Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5680 5675??

The old ancestors with the ancient mouse.

The contemporary stone country has also had a number of six-hearted universe, and there is a seven-robust universe.

At this point, the ancient mouse, it will not be able to compare.

This generation of ancient mouse saints, talented, and immediately robbed, the big probability will fail.

At that time, morale will decrease again.

It's really like this, it is also very beneficial to the sword.

His planning with Wu Li is Wanliu Shenmu.

The worse the ancient mouse, the greater the opportunity to two people.

Wanliu Shenmu is not unique to ancient muto, but most of them have been given to each other.

It is impossible to hungry.

Their two did not have the strength of the mainstream.

It can only be close to the ancient muto, and then find ways to open Wanliu Shenmu.

According to the news that the sword is unparalleled, there are many practitioners in the Wanliu Shenwood, but except for the disciples of the ancient mouse, it is very little.

It is best to enter the ancient mouse first, then open the Wanliu Shenmu.

This is to see today's performance.

Vietnami has a quota to participating in the Holy Association, wanting this place, not just relying on strength, but also relying on people.

Wu Li's person is very strong, but it is not enough.

Just when the sword didn't think about how to get the place, there was a high drink outside the door: "Feng Chen came to congratulate!"

Sure enough, the goddess of the world was coming.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been put away, but also the mental income, does not dare to have a trace of exposure.

The eyes are also staring at the threshold and wants to see the honor of the emperor.

The sound has just fallen.

The first to cross the threshold is the two dry old people, wear luxurious, breath, but can still feel that the two people are not simple.

Four hobbies.

However, it is a sneaked monk.

Even if this, this is also big enough.

After two people enter, stand on both sides.

Then it is a cold and exquisite face.

Double is like a knife, the thin lip is like a blade.

Wearing golden robe, the top of the five claws, lifelike, and when she entered the feast hall, I heard a dragon voice.

At this time, whether it is a robbery, or an emperor, it will get up.

Everyone is all of them.

The cold emperor, the face is not changed, and it is lightly hosted, and it is easy to enter the seat.


Until I heard this sentence, everyone dared to stand straight.

The sword is unparalleled to feel the extraordinary of the other, the Lord of the five knocked universe, that is not to talk about it.

Although it has also been close to the strong people who have been touched from six hiking, it is not the same.

When I helped Fygo, after all, I was very polite to him, but also deliberately converge.

But the emperor is different, her breath is directly covered.

Different from everyone.

For the robbery, it is shocking.

For the emperor, it is shocking.

After the people had acknowledge, the long lives of Wuthen were got up from the second place. After that, after I didn't use it, I was a small girl, which was the Vietnamese Emperor. After boasting, the banquet completely opened.

This banquet is also very boring, nothing more than a group of friends who gathered together, maybe there is any kind of opportunity, and will meet together.

However, there is a heavy head in the previous period.

That is the birthday.

From low to high, give Wumei before one by one.

It is also able to see all kinds of treasures.

At the beginning of the banquet, someone actively took the initiative.

"The late generation, the fourth protector of the Ming teacher, give the wooden predecessors, give the nine-shadded fan!" After the treasure is taken out, take the past.

Wooden smiles, the mouth is polite, but the hand is welcome.

One eye, let the servant beside the treasure.

Then nodded, and politely warmed the law.

That Ming Education is also very interesting, not a mistake, saying a few words returned to his position.

If you can give gifts, it is not the Tianjiao in the emperor. It is the robbery.

There is a premium ordered.

In fact, this is the order in accordance with the amount of treasures, of course, the more powerful treasures, and is naturally precious.

This is not, the sword is unparalleled has received the emotion of Wu Li.

He will give gifts together with Wu Li.

An emperor, giving gifts to a three-hearted draft.

This is a rare thing.

Even if the minority of some big families, there is no qualification.

Wu Li is also wanting to pay attention to the sword.

For Wu Li's arrangements, the sword is unparalleled without any objection.

He is a treasure that is considering, how is the value?

I just had a pasil of the Qing Yunzong, and the treasure sent, the value can reach 200,000 cosmine.

The heart is secretly amazed, the strong people of this ancient times, it is true.

In the Temple of Temple, you want to get tens of thousands of cosminers.

Results Ancient moon time and space, these emperors Tianjiao, it is hundreds of thousands.

He is now the cosmic crystal, but only more than ten thousand.

Too poor.

At the beginning, he was also exchanged in advance of many cosmine.

It seems that he thinks more.

In ancient times, you want to get cosmic crystals, it is much more likely to be too much in the Polysman.

However, some treasures on him, even if the values ​​of ancient times are not estimated.

For example, time and space is treasure "watching the chessboard!"

There is also a beast.

The beast god when the ancient times is born, I have long fallen, I don't know where, I'm very small.

Just do you have a soldier.

This type of treasure is not, but it does not mean that there is no more powerful treasure than the beast.

According to the ancient moon time and space division.

The treasure of the universe, also divided into nine robbery.

This also looks at the origin of the universe.

The origin of the beast god soldiers, the peak is also five-robbery, and now it is three robbers.

If you want to improve, you need to have it.

A five-knocked universe, at least the tens of thousands of era can weaken a favorite of the universe of the five-way hobby.

To the strong, the more time it needs to be supported.

The nine robbery is time and space.

Whether it is in the original Moose time, or today's ancient month time and space.

There are few messages about time and space.

Even almost no.

It may also be that the only one is too low, and it has not been exposed to the true core level.

Just like this banquet, the sword is unparalleled, more than that heard more than this end.

The same precious treasures have been present, and the swords are not bipolar.

Among them, there are a lot of precious treasures of this source cultivation.

Unfortunately, they have entered the wooden sac.

Every era of Mu Chen has a longevity, you can get so many treasures every time you sit.

There is a status, there is identity, it is good.

The sword is unparalleled.

When he arrived in the robbery, he also experienced a taste of a hegemony.

This is just a great prince.

The goddess of the emperor, I am afraid that it is even more amazing!

"Hey, I am late!" A thick voice came from outside the door.

Everyone's eyes are all attracted.

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