Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5712, 5707? ??? Life is exposed

The claws directly tear the main tear of the unorieved universe.

The origin is condensed, has not been restored, and the human-shaped beast is directly growing up, spitting a poison from the mouth.

With the venom, there is a horrible black gas column.

Qingtian can't manage so much. Seeing that the owner of the universe is going to fall, hurry, kick out, directly the other beast into the wall of the cabin.

The alien beast wiped the blood of the mouth, and her eyes were full of killing.

After you feel that the strength of the beast is not too strong, Qingtian's courage is also bigger, so that everyone retreats.

Want to deal with it alone.

The underlying cabin.

Babi and Dillen are glorious eyes staring at the sky.

So they all forgot to improve the power of the beast.

It caused the other beast to be hit by Qingtian Taoist.

The Qingtian Taoist who returned to the peak, bursting out of more than forty of the power, and the power of the beast is less than 400,000.

In Qingtian, it has been ravage.

Originally he was arranged in, forced these people to leak the death.

As a result, he has already begun to die.

Just this, the power of death, Babi Emperor can't see it.

Because he has been staring at the sword.

"For a quarter!" Dillen laughed.

Barbi took out a white jade pot in the shape of a bottle behind him.

"There is no extra vitality!"

Dillen has shaken his head after he heard it!

"Go, go to the third cabin, put the scatters sent by the eternal family, then injected into the treatment of the boy!" Babi Di told: "If it is not enough, it will be these The Lord of the universe also gives it! "

Dillen is a bit surprised, but I don't dare to question, just nodded.

Babi is excited to stamp his hand and step in front of the sky.

The more strong living, the more powerful representative of death.

He didn't think of it, and he would encounter such a magical thing.

A weak universe, actually can swallow so many vitalities.

Then, the other party will have the power of the death of the death of the dead!

Babi is expected.

Originally, according to his plan, even in advance, attracted a large number of strong people, and it takes a long time to guide.

It is now possible to step by step.

Take enough death from the sword without a double one.

And what he arrived to do with these deaths, it is unknown.

In the treatment of the warehouse, the sword is unparalleled is not intended to supplement the power of those life.

Instead, these life is getting smaller and smaller, it is not as pure as his pure.

He is all planned.

Because I see that Qingtian is fighting the beast, I feel that it is not dangerous.

If it is dangerous, he will face it in the treatment of the warehouse.

The power of life in the treatment is weaker, he is too lazy to transform.

Not only was wasted, but after each transformation, he will consume him a certain source, so that there is not only no earning, but it is still a loss.

Qingtian in the cabin is also stronger, but it is impossible to kill the other beast.

He also saw that this power should not be weak, but it is not completely explosive.

This makes him very confused.

It is very powerful, but it does not break out.

What is this doing?

As for the sword, there is no attention. I only feel that the sword is unparalleled, and it is very light in the face of death. It doesn't make it, and I have made a distinct contrast with the outside world. I came to the inside of the boat. It is more like visiting.

Now in the treatment of the cabin, you have always been can't be taken, and you don't know what you are doing.

Do you want to make your own source!

Qingtian feels some funny.

He is a moment, but he can't laugh.


When Qingtian saw the other party, it was like a mouse to see the cat, and it was scattered from the bottom of the heart.

It is really the exterior of the outside, let him have a shadow.

Dillen is not looking at Qingtian.

Instead, I went to the energetic one of the eternal one.

When the other party saw Dillen, the expression of the appearance was similar to the Qingtian Taoist.

It seems that Dillan is over!

"Dirun adult!" The other beast is constantly retreating, and the bottom has a bad hunch.

In particular, when I saw the jade pot in my hand, I couldn't help but swallow the mouth.

The sword in the treatment of the warehouse is unparalleled, and also seeing Dylan's appearance. I thought about it directly. After I saw the other party, he suddenly changed his mind.

The short-skinned treatment warehouse is comfortable.

I can't get it.

"Waste!" Dillen looked at the beast, and the arms directly grabbed the other's head, and the speed is so unclear.

The other beast is caught and the moving will not.

Dillen took the jade pot and inserted directly into the other's chest.

Subsequently, a green liquid emerged from the other party, and entered the jade pot.

This scene made Qingtian and others constantly retreat.

It's a vitality.

The strong people of the eternal one are scattered.

Once you are taking a living, it means death.

Never thought that Dillen would start it.

Numerous breathing time, a vitality of a four-knocked strong person was all extracted, and there was no shortage.

The flesh is extremely dry.

Looking at the eyes of the void, and there is no life.

They are all clear and fallen.

Dirang shakes the jade pot, and I feel that the source of life inside is full, and the jade pot is straight to the sword.

"What do he want?" The sword has no big eyes, and there is a bad feeling in the bottom.

When you want to destroy the treatment, it is found that the whole body is bound by the whole body.

"The anges change!" The sword has no double power out, the blue airweight is rising, and the ban is broken directly.


The treatment line was completely destroyed, and the sword was unparalleled to evaporate all the liquid left, and deadly stared at Dilen.

Looking at the big sword without double suddenly rushed away, Di Lun said, say: "It seems that you have already recovered!"

I watched the jade pot in my hand and I felt some waste.

After all, it is a life of a struggle.

Under the eyes of everyone, Dillen took the jade pot into his own body.

But this time is not swallowing your own vitality, but he absorbs the vitality in the jade pot.

Such a huge vitality, all of which were absorbed into the body, and Dylan's strength has risen again.

With the body of robbery, it is comparable to half a step.

"Let you see what is fear!" Dillen threw away the jade pot and shot directly.

The violent power is suffocating.

The rest of the person did see fear, but the sword is unparalleled but the silk is not moving.

He now understands, these people don't want to kill them, but they want them to despair.

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