Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5687 5682 ?? Shijiu

"The Tianjiao of Shi Country, named Shijiu, strong strength!" Wooden worried.

The sword is unparalleled, which can make the elderly of the wood, say very strong, and it does need him to treat him seriously.

Wu Li is unparallled, but also directly patted his chest: "This wooden brother is relieved, since I am all said straight, I am in the outside world, but the strength is absolutely of!"

"You have two people, can I heard the five masters of Shijia?" Wooden did not pick Wu Li's words, but said a big man in Vietnami.

Wu Li listened, pondering, then surprised: "You are the stone show of the stone kings!"

"Yes, it is him!" Wooden nodded: "The stone country is arrogant, it is his grandson!"

Wu Li also frowned this time, said: "His grandson, why didn't I heard it!"

"I just learned that he had a private child, the illegitimate child is a father of Shijiu! This thing is very little person to know, and a friend tells me!" Wushen shook his head.

If the royal family needs to appear, he is very interested in the stone country Tianjiao.

That but the grandson of the stone show.

Stone show!

In Stone Country, the real character, is a contemporary spine in the stone kings.

Stone Country can be able to force the 16th National Countries, and even the ancient martial arts, the eight-star Gate, which is such a ZTE.

Half-step seven-hidden universe of the universe.

In the future, it is the most important person who wants to promote the Lord of the Seven-Cocked Universe.

When I saw Wu Li's expression, the old end of the Wuman came up the tea cup, gently got a bite, thought it was intimidated Wu Li.

This news, I really put Wu Li to scare, privately directly across the sword.

"I will go to the palace, I have to do my right, and my background is too big, we can't help it!"

If this is to hear the long old man, I am afraid it will be shocked.

That is the grandson of Shi Xiu, although the grandson of Shi Xiu's grandchildren can be, after all, there is a stone show this half-step seven-robbery power, can weaken.

The sword is unparalleled. It feels that this Wu Li is not too seen.

He often uses the power of the beast God, I am afraid I will be hung by the other party.

The true power of the princess, he is teach, with 130,000 power.

Let the princess such as the stone country of the stone country, the power of each other, I am afraid it will be around 150,000.

He can put twice the force of the beast God to press the other side.

If you want to beat, you need three times the power of the beast.

In the Temple, you can let him show so much strength, I am afraid that only the robbery.

An emperor, strong to make this.

Vietnam, there is no such powerful emperor.

"How is it, is there a grasp?" Waphen Long has also said: "The sword is unparalleled, you give me a bottom, 130,000 will not arrive!"

The sword is unparalleled and also understands that the idea of ​​Wuxiachen, when you get up directly, the body of the beast god broke out.


His infrastructure, from the white airlamp, directly transformed into dark red, and the power will never be 100,000, soothered directly to 130,000.

Show the power of the beast, now you can let his power arrive at 130,000.

Twice the second is 160,000.

The triple limit can reach 200,000.

It is also the peak of his current normal.

If you use the power of the starry sky, it is ancient times, that is not the ability of the power to be converted.

After all, he is a time and space tribener, and it has been recognized by time.

If it is ancient times, it will cause doubts about outsiders.

Can not be displayed or not.

His spirit of the power is enough in the emperor.

The peak arrives at the peak of the three hobbies.

The whole ancient times, but also the big god of Wu Li with the power of the three hobby universe.

As long as he is not too unlucky, he can't encounter the metamorphosis emperor.

After the sword is unparalleled, there is more than 130,000, and the woodchen is satisfied, and it is not too unexpected.

It must be a bit of powerful treasure, it must be a bit powerful, otherwise the treasure can be sent.

"Mind, you have this strength, I am relieved, but I have said that I have prepared three people in the front of the palace, this three people have nothing to do with Jin Chen regardless of the losing, this is relieved, but I am The three people have not much confidence, mainly watching you! "Wooden this time a bottom.

Wu Li smiled and said: "It's all right away, we can't use it for a good family!"

Things are settled, and the three don't have much stay. I left the wooden palace directly and went to the palace.

Vietnam, the palace.

It is in the Genting of Wangcheng until.

Ordinary people can't see the patterns of the palace.

The sword is also the leadership of Huashen, and can reach the main entrance of the Palace, otherwise the door can not be found.

When he can't entertaire, he can't feel the strong in the palace.

Nowadays, I can feel a faint pressure.


"Wang Ye!" The guards of the door are all robbery.

What a gap.

Under the leadership of the guard, the sword is unparalleled and others enter the palace.

After entering, the sword is unparalleled.

It is seen in this place, which is a look of Moro's peak episode.

The Tempse is said to be the inheritance of the ancient times of Moose time, but it is still very far like it.

East Palace, Prince.


Dongsheng Temple.

The long princess Jin Chen recovered to the appearance of the present, and it was the young girl who saw the sword.

At this time, the Hall of the Princess was in front of the emperor, and he crushed the post in the temple in the temple.

"I am not married, except for him, everyone is not married!" Jin Chen's princess's sexual child came, no one can stop.

The Emperor Fengchen wrinkled, and his eyes glared at Jin Chen, angered: "You don't marry?"

"Don't marry, even if I am sitting, I don't marry!"


The body of the emperor, in front of the princess of Jin Chen, and the hand is a slap in the face, because just the sentence, touch her bottom line.

The sound is very crisp.

Jin Chen princess stunned, she looked up with the very similar to the Emperor Feng Chen, the water spirit, and still contained tears.

"You hit me!" Jin Chen did not believe it.

Her mother, although it is very cold, but she has not been so much.

The Emperor Fengchen is cold and said: "Don't you sit in the throne?"

She really wants to laugh.

The Brosse of the country, I don't know how many people stare.

Just sit on the throne, the royal family will tilt the resources, now the princess's potential, soon can reach the three hobbies to master the universe.

Outth, countless resources can be required.

This resource, in the country, only the king family is out of the country, even if you start, you have to see people.

Become the Emperor Emperor, naturally there is that qualification.

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