Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5713, 5708? Fear in my heart

I don't know what they think.

Anyway, he is not afraid, it is not false, he will not lose.

Just didn't see the behind-the-scenes.

Babi Di in the underlying core warehouse stared at the sword and was unparalleled, and some issues have also been seen.

At the same time, Dilen's shots are also stopped.

Dilong's figure is so deflated in half, and there is some wooden!

"Let's come back, I have a way!" Dillan leaked a slightly.

In his flying boat, everyone is fear and will face death.

No one will have exceptions.

He has seen the sword unparalleled flaws.

Seeing Dillen retreat, everyone side, somewhat flustered, don't know what the other party is going to play.

Qingtian Taoist turned to look at the sword unparalleled, and asked: "You don't know this place."

"You said!" The sword didn't double it.

The other party is also too stupid, and now I don't understand, he is not a group of Babi Emperor.

Just use the Qingtian Taoist.

Seeing Dillen back, the central channel in the cabin is also opened.

The sword is unparalleled without any hesitation, and it will go directly toward the passage.

He may not hurry to see the Babi Emperor, come out from the other side.

After falling from the channel, after entering the next layer, the layout of the first two layers is exactly the same.

It seems that I have not reached the core.

The sword is unparalleled, and the other side of the other party is waiting.

At this time, the Qingtian Taoist also fell together.

However, this Qingtian Taoist has directly fell into the next layer, and the sword is unparalleled to follow together, but it is now under the moment.

There is also the main thing of the four three-knocked universe with him.

"what happened?"

The sword is unparalleled, and a surprised expression is leaked.

How to treat it.

Putting them five people in a layer, is there other use?


Don't wait for them, everyone has been transferred.

Or is the space that changed the cabin, in fact, it is still in the boat.

Five people came to a huge funeter.

Five places were arranged in the panel, and five people accounted for one.

There is no audience, only the color of the ridiculous.

Fake is fake.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are not observed.

His mind can also do this, waiting for him to become the main thing of the universe, it is more able to condense.

This means, for him, it is nothing.

He also returned to the past, and this kind of illusion is true.


Just when he disdain, he felt five strange breath came.

One of them, he is still very familiar.

"It's you!"

The five people exclaimed at the same time!

The sword is unparalleled, staring at the opponents appearing on his ring, and the eyelid beats.


His opponent is actually ginger.

How can it be her?

Just when he was surprised, there was a strange voice in the sky.

"Haha, little guys, fear in the heart!" The owner of the sound is Babi.

He used some kind of means to summon their most fearful opponents in their hearts.

Everyone has fear.

The sword is unparalleled, the most fear is to kill.

How to appear ginger?

He didn't know that the fear of Babi Call came from the same order, not too much opponent.

Some people fear the girl, he can't get a day!

So it is the same order.

The fear of Babii's mind is suspended in the air, quiet and other people.

He is really planning, or the sword is unparalleled.

In addition, several of the universe, he did not put it in his eyes.

As for the Qingtian Taoist, he also planned, because the ancient muto has also cooperated with people, and it is also close to Qingtian, just give the other party.

This doesn't matter, the main thing of a four-knocked universe.

It is a face that is sold to each other.

He is now more interested in the sword, and a person can absorb so the power of life.

There are more powerful names of the other party.

On the occasion of death, the power of life will be transformed into death.

"let's start!"

Five rings, while breaking out the power of terror.

Everyone has played the spirit of the twelve points and prepared to fight.

These people don't just leave the fear, more or hate.

Thong, the sword is also full of outbreak, but he has no hatred and fear.

The top more is a unilateral hatred of ginger.

As for fear, he is not clear.

He heard that the strength of ginger is not simple, even the Qinglong Temple is not an opponent.

Although the Lord of the Qinglong Temple can't compare the universe, it can be comparable to ordinary three hobbies.

The war of ginger, I am afraid it comparable to the owner of the universe.

But this is not too enough!

If this is the strength, even his boutique is playing.

"The sword is unparalleled, you killed my brother, I want you to die!" Jiang Wei's voice is like a puppet, there is no feelings.

Directly rushing.

Sword is unparalleled shake their heads, too weak.

As he and Jiang War fight, fight other side you can see the ring.

That several of the main opponents of the universe, although it has also robbed of the three main cosmic territory, but each better than ginger War much more powerful.

Some opponents, the strength more powerful than he is now fighting force.

Bobby Emperor's eyes is a change, he saw the sword unparalleled indifferent.

Still did not reach the level of fear.

And he called out the little girl, the strength of some weak.

Eyes slightly narrowed, when looked carefully, suddenly found each other actually just Emperor.

"He is the Emperor!" Bobby Di brow of a challenge, look to the sword Warriors.

Call out opponents, they are of the same order.

He summoned the little girl is the Emperor, the Emperor sword is unparalleled.

Bobby Di extremely shocked!

Emperor is not shocked to have the combat power of the Lord of the universe, but rather a shock sword unparalleled Emperor, how will absorb much of the source of life.


He poured inhaled air, suddenly thought of something.

It was very old age.

Nine river very prosperous time and space when he followed an extraordinary presence, take the canoe came to the river of time and space from the sky.

And who exist apart before he knew who the pursuit of existence.

"The power of life!"

Who exist to go deep in the river of time and space to find life force.

Time and space!

The source is a starry sky, but the end is an unknown area.

The original universe of the sword is in the long river, and the terminal of the long river is very close.

It is Mo Lu to time and space.

The long river of the nine cores, is an upstream.

Endless starry, it is the source.

Babi Reminds that the existence of the existence was left alone alone.

Nowadays, I don't know how many years have passed.

He again recalled the past.

The power of life.


But he never believes that someone can create it!

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