Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5679 5674 ?? Pound

The strength of swords is unparalleled, not only is not ashamed, but maybe it is strong than him.

He also felt more and more, and it was a wise move.

At the same time, it is also very curious, the sword is unparalleled, but only the emperor.

The identity is not simple.

It is not the children of terrorists, that is, an eight-star pass gate inheritance Tianjiao.

And is still the most powerful Tianjiao, no one.

The emperor, there is a lot of the enemy's three knobs, but can defeat the three hobbies, the emperor who kills the three robbery can be less.

In today's era, I am afraid not a few.

Even if the big god, I am afraid that there is no sword.

He thought, if the sword is unparalleled, I am afraid that the ancient mouse will grab.

Just this, you will definitely trace the bottom of the sword.

Wu Li's heart also has guessing, it should be the sword unparalleled, not willing to expose the original identity, or because the identity of the past is relatively sensitive.

His news is very simple, the emperor of nine days, this time he did not collect the news, no one was related to the sword.

I have never heard of the emperor's martial arts in the last 10,000 years.

Although some doubts, the two can now be the relationship between cooperation, and naturally will not ask too much.

After chatting, Wu Li took the sword without a double, and went to Wood Wangfu.

I have just arrived outside the wooden kings, I have come to a shout.

"Wu Li brother!"

I hope to go, a dragon's head of the iron tower, I came over.

When the sword is unparalleled to see each other, the eyes are slight, but the bottom is some shock.

It is not because of the strength of the other party, but a familiar oppression.

That kind of oppression, he felt in Brilli.

I didn't expect this place, and I can meet this breath.

Brole is a superiority of change, is it another change?

It is not too likely that this is the time and time of the power.

Moreover, the shares is related to the power of the other party.

Wu Li saw the other party, he also leaked a smile, and quickly pursued the front: "Pound your brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, the strength is long!"

"Haha, in recent days, I went to the stone country with the maiden of the people, and it was a lot of receipt!" Pound is very good, there is no concealment.

This makes the sword unparalleled burly man in front of him, producing a good feeling.

They have become a strong robbery, and the character can be, but it can be seen.

Or, in addition to Huqing, he has never seen it.

This is the second.

Pound also discovered the sword unparalleled gazing. He looked at his eyes. He said: "Wu Li Lao Ge, who is this kid!"

"Home outside!" Wu Li was struck, and he was not recommended by the sword. "" "" "" "", "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a big cheap.

But just start, his identity is just Wu Li's friends.

Today, I am afraid that the relationship between the two is not general.

In this way, it also appears that his identity is more solid.

After all, the identity of your friends is not exact.

The sword is unparalleled, how can I be a friend!

It can only be said to be a foreign.

"Foreign?" Pounds have heard a big interest in the sword, and admire: "A emperor, can not fall in the foreign domain, it is not easy, and you see that I am actually so light, I want to strength Also almost, how can I go to Qingyunzong's waiting for bird birds? "

After the sword is unparalleled, it is a bitter laugh, I don't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Wu Li is more sleek, and I am busy saying: "Hey, in the foreign domain being chased, hurt, no treasure recovery, can only go to me!"

"If so, wait for the injury to recover, it is better to go to Shi Guo, where it is the place where you have this emperor!" Pound nodded, but also to see the sword and unparalleled, will say this.

The sword is unparalleled can only smile, perfunctory.

Wu Li saw it, and he said: "Go in, go in, today, it is to give Wuman brother to the birthday!"

Today's time is coming, many people have entered the Wangfu.

Three people also went toward the Wangfu.

The wooden king is outside, extraordinary.

A lot of waste beasts that emitted the hobby and the fairy happened to be on both sides.

There is a lot of robbery.

It is a rare event in Vietnam.

Many three robbers come.

The three robbery is also the top power, and even there is a stronger.

It is the elder of Qing Yunzong.

Wooden is old, go straight to welcome.

Wu Li and others will naturally have fun.

After the four-knocked super power entered the house, the long of the wood Chen saw Wu Li and Pound, and the smile came.

"Wu Li brother, Pang De old brother!" Waphen Changru rushed, and two sentenced with two.

When I saw the sword, I also nodded.

"Then I will wait, first!"

"Okay, wait more to drink more than two cups!"

The relationship between the three is very good.

Wu Li is Wu Jia Lao Zu, Pang De is also a character of the Ten family Pang family, and it is the same generation when he is young.

After entering the palace, some people will lead them to the banquet hall.

This place is very grand, which is also a richest emperor than when it is.

After the three people entered, because the only one of the swords is just an emperor, it naturally can't sit together with the two.

It will also be opened separately.

Under the leadership of the sword, it has come to a relatively releared position.

Stop in a beautiful case.

After the case, there is a futon, and the top of the sword is unparalleled.

After the sword is not double, after the next person, I sat down.

It is an emperor, and the acquaintance is not going to talk, but it is not known that the ghosts don't know the ghosts of those robbery.

In this way, more points to the ancient wood mainland.

At the same time, I have also noticed some emperors who can sit in flatness with the robbery.

Each of all the Yunyun Emperor of Vietnam.

The war can be comparable to the robbery, and the power has arrived at 100,000 times.

The emperor who belongs to the success.

This kind of character, the one who lost his own temple, can make the true spirit as a treasure.

It can be just the Tianjiao in a national country in ancient wood mainland.

Don't say to look at the whole ancient wood mainland, even if you go to the strongest country, these people in Shi Country are not on the same.

Although he is not deeply understood by the ancient wood mainland, it is still a lot of things.

Nowadays, the eight-star ancient mood, some similarities between the Qingyunmen, the country.

It belongs to the low ceremony.

On existing strength, the ancient muto is not as good as the stone country.

Because of the stone country, there is a flame god, and it is extremely horrible.

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