Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5723 5718 Chapter ?? Tri Tiandi's terrible

They have not yet been moving in the ancient wood continent.

Even if they do it, there is no such powerful strength.

The strength of the soul of the soul of the soul has gathered in the eight hiking level.

This hit is really able to overhaven the country.

However, it doesn't matter.

The people were sacrificed by the soul of the soul. Nowadays, there is nothing wrong with the eternal national disappearance.

It is completely destroyed!

"Broken!" The soul of the soul shouted the last word, the color air wave between hands, the universe boat was in an instant.

The sword is unhappy, and Dillen is brought to the safe location.

That is, after the seven robbery, the power of the seven-robbery resists strong waves.

Hot waves come, and the body can be melted at a moment of less than 100,000 times.

It is also good to bounce his power and bonded to 200,000 times.

Otherwise, he can't see this horror.

Top of heat waves, through endless white light, swords have witnessed the strength of the eight knobs.

The whole eternal country has walked without departure.

From the ancient wood mainland, there is a deep inductible giant pit on the land.

After the heat waves and white, it was a burst of ground movement.

The nearby country, even the whole ancient wood continent is shaking.

Continued several breaths were slowly calm.

The sword is unparalleled and thoroughly shocked.

He thought of Mo Luo time and space, at the time that Mo Mo's time is destroy, but thought it was a person died, and now it seems to be destroyed by simple power.

Destroy a long-term long river in a midstream, not just because of being swallowed and simple.


These two words can't describe the mood of the sword.

Ganguang inverted, everyone has experienced short blindness.

The soul of the soul is like overdrawn, and the whole person's breath has dropped.

The rest of the seven robbery is , but it is better to die with the soul of the soul. Otherwise, this will be hit, they will seriously hurt.

too frightening.

The strength of the eight knocked resistance is not what they can be comparable.

In the soul of the soul of the soul, the blood of the soul, so that he returned to the peak, compared with the eight hobbies.

However, this kind of power should be limited, the same means, the soul of the soul can't use a few times.

However, it is like this, the strength of the soul of the soul, the ancient wood mainland at this moment, can also be ranked first.

In addition to the overtakement of eight robbery, it is the master of the seven-robbery universe to fight with the soul of the soul.

So terrible power, many people still see it.

Babi Emperor has followed the peak of the peak, but it was shocked to this hit.

Just worry that the giant god is destroyed.

Nowadays staring at the black fog in the strong light center.

The rest is true.

"It should be dead!" Shi Xuanbu said.

Although the strength of the sword has no strong, the power of death is very sensitive to him, he can also feel the power of a trace of death.

Just hit the soul of the soul, did not destroy the god egg.

I am waiting for strong light now, and I have explored it.

Even if it is not dead, I am afraid there is a sigh of relief, and the sword is unparalleled, and these people will know the truth. I am afraid it will regret it now.

Barbi's hopes all in the gods, creating a gates of heavy-fire rows, and is also related to gods.

It's time to destroy now.


The soul of the soul took the breath and gasped.

I just showed a lot of power, it was indeed a lot of consumption.

The power of the scattered border is less and less, and it is also available for a few times like this level of attack.

Of course, he is gambling, gambling this time can reignifer the road, then what is expensive now to count.


The glare ended.

The strong light outside the eternal country has also disappeared.

Countless to watch the robbery, they have escaped.

Just a breath, it has exceeded their imagination.

If there is no blood, they don't have time to end.

That air wave, through the giant god egg, the rest of the power is on the blood, and the blood is strong, there is no rupture.

If there is a rupture, only a piece of force is needed, and those unlucky robbery can be used.

As for the sword, there is a unparalleled and other people, there is a few seven-hidden to resist, there is no thing, but it is not open to the eyes of strong light.

Today, strong light is settled.

The three stood up.

Dillan was seriously injured, but it was still holding Babi.

"Adult, finished!" Dillen stared at the position of the giant gods and couldn't help but sigh.

Babi's eyes are booming.

Only the sword is unparalleled, not that simple.

The position of the godd egg, now there are only some floating eggs, as for the giant giant, it is gone.

But the power of the death, still there.

Floating in the air!

Shi Xuan and others have a breather with a sigh of relief, and it seems to be solved! "

"Soul Tian Di!"

The rest is a little worried later, the strength of the soul of the soul is too terrible, they are not opponents.

Nowadays, Babi is around!

No one wants exclusive.

The war is touched.

When they guard the soul of the soul, they found the soul of the soul, but they did not move, and the face was pale.

"Not good!" Shi Xuan rate was unsatisfactory first, and quickly retreat.

Just retreat in Shi Xuan, the rest of the people just reacted, the flesh of the soul of the soul was burst.

The power of death, recover again.

He has been broken into the flesh, the soul of the soul is like escaping in the cage, and the body is very far away from the moment.

He, actually in my body! "The soul of the soul is shocked, just at attack, I feel that I have solved, but I didn't expect the breath of the adhesion, it actually contained the power of death.

And this power has a will.

Everyone took the line and moved to the flesh of the soul of the soul of the soul.

"Still alive!" Babi excitedly called.

As long as the giant giant in the egg is alive, there is also a hope of turning over.

The ten seven-seven robbery this place are not opponents.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is shocking.

He thought this giant god, even if he did not die, he was seriously injured.

But now the power of death, is pushing and constantly turning.

Powerful power.

In the sky, countless deaths, gradually condensed into a black fog, and then rushed to the soul of the soul of the flesh.

It seems that it is fusion.

The soul of the recovery, the eye hole contracted, and heavily said: "Hurry and kill him!"

At this time, the rest of the people also responded, and they all shot.

At this time, the soul of the soul is again compressed again, ready to enlarge.

Babi is standing out, blocking the black fog.

"You have to do it again, even this seat is also killed!" Babi bite his teeth, he didn't want to be controlled again.

It was not good to give the days to kill the dog.

It's hard to escape, so happy so long, he doesn't want to be controlled by these people.

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