Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5692 5687 ?? (1)

If the sword is unparalleled, she is a king, but I got it.

The quota of a holy will be able to introduce such talents.

This sale can not suffer.

Moreover, it also represents Vietnami, which represents Vietnami, which is the opportunity to give them a long face.

The long princess behind the screen is holding a fist, and the heart is ecstatic. She is now full of confidence in Shijiu.

"Then start!"

"Despite the shot!"

Two people simultaneously riot.

The sword is unparalleled to show the power of the beast, and the moment is raised to 130,000.

However, this is not enough, in order to be safe, directly to the power of twice the beast god.

At this time, his power arrived at 160,000 horrible.

This is already the top level in the mobility.

The stone nine scorpion flashes, he expects the sword where there is no double will be very powerful, but I didn't expect to start, I broke out of 160,000 power.

Even if he is pure to the fire, it is easy to defeat his opponent in the same way, but the sword is unparalleled!

Wooden is even more eye-catching, pulls Wu Li's arm, excited: "Wu Li brother, all home people, you actually conceal me, no double sages can explode out of 160 million power!"

The sword is unparalleled, he is more excited than anyone.

Now the sword is unparalleled, but the ratio is strong, and it is beyond the power of 10,000.

This gap can be much.

The three emperors who were previously defeated were even more shocked. Isn't it almost the same?

And they also know, it is the emperor of the more than the sky, otherwise it will not come to them.

How to suddenly take a sixteenth million super Tianjiao?

Have this kind of Tianjiao, why is you still looking for them, this is simply a bit of naked humiliation.


Shi Dynasty saw the sword without double explosion, it was also shocked!

160,000 power, this has been equipped with the best of Stone country.

However, he is very confident on Shijiu, no one is nothing, and the stone nine in the same order is the most powerful experience in the same stage. It is the most powerful emperor.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

Although Jin Chen is also the super Tianjiao in the emperor, the most peak of Shenli can reach around 14,000. At this time, I will see that the sword has no double ages, and it is inevitable.

Shijiu as a parties, naturally did not dare.

That is 10,000, it is a gap, so I need to show the secret law again.

"Ha !!!" Shijiu angry drunk, once again broke out again, Shen Li has soared from 150,000 to 160,000, and there are countless arc surrounded by countless arcs.

The sword has no double scorpion, and it is painful.

It is much stronger than he expects.

Under the same power, he did not have much confidence, and the other party kept the power of the maintenance.

Although he is double repair, he can deal with the super Tianjiao of such maintenance, and his current state does not have much confidence.


The sword is unparalleled, using the space of the space, he can suppress stone nine at the speed.

On the experience of fighting, he can not be weak.

Shijiu can also obviously feel the speed of the sword and unparalleled.

Be careful when you shoot, then you will disappear again.

The speed of swords is not only the case.

Shijiu just stabilized his body shape, he had already been waiting in that position, with a single hand, and the power broke out.

A dark red light wave, under the short distance, direct hit stone nine.

Feel the threat of stone nine, a vacant wants to escape.

The sword is unparalleled, and the speed is beyond the stone nine. Directly appear directly in the top of Shijiu, a punch, will sprinkle the stone nine.

Just collided with the light wave.

boom! ! !

The sword is unparalleled without any chance to give each other. No matter what opponent, he doesn't like dragging.

The hands of both hands, the power of the body once again, and then suddenly lifted their hands, and the body of the body exploded.

With his position as the core, you emit an endless powerful powerful vortex.

The emperor persisted, one finger, directly arranged the next junction, to resist the impact of horror.

Otherwise, this hall must collapse.


After the last time, the Shenle vortex broke out, only countless smoke.

The sword is unparalleled to feel the attenuation below.


Shijiu's figure appears from dust.

Others of the hall are shocked!

In addition to Wu Li, I feel incredible.

Originally, I just felt that I arrived at 13,000 is already a peak.

I did not expect today to see the Super Tianjiao one hundred and sixty thousand two divine power, but the battle is so intense Jiaozuo.

In terms of combat experience, it means two people, it is as much the master of the universe.

Nine out of stone from the fumes, silver body armor is not Cheng Liang, also becomes a little messy hair.

Who can breath, but it is on the rise.

"How many years, you are the first positive defeated me!" Nine stone voice trembling, but the body of the atmosphere is constantly breakthrough.

Quickly restored to 160,000 god, and did not stop.

One hundred sixty-five thousand thousand times, one hundred sixty-eight thousand times, one hundred sixty-nine thousand thousand times!

One hundred and seventy thousand!

Weicu sword unparalleled brow, spoke and said: "! Your god, there should be one hundred and eighty thousand of it."

He can feel, this stone nine still hidden.

"Gee, do not you do not use the full right?" Stone nine mouth up, the next moment is not in the outbreak, but instantly shot.

This time, nine stone a lot faster, sword Warriors had time to escape, front punch, just like a thunderbolt in general, direct hit in his face.

Back occasion of stature, nine stone again rushing directly grabbed his ankle.

Doing all nine stone, sword unparalleled directly thrown out.

Followed, again rushed nine stone, also down one elbow, playing sword Warriors upwelling blood mouth.


Shouted the word nine stone, his hands gathered a group of powerful God Vaillant effort wave.


The second word, which groups contain gas wave god again increased by one level.

That a wave of pure gas divine power has gathered a hundred and fourscore.


The last word spit out, the gods gathered in the stone nine hands completely broke out.

Full of 190,000 power, agglomerates into a group, rushing to the sword of the lost gravity.

It's late when you feel the huge threat.

There is no steady figure, huge light waves have arrived.

The sword is unparalleled, but only 160,000 power is like a car.

"The power of the beast!"

"three times!"

The sword is unparalleled direct super double, and the power instantly soared to 190,000.

The same as the power of Lingyuan.

At the same time, it is finally blocked.

If this group, huge power is completely fried, he will definitely be injured.

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