Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5711 5706 ??? Desperate and Death

An increase of divine power rarely.

Twenty-five times are divine.

Qingtian Taoist tolerate the bite, the use of force to disperse the divine void reptiles around the void after the collapse of corrosion can be followed in all climbed out of the numerous empty reptiles.

Originally a complete space, become full of loopholes.

And these hole, the void is still emerging those reptiles.

The first is the unlucky man four hijacked environment strong.

He is a strong scattered robbery, was added to the original hit Dylan became seriously injured, now could not carry.

The whole people fell into the ocean void crawlers.

After reptile containment erosion, even the slightest breath did not leave.

Qingtian see shocking.


Out from within the heart of despair.

How he so unlucky, just a mission, they lost their lives.

Infinite possibilities Lord of the Universe ah!

Before crossing the main universe of four hijacked it.

He is entirely want to be five robbery territory.

Unfortunately, to be fallen.

Sword Warriors swallow a mouthful of saliva.

This time, evidently, he can not find the answer.

Originally I thought, to see who will be the most incompetent Bobby emperor.

As a result, even the opponent's face did not see.

It is a pity that it is a pity that he is unfortunate.

Just lost.

The void crawler is piled up as a mountain, and the sword is unparalleled to use the starry sky, and the peaks of the mountain piles will be killed.

However, it is not net.

The lowest level of the boat.

"Adults, they can't help!" Dille looked at the sky and looked at Babi.

Barbi is not confused.

"The kid called blue breath, some weird!"

The eyes of Babi's eyes have passed the greed.

He stared at the sword and the more you felt something wrong.

There is the power of the universe, and there is also the realm of the universe.

But I don't feel the death of the opponent.

Those people in the sky have revealed the breath of death in addition to the sword.

Because the death crisis will be born.

Ba Bi is needed.

Use these gas condensation to become the force of death.

You can continue to aggregate to the bottom layer.

At this time, the crystal ball in his hand has entered a lot of death.

The power of these deaths, all from Qingtian Dao people who have emitted the death.

It can never have the power of death in the sword.

This allows Babi Emperor.

Whether it is a bulk or the universe, there will be deaths in the face of death.

How is the sword without double?

Barbi's hands, Qingtian and others in the sky instantly have been imprisoned.

There is only a sword where the sword is unparalleled.

Those void reptiles are not in Tsingtian and others, but rushed to the sword.

This makes the sword unparalleled!

How can I suddenly be siege.

I saw Qingtian and others were bound, but I didn't fall behind, the sword was unparalleled.

Thinking that these people can no longer do it, so they are bound.

So he also kills!

The power of the starry sky can still be maintained for half an hour, he directly reduces his own breath and has changed back to the normal state.

The figure is also drowning into the worm!

After the Babi Emperor saw, it was a whisper. "I thought you had more resistance, this is not good!"

He feels that the sword is unparalleled, but he can't think.

So don't want the sword where you are unparalleled.

The finger is drawn, and the sword is also imprisoned.

"Open the next layer, return their origins to the peak!" Babi excited.

Di Lun is incorrect.

Can't let them fall.

There is no such thing as a smashing, it is dead, but the use of the universe is too big.

Babi also has to continue to extract the power of death from these people.

The sword has no double shape, and the insect sea in front of you has disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, everyone has returned to the throne.

Only they have fallen into another layer.

This time is different from the first layer.

Here, there is a six treatment warehouse.

At this point they were bubbled in the treatment of the warehouse.

Green liquid, wrapped in whole body.

The sword is unparalleled, only feels comfortable, this feeling is too familiar.

At the same time, I also understand what the surrounding green liquid is.

That is the source of life!

Can it be uncomfortable in the bubble?


The sword is not bilateral side.

A treatment of a warehouse has been done interior.

People who have come out are Qingtian Taoist.

His breath returns to the peak.

After seeing him recovered, the remains of the remaining three-hearted universe were also broken.

Not that they do not want the bubble, but the vitality to the peak, and then soak it I should bite the body, which can not be accounted for cheap.

Plus they came to a strange space, life and death are not entirely their own control, how Xianxin to petty.

Warriors Sword is not the same, he came here just to see the people behind the scenes in hell, the way to see who manipulate the power of death of the Babylonian emperor has no contact with the students off.

So do not worry, have been so bubble.

Qingtian, who also found that the sword has been unparalleled in the treatment compartment, then close by.

"He just did not seem to hurt anything by it, how has been the treatment?" The young woman master of the universe, somewhat surprised staring at the sword unparalleled treatment positions.

Qingtian Taoist shook his head, cautioned: "get over it, he told us not the way people, or take a look around there is no export it, you can not die here!"


Few people separately to find, and so the sword unparalleled bubble.

Enjoy to absorb the life force, and then transformed into force of all things.

Force of all things has turned into the origin of the universe, to become the stars of the force.

Although not too pure, there may be better than no good.

At least he can be increased to maintain the peak time.

And to be here playing for time, so that there is no threat Qingtian, who wore why not.

He guessed right key really.

It appeared on a cage compartment middle passage.

There is a layer of black cloth on the cage.

As for what has in the cage, they do not know, I do not want to know.

But this can not help them.

Black cloth disappeared, they saw the presence in the cage.

The cage is also weakened at this moment.

The existence, deep pawl, torn directly.

I climbed out from the inside.

"Eternal family!" Qingtian was shocked.

Absolutely correct.

It is an eternal family.

The breath on the body is the same.

He hit a trip to the strong people of the eternal one, very clear about the blood of them.

"This Taoist ..." Qingtian just wanted to set a close.

The strong people who can comfort the eternal one are straight to the body, the flesh is constantly expanding, and the final evolution becomes a humanoid, the body is also skyrocketing.


A roar.

The power of the eternal one is straightforward directly to the nearest three hobby universe.

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