Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5704 5699 Chapter ?? Babi

The reputation in the ancient wood mainland is very sound, which is equivalent to the stone show.

The strong potential of the eternal one is related to the blood.

The contemporary king, it was awakened the peak blood of the eternal family, and became the Lord of the Wuman Branch of the Emperor, and then stabilized again, and across the six robbery.

It is only better than that of the old ancestors.

Sword is unparalleled from some messages, and also knows the special eternal one.

Eternal family, since the old ancestors opened up, the birth of the six-minded universe, countless.

There is only one old ancestor.

If the ordinary family force is still normal.

The six robbers of the birth of the eternal family are not 100, and there is no second seven-robbery.

"It seems that the shortcomings of the eternal family are related to the old ancestors!" The sword did not have a bipartic guess.

The old ancestors of the eternal family, if it is an eight-minded.

I am afraid that there will be a large number of seven pilgrims.

If it reaches the nine hobby!

The sword is unparalleled.

Eternal family is indeed very special and very powerful.

He also admire the old ancestors of the eternal one.

Unfortunately, afterberene, the old ancestors cannot improve the strength, and then they can't break through the cage.

Why do this?

Admire, but he can't understand why the old ancestor is so concerned.

If it is connected to the blood of the eternal one, I am afraid that the old ancestors will not stop in half-step.


Maybe there is no such thing as the blood of the post, the old ancestors may not achieve half-step eight knocked.

The sword is unparalleled seems to understand.

How can they follow him?

This time I came to Eternal Guoda, anyway, not for the eternal family, he did not think too much.

The family where the funeral with Nikun is the attachment for the eternal family, and there is no family forces.

In the eternal kingdom, the eternal one is the day.

The Lord of the universe of the seven-knocked universe, the Lord of the universe of the heel, but the birth of a large number, almost every era of eternal universe is sitting in the town.

The heritage and its deep, so in the eternal nationality, there is no power to compete with the eternal family.

Those seven-star Zongmen have been saving, only relying on a five-knocked universe, can't help.

In the eternal state, there is no one words.

Therefore, many of the Tianjiao of the attached forces will enter the Zongwangfu opened up in the eternal kingdom.

Taking the Tianjin of the Eternal Nationality, the status is also looking at the strength, completely fair, no matter whether it is born.

This is very good.

If it is a very common country, the royal family must be a high person.

Just like Vietnam, Wu Li has been spit and may also be related to the system of Eternal Kingdom.

"Not good!" The death of the battles directly sat up and the face was gloomy.

When the sword was unparalleled, he thought he found him, and he was ready to shoot at any time.

"What happened?" Nikun also followed up, seeing that the loss of such loss, I also understood the importance of things, and quickly asked, the power of the body also broke out.

Funeral and sorrowful face, resentment: "We were wanted, the people of the ancient mouse, they have arrived in the country, the people who have just received them, let us run the road to the foreign domain!"

"Wanted? How may we, we don't seem to have to have a criminals!" Nikun was shocked, he wanted to think carefully, and did not think about why he was wanted by ancient wood.

And look like, family and eternal family must give up two.

Otherwise, they will not let them run directly.

If it is a very small thing, there will be an eternal family to help them.

After all, it is my own person. If it is taken away by the people of the ancient mouse, how to mix it later!

The eternal kingdom, that is also the super forces in the top three, ordinary little things, the ancient muta will not be in the sin of these two emperors.

This time, it is definitely what they have done in forgiveness.

Otherwise, they will not allow them to run directly to the foreign domain.

This is not to be clever with them!

"It must be the emperor of Vietnami!" Nikun quickly wanted to understand, then said: "She is really a poison, I don't want to be sinful, and I will sell us to the ancient mouse!"

Two points, the special for death, they are all clear.

That is absolutely banned.

If you use the treasure of dying to death, they use two people who use death.

And both of them are only emperors, and they must feel that there are people behind them.

So will it be investigated.

After the eternal family is aware of this reason, they give up them.

The sword is not listening to it.

Some sorrows, if these two people really run the road to the foreign domain, he has to give up the tracking and ready to go straight.

Now he still doesn't worry.

The so-called authority fans, bystanders clear.

These two people are dead to the top, and they have not seen the situation.

Since it is awkward, the eternal one is in order to clear the relationship.

Let them run the road to the foreign domain, just a scorpion, after the foreign domain, directly give them two people to the exterior, is true.

In this way, I am afraid that the eternal one is also a connection with the Babi Emperor.

Unconsciously, the sword is unparalleled in another game.

Now he is still a chess, just see how he wants to fall.

"Well?" The scope of the sword was schedulous, and it has been preparing, and it is really letting guess.

Sure enough, there was a strong force of the three puffs to come from here, and it seems that it is to go out.

A tightly in the bag of the bag, the breath of the body also has a slide of some treasure.

The two in the battleship is still stupid.

It is direct running road, or goes to the Pakistani.

The sword is not born in the bottom, how to go on the next step.

Once it is involved, it is a tripartite force.

Oath ancient mutting of the power of death!

Eternal family hidden in the power of death!

Finally, the Babi Emperor who can manipulate the death of death!

The first two are in the dark, the latter is in dark.

If the sword is unparalleled, if it is inserted, it is slightly dark.

The choice is on him.

Once the black robe is coming, this two will die.

At that time, all the dust will be settled, and he will lose all the news of Babi.

Only by scattering, go back to the country.

If you save these two people, then the design allows them to bring themselves to Babi Emperor, while leaving some clues, attracting the people of the ancient mouse.

Borrow strength.

This may be more perfect.

"Battle!" The sword has a war in the eyes.

He has to see who Babi is who is in the end, there is no relationship with the life.

Relying on the boss on the battleship, detach it directly above the land.

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