Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5703 5698 Chapter ?? is ignored

During the dark secret room, when the sword was unparalleled, Wu Li also returned to Wu Jiajian through the transfer.

Both people have a secret to do, no one is delayed.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled, there is not much relationship with the Holy Warace.

At the Wujiafu, the sword is unparalleled, and the two emperors are locked through the mind, they will quietly follow.

The Breakfast is outside.

On a battleship, the two emperors made a king, and did not deliberately fly, but took out a huge warship and was ready to take the battleship.

This makes the sword unparalleled very surprised.

The two of them were derivated by Vietnam, and now I don't want to hurry, and so leisurely ride the warship.

There must be a demon abnormally.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body of the body is adsorbed on the battleship through the void.

This warship is an excellent eternal to Bao, and the power is not strong. The sword is unparalleled direct use of the whole battleship.

Everything on the morning was clearly seen.

In addition to the two emperors, there are still many women in the warship.

Look like, or an exotic woman.

These two will be enjoyed.

It is now bathing in the cabin.

For the taking a bath, there is no interest in taking a bath, the sword is unparalleled, and after the test has searched the entire battleship, they will laten down, waiting for the actions of the two.

I also got a chat of two.

"Nikun, have you determined that the power called the sword with a Pakistani?"

"Funeral, when did I deceive you, I am too familiar with the power of the power, and the Pakistani's adult is injecting the power into my body, my strength will skyrise!"

Nikun, the two people said, let the sword have no double eyebrows.

Babi, he seems to have never heard of it.

But look at the two people respectfully, it should be a super power in the robbery.

At least a universe of the four hits.

Otherwise it is impossible to make this two people respect.

The light is to say the name, you have to bring two words in adults.

Listening to them, the power of these two people don't belong to them, but from the Pakistani.

And I feel the familiar atmosphere from him!

The sword has no double scorpion, and the heart is secretly guess: "Is it a power of life?"


But the power of these two people is the force of death.

This is very strange.

For those Pakistani people are full of curiosity.

At least the other party is aware of the existence of the power of death and life.

not simple!

The sword is unparalleled and keeps monitoring.

If you are lucky, these two are probably going to find the Pakistani.

After all, because of his life, he was discovered by these two people, perhaps to tell the power called Babi Emperor.

After the Nikun Muchings, after a loose robe, it was relaxed to the room.

Sight is not this, just waiting outside the door.

Nikun came out from the room almost a fragrant time.

As for the mate girl in the room, there is only a skeleton.

The red powder is said to be this.

"You are getting shorter and shorter!" Music ridicule.

Nikun doesn't matter, I have been sitting directly, letting the grandmother girls go down, say straight to the theme: "The strength of the sword is too strong, now there is also a king of the country, it is not good!" "

"Hey, we only need to inform this news enough, and will definitely give us a lot of strength!" He didn't care.

Both of them, it is originally a common child in the family, but since after encountering the Pakistani adult, the strength suddenly skyrocket.

As a family of family.

The treasures given by the family are still unable to meet these two people.

They can only rely on the Pakistani people.

In particular, when they find that there is such a strong emperor in the same order, the heart is more greedy and wants to become stronger.

"Then go back to the family, then go to the Pakistani!"

"no problem!'

After the two, they started their respective cultivation.

The sword is unparalleled to these two people very curious. When they enter the cultivation, their power has been slightly transformed.

In the power, it contains death.

These two big fools are not known.

Reproduction, you can't do it without the explosion.

The warship is flying all the way, soon I will leave Vietnami.

Go to the eternal kingdom, it also needs to cross the two countries.

It takes about a month, and the sword is unparalleled.

If it is full of hurry, he can return to Vietnami three days.

Time is very sufficient.

Just one thing, when these two people went to visit the Babi Emperor, he would not follow.

If it was found, he was finished.

If you don't follow, you can only control the two people, then display the soul.

The sword is unparalleled, telling him that the search soul is useless.

These two people know too little.

Can only take a risk.

If the strength of the other party exceeds the five robbery, he is difficult to not be discovered.

If it is lower than the five hobbies, there will be some hope.

At that time, he must let a difference between it and can't let this respect.

Once you are killed, this respect needs to escape.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled with a lot of treasures and begins to get out.

Before the battleship entered the eternal kingdom, the sword was unparalleled, stayed in the country in the border with Yue Guo.

His face is actually a lot to follow the difference.

The difference is just the power of the beast.

The beast god soldiers were in the book, and they couldn't present the power of the beast.

He also has the power of the starry sky.

Before separated from the division, he injected all the stars in the whole body into the body.

You can maintain a peak state of time.

But you can't add it later.

There is only one time.

Time passed, then his branching only 100,000 basic impersonance, like ordinary hobby.

Even the air is threatened.

At that time, the sword is unparalleled will take the initiative to give up.


The sword is unparalleled to make a grass, falling into the green grassland, the wolves are trampled, just like ordinary grass, tough.

The borders are entered within the eternal kingdom.

At the moment of entering the eternal kingdom, the sword is unparalleled to feel a powerful blood.

That is the breath of the eternal one.

This is a very mysterious ethnic group.

It is a branch of the family, belongs to the latter variant.

The old ancestors who opened up the eternal kingdom were a great energy for half a step.

I am afraid that I have not fallen into sleep.

The old ancestors have created an eternal family, from the age of the sky, have been procurchant, still very prosperous.

I heard that the eternal king of contemporary king is the Lord of the universe of hesoconstruction.

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