Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5691 5686 ?? Sword is unparalleled debut

The emperor slowed his emotions at this time, the voice gave the wood, these two can't let go, I have to figure out the origin of the black fog.

Although Mu Chen did not understand, the emperor said, then it means that things are not simple.

There is no more asking.

Shijiu is a bit angry.

Although the four robbery of Shijiu, I opened my scorpion at this time.

He didn't see the Wuta, but he looked at the Vietnamese Emperor, although not open, but he was cold, but it was shaking the temple.

"The predecessors of the stone, just have to be rude!" The emperor nodded and apologized.

This stone, but the last era, Shi Country's hammer.

There were the fighting power of the summit in the year, but it was unfortunate that the robbery failed, and now it became a bulk, the war of ordinary quartz.

It can be such that he has just shot, but it is stopped by Shijiu.

If he shot, the emperor will definitely take the opportunity to drive away him.

For Jin Chen, he resists a lot.

"Youshen, you don't forget, he is the grandson of the five masters, he stays with my stone's blood!" The voice of the stone is very big, this is not a big flag.

In today's ancient wood, Shijia is a pivotable existence.

Moreover, stone country also has flame gods, which can regulate the existence of the Shenmao king.

A small Vietnamese, actually so deceived.

If it is not a stone nine infatuation, he can't hate this, let the Bisser know, the stone country is angry, there are more terrible.

"Senior, don't say, my stone nine can come here, it is a determination!" Shijiu paste the gas, first eroded by death, and then was shocked by Wuthen. Introduction, the body is somewhat unstable.

Now the strength has fallen a lot.

But there is little impact.

There is no sword with the sword.

As long as defeating the sword is unparalleled, he can marry Jin Chen, or marry into the country, and he is willing.

His grandfather will support him, it is enough.

Jin Chen princess after the screen saw this scene, full of hardships.

The emperor heard the words, and the face was very embarrassed.

Why did she be threatened solely.

Shijia's anger?

The Emperor's Emperor's eyes also have an anger. If she is a seven-robbery, she is afraid of Stone Country.

Why fear others into the country.

Unfortunately, she is not!

So I have to fight.

At this time, she must get it.

Then retreat the Emperor Emperor, go to the ancient muto, have endless resources, she has no worry about the sixth robbery.

After it becomes a six-knocked, you will be prepared by the body and mind.

Back to the ancient mouse, she also has a lot of bottom gas.

If you have been crossing, even if you have the force of the whole, she has no confidence to arrive at the seventh robbery.

The sixth is already the limit.

And it is still unstable, otherwise she has a sixth robbery.

Wooden is not going to pay attention to the stone, but look at the sword is unparalleled, say: "Everything depends on you, don't have pressure, Shijiu has hurt, you still have a chance!"

The sword is unparalleled and nodded. Step by step, it has arrived in front of Shijiu.

When the emperor looked at the sword, some can't be seen, and the heart is expected to defeat the other party.

The long princess after the screen is also staring at the sword. She always thinks that the mysterious power of the sword is unparalleled with his mystery in Baihua Mountain. It is very worried.

"You are very powerful!" The sword is relatively unparalleled with the stone.

No one thought that the first sentence of the sword was unparalleled, it would be praise nine.

Shijiu leaked a smile, lightly: "Although I can't see you, I can feel that you are not the same as the previous three!"

"It is indeed different!" The sword is unparalleled, and there is no concealment.

After that, in the eyes of everyone, he took one from the mustard, the life of the life of the Polyson Temple.

This is a treasure of the body, and it is also the treasure of the life.

In the same time and space, the most suitable for practitioners.


The sword is unparalleled without any hesitation.

Shi Jiu stunned, but still pick it up.

Not only is Shijiu, the rest of the people don't understand that the sword is unparalleled?

It is even surprised that it is even more surprised: "Doesn't this?"

The nurture of the emperor is constantly flashing, and I don't know how the sword is unparalleled.

"Wu Li brother, what is the number of roads, what is the fruit of the fruit?" Huichen privately guess the road.

Wu Li was turned over and whispering. I think this prince is too shameful, I said directly: "Nothing, I might I feel that I am defeating a hurt, too shame!"

"This ......." Wooden is completely stunned.

This is too confident!

The power of Shi Jiu's previous outbreak has exceeded 150,000, and it is still an explosion when injured.

Maybe it is powerful than this, there is still a backhand.

Isn't it afraid?

At this time, it can't manage so much. Direct opening reminds the sword. There is no pair: "There is no pair of sages, you have to clearly, who is married Jin Chen, there is a holy place!"

"Wooden brother, this kind of thing, it is not interesting!"

Stone, who stands on the edge, is rushing through the two people, but for the sword is unparalleled, it is a little scraped.

Compared with the previous one, the sword is not double obvious.

"This idiots, Bai Wei just used the top card!"

The two almost killed by Shiji, at this time, I looked at the sword like I saw my idiot.

Shijiu holds the green fruit in his hand, and the soul exploration has not been found, sincerely. "Thank you!"


A bit bite, green juice smoothly on the corner of the mouth.

Strong vitality and infinite power, instantly emerged into the stone nine body.

Just instantly, he returned to the peak state, even more than the previous.


Shijiu has a double punch, slightly, and the power out of the body, and there is also a thunder.

Tentovers will.

"How, the state is restored!" The sword didn't ask.

Shijiu took the 100,000-party cosmic crystal from the mustard, thanked: "Please accept the friends, this precious treasure, give me a little waste!"

He actually has a treasure of restoration, but the effect is it is not as good as life.

"A fruit is broken, it is not worth mentioning!" The sword didn't smile and shook his head, but the other party insisted, he also received it.

Forward, the other party is embarrassed to make him full.

The long honesty is honest, he is now doubts that the sword is not bought.

Just when he was exported, he was under Wu Li.

He is also a country, although it is not a royal family, but also thinking that Wushen will talk, the Yuegang's face has to be lost.

Although the emperor is a bit degraded, it is still very recognized to the sword.

The battle of the gentleman, the tang is right.

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