Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5688 5683 ???

Become an emperor, it also represents the start to become a stronger.

Sitting four, looking forward.

How many people seek a dream, how can she not understand!

This world, which has so much feelings, once the strength can't keep up with each other, it will be cast aside, this is the reason why the elegant is constant.

At that time, one party became a bulk, one is the master of the universe, and regret it will come.

Looking at the mother's cold scorpion, Jin Chen did not dare to go back.

"This matter is not allowed by you, but I can give you a guarantee. After the future, I will become a four-hearted, I will no longer manage you!" This sentence is given a hope of Jin Chen, and an excuse.

Jin Chen is also very smart and soon understand the mother's intention.

She can be friends with people who don't like it, of course, they can also have different rooms, even after they become four hobbies, she can go to her Shijiji brother.

It is like this, she is still a little reluctant.

That's going to wait.

She is now in the emperor, and there is still a road to the robbery.

After breaking through the robbery, you can become a three-knocked border, but the four puffs is not so easy.

"Shijiji brother, can you wait for me?" Jin Chen's heart is medically.

At this time, the sword has just arrived outside the temple, and there are two people waiting here.

These two people have a little old.

The old man's strength sword is unparalleled, it should be stronger than Wu Li, but it is also strong, and there is very little life. It should not be the main thing of the universe. It is a scattered.

The teenager standing next to him, but it is a force, the face is resolute, the beam is doing crown, and meticulous.

Look, this person is the stone country Tianjiao, stone nine.

Just when the three stabilized, there were three people.

They are all emperors, it should be the three emperors of the long-term arrangement of Wume.

They are all from other countries.

This kind of thing is actually solved.

It's just that the king is in the face, nothing is too exaggerated.

As for the harvest, it is advised.

More than 100,000 times, but the strength is too much.

This is calculated, this time I challenge the four people of Shi Gu Tianjiao, each is Vietnam, saying that it is also ironic.

Fortunately, Wu Li has a foresight, and early arrsession of the sword is unparalleled in Qing Yunzong, and now in the door of the elders of the wood, now it is a Vietnamese.

"Wooden Wang!" The three emperors saw that the wood Chen was old, very polite.

After all, it is a long old man.

Just at this time, there are outsiders, and Wooden has not said much, but it is just a light point.

Three people first saw the sword and unparalleled eyes, did not find anything amazing, and they did not pay attention to it, but to see Shijiu himself.

This is the enemy.

"Your Majesty, summon it, come with me!"

After a while, there is a junior that the old hat is from the temple, summoning everyone to enter.

After entering Dongsheng Temple, he saw the emperor, but he did not see the gigm of Jin Chen.

At this time, Jin Chen's princess is standing after the screen, you can clearly see the scene in the temple, but everyone in the temple is unable to feel the existence of the princess.

Shijiu looks like a circle, did not find his own people, some are not very assured.

He is not afraid of the emperors of Vietnamese, and he is afraid that Jin Chen is threatened.

The weak mental power came.

Shi Jiu received the emotion of Jin Chen, the breath was stable, and the bottom of the heart also meditated the voice: "Reassured, I will not let you wait!"

Jinchen Princess doesn't want Shijiu to spell with his own ideas. As long as there is no one to arrive at the quartary, it is very angry, but the emperor is not afraid.

In Shi Country, there are still several Tianjiao who can threaten his, but in Vietnam, he is invincible.

This is not mad, but the truth.

If the sword is suddenly coming, even if the Vietnamese is turned over, I can't find an emperor who can match the stone nine.

"Shijia kid, I don't say that I can't do you, today you are defeated, the country is arrogant, you are not there!" The emperor didn't say it directly.

Wooden Changshan has said that the sword is unparalleled, and the emperor at this time is also some of the air.

"Your Majesty is the Jiu Ding, Shijiu is willing to fight!" Shijiu stepped out, standing in the main hall, and his eyes were stunned.

"Who will come first!" He looked at four people, and the breath on his body rose.

The sword is unparalleled, but he was stopped by Wu Li.

"Let the three in the three, Wumen have lost money, can't let them be so easy!" Wu Li said.

Wooden is also the meaning of this, wanting to try the details of the other party before going to this three.

The strength of the three is almost the same, it is here to do this, and there is no hesitation.

"I will teach!" The man is just a lot, and the voice is just falling.

The power has directly soaring to 130,000.

Already reached a peak of a robbery.

Side of Shijiu, he has never heard of people, but it is not a mediocrity of 130,000.

He also broke 130,000 power.

The sword is unparalleled. He is able to feel that Shijiu has not made it full, and the emperor who is fascinated by the long age of Mu Chen, but has reached the peak.

And the vitality of this emperor, I don't know why it is some weak.

The age should be much more than they have to grow.

Princess Jinchen, with the Tianjiao called Shijiu, should be born less than a thousand era.

A thousand era, in ancient times, it is quite broken, especially for the robbery.

That is, a closed time.

In the ancient time and space, this ancient time and space is a long time in the times.

For example, the god era of the first ancient wood mainland peak.

The flame gods in Shi Country, the top eight knocked, all the ancient month time and space is a great name.

It is generally the universe of an era.

The era of the flame god has not been over.

The peak in the current era is not coming, no one has the opportunity.

"Shoot!" Shi Jiu stretched out one hand, slammed, and there was a silver screw armup.

Two people have a wrong body, each shot.

Just a photo, the northern Emperor will feel the horror of Shijiu, just a punch, if it is a positive response, I am afraid I can seriously hurt him.

But he can feel that Shijiu has not had a little power.

It is clear that it is 130,000 power, why the gap is so big.

The sword is also a horrified, this is his first time to see the emperor of the ancient times.

He found an amazing gap.

In the same way, with the same force, experience is more important.

Although Shijiu increased Shen Li to the same state as the other party, it was easily defeated.

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