Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5668 5663 Chapter ?? Wu Jia Laozu

The strength is the top three.

The first thing is natural is the old ancestors of Wujia.

Wu Jia, aunt who was closed in Jiejun Changda.

Just this little thing, the old ancestor will not appear.

Only the family has a new robbery, the old ancestors will appear once.

As for the family of family, it is not in Wujia.

So this time, Wu Changqing will come out.

The sword is unparalleled but is curious.

This Wu family has several robbery.

It was originally thought that this Wu family had a maximum of one.

I didn't expect that there will be a robbery, and it looks like more than one.

The top ten families of the country, I am afraid I have a robbery.

According to the most profound number of memories.

Seven Star Qing Yunzong, and Vietnami.

This time is much stronger than what he imagined.

In the Temple of the Temple, Chen Qingxuan and Wu Enemay have been brought.

At this time it is in the temple.

The sword is unparalleled is like a guest, sitting at the left hand side of Wu Changqing, a long, old.

And the white eyebrows of the three rooms were sitting on the right.

As for Wu Qiong and Wu Yong, there is no qualification, just standing.

Wu Yong didn't understand the situation. At this time, I made the bottom of my heart, even if he was more incompetent, it also saw today's things, not simple.

"Chen Qingxuan, you can know!" The old white eyebrows fell.

Chen Qingxuan, who is squatting on the ground, is not caught up today, and the sure is all said.

"Elder, everything is all, it is nothing to do with me!" Chen Qingxuan buried his head between knees.

Wu enemy turned his head to the mother, the eyes were complicated.

Chen Qingxuan did not know that Wu Shuang was the body of the reincarnation, but now I saw the sword next to the elders of the clan, and I've been not simple.

Today, she is probably a robbery.

At this time, Wu Changqing slowly entered the tea cup, got a brown tea, and said: "In this case, Wu Qiong will bring her down and escort the law enforcement!"

Wu Jia is such a large family, no quarantine, the family rules are naturally complete.

What should I do if I do?

It is also fair.

Hearing to be sent to the law enforcement hall, Chen Qingxuan is scared.

She is really finished.

Can be for your own son.

She has no choice.

Wu Yong heard, I was angry on the side: "Your poison woman, actually harm me!"

Digging the bones on Wu Double, transplanted to Wu Enemy.

This thing is too embarrassed.

Chen Qingxuan finally looked at his own son, staring at Wu Enemy, she shook his head.

When I got up, I contained a few old and old, but I was unparalleled to the sword, but my eyes were still disdainful and proud.

The sword is unparalleled with the handle of the chair, but there is a pole in the body.

This pool is continuously expanding.

That is a star empty.

His source, and released.

There is a lot of treasures, as well as a full flesh body.

Now he can restore the peak at any time.

The heart of the heart is also up.

"and many more!"

It's called Chen Qingxuan who is going to go.

Seeing that the sword is unparalleled, Wu Changqing brow is slightly smashed, looks to the sword is unparalleled, saying: "The sword is unparalleled, this thing is Wu family!"

"She is surnamed Chen!" The sword did not stand up and stood up and replied.

Next moment, his flesh is in the face of everyone, starting to change.

A white hair, the shape and narrow figure appeared in front of everyone.

At that moment, the moment of Wu Jiajian, the old ancestors, also opened their scorpions.

The sword of the declined cloud sword is unparalleled, completely recovering.

"Since I come to the world, I have to fulfill Wu Shuangyi to understand his causality!" The sword is unparalleled, but it is very firm.

Even afraid next to sitting a robbery.

Wu Changqing and the white eyebrows were shocked!

It is aware of them.

I have never heard of it, and I can go with my flesh.

And the restoration is too fast!

Now the sword is unparalleled, even Wu Changqing can't see it.

"Robbery!" Wu Changqing stood up.

He didn't expect that the sword is unparalleled to be a robbery.

With his eyes, you can't see the sword. Naturally I feel that the sword is unparalleled is a robbery.

When I heard the word of the robbery, the old white eyebrow and Wu Qiong were also stunned.

The two are the horror of emperors and nature.

Nowadays, Wujia is up and down, but the five robbery.

Two one robbery, two two-bit hijacitive.

A three-knitted old ancestors.

As the Tianjiao of Mingjiao, he is very surprised to know the power of the hobby.

"What?" Chen Qingxuan did not understand.

She is only a crowd, naturally unclear the power of the robbery.

The sword is unparalleled without hesitation, and a shitude of a shore of rays, killing Chen Qingxuan.

Understand the causality of Wu Shuang.

At the same time, I explored one hand directly to catch the enemy.

Wu Changqing wanted to shut down, but found that he was in the space realm, but he did not have a double.

The strong people of this time and space are dominated by power.

Even if it becomes a robbery, it is not good at space in space, and it is natural that the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't have too much, Chen Qingxuan is doing things, there is no relationship with this!" Wu Changqing exported.

After all, Wu Enemy is now in the sword.

Look, the sword is unparalleled to them.

Directly shot, there is no .

Wu's enemy is still very important to Wu Jiayi.

Have a sword, have been destined to go to God, it is not difficult.

In addition, today's swords and bones, the future achievements are more extraordinary.

The ultimate emperor, and even the mourning.

That is the ultimate powerful hobby!

Even if it is the ancestor, it will also be very valued.

Can't be killed by swords.

The sword is unparalled with Wu Enemy's neck. He turned to Wu Changqing, cold voice: "It doesn't have it, but the arbitrary bones, you must take it back, this is not him!"

After that, I took out the stolen sword bones directly from the Wu enemy.

After taking it out, the sword has not been paid to Yaiming Feng.

"I will embleaking a tomb, he is dead!"

There is a thought of a look.

Also freeliness.

So talent, come to Wujia, is also unlucky.

Yan Chi Yingfeng's eyes were red, took through the sword, the endless anger, and looked at the Wu Enemy that was raised in the sword and the dead Chen Qingxuan.


The sword is unparalleled to throw the Wu enemy to the side, and did not kill each other.

He can feel that the other party does not really hostile him.

But now I don't say it.

He killed Chen Qingxuan. I am afraid that Wu Enemy is now hate directly to him.

It is a pity that there is no strength.

I saw that Wu Yong was scared.

The wife turned in an instant in front of him, and his son was also unparalleled by the sword.

Some of time is unacceptable for a while.

Wu Qiong, but in the first time, he helped the ground on the ground. He had a heartache in his eyes. It was not because Chen Qingxuan, but the Wu Enemy of the eyes.

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