but it is the other party!

It's just that the presence is awakened.

The other party is still thinking about this friend.

After listening to the sword, the heart is also amazed.

I didn't expect my own outer, actually a reincarnation.

There are also some lost.

The only loved one is actually a strong force.

Although there is a matter of blood, there are some differences.

However, since he needs his help, he will not take it.

At the moment, Wu's family will not let the sword have fallen, and even the killer.

"None of the person, you can take it!" The black robes are speaking.

The next thing will come out of the family.

Naturally don't want those little guys know.

Only Wu Qiong, who knows this thing, and Wu Yong stayed with the white eyebrow.

The old people in the black robe also looked at the Sikiming wind and said: "The people of Mingjiao, this thing has nothing to do with you, you can leave!"

There is no room for any discretion, and the space is directly torn, and I want to transfer the wind.

The sword is unparalleled, but it stands out and stops the other party.

"Seniors, according to the generations of this world, I should call you a lot of ancestors, what's the matter, but I don't say this, why should I move this year!" The sword is unparalleled to look forward to the old people.

He is indeed flowing with the blood of Wujia.

Although it is only three days of reincarnation.

But there is Wu Shuang's body.

It's just a different soul.

Old people in the black robes see this, the eyes are rotated.

Wei Chi Mingfeng, but it is condensed a group of power, and went to the sword without double, patted the sword unparalleled shoulders, and introduced the power of the power into the sword.

"Wu Double is said, if Wu Jia feels can't stand, I will take him!" Yu Chicheng said firmly.

He has already sent it to the strong people nearby.

At the moment, I am afraid not that simple.

The other party is the robbery.

He is not immortal.

Even if it is Tianjiao, you can hurt the emperor, and it is not enough to see.

The old man is obeying, and the killing of the heart is stunned: "In this case, you will go to the Temple!"

He is a strong robbery, an immortal fairy, even if it is left.

It's great to kill together.

How is the Tianjiao of Mingjiao, only one is immortal.


Wujia core.

The old man, Wu Changqing, is the old man of Wu's family.

It is called Wujia's 2nd figure.

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