Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5724, 5719 ???

I am afraid to die, and I will not bow.

Shi Xuan and others have hesitated.

If you kill Babi, they will be busy this time.

Seeing everyone hesitating, the soul of the soul is angry: "You won't pull him!"

At this time, someone reacted and wanted to catch Babi.


I saw that the seven-bit robbers just closed, and they were stopped by the protective cover outside Babi.

"Haha, I want to catch me, it is not so easy. As long as you attack, I will remove the protective cover, I'm going to die together!"

The sword is unpaired.

At this time, he did not have any way, only a bystander.

This time is also not white.

Even the power of the Baxum has seen, the only regret may not see the birth of the giant!

These seven-robbery, although it is very eager to re-ignition road, but it will still choose the latter compared to his own life.


No one is hesitating this time.

It is bound to kill in Babi.

Otherwise, wait for the giant God to complete, they will end.

The breath of death is too horrible.

Ten seven robbers, all of them, have taken the chassis.

For a time, countless rays shine from the sky.

The sword is unparalleled.

A huge petal was divorced from the sky, followed by a huge rumor, the spatial spatial fragmentation, time disorders.

Everyone's figure has some distortions.

Their space is so uncomfortable, and can only be refunded again.

The sword is unparalleled but staring at Dillen falling into the depths.

He a bird, instantly, and went to Dillen from the gravel.

When I saw the printed of the forehead, the sword was unparalleled with a sigh of relief.

Dilen's imprint is still, prove that Babi is still alive.

Moreover, the power of the death has not disappeared.

This time I was desperate to the soul of the soul.

Kill you can't die!

They together, plus the super power of the soul of the soul.

It has been able to compare the top eight knocked.

Actually, I haven't succeeded yet.

Instead, the power of the death is more rich, and the breath is constantly rising.

When the sword is unparalleled, when the power of death, the brow is slight.

It seems that some are not very strong.

Babi has a relationship with the life.

He has a relationship with the life!

Then I arrived in ancient times, I didn't have a long time, I met Babi Emperor, I didn't have a coincidence!

And now Babi Emperor has made a similar thing to kill, and died.

Although he has mastered the power of life, it is not based on life!

The evolution of the road is a starry sky, lights up the universe, he is a sword.

It is normal cultivation, which can be different from the life.

Power is not single.

"Drying!" The sword was unparalleled with Dillen and turned to the sky.

He is now looking for running.

Among the sky.

Black fog gather.

Slowly form a figure.

10,000 glory.

The face of the devil, there is a red color line in the chest.


His chest has a nine red ray lines in his chest.

Link dark red core in the center of the chest.

There is his heart.

It is still flashing now.

The sword has seen the other party's identity.

"Giant God, Red Shen!"

Star Space, Giant God!

There are also clan and branches.

The three of Fosa, Fygo, and Ephsi are the gods of the clan, the blood is noble.

And this red god, just branch.

However, even if it is, it is also a real giant god family, you can't underestimate it.

Moreover, this existence can be carefully created by Babi.

Originally, it should be died, but now it is based on the power of death, and re-sends new students.

"It's over!"

The seven robbery strong, all leaked the desperation.

The power is too terrible.

And in this giant gods, there is also a slavery imprint of Babi.


Babi Emperor has emerged, and it is also wrapped in a layer of red shield.

"Thank you, Red Jiuyi!" Babi Face is full of confidence, look back to Heijiu, and then turn around to see those seven-hobby.


Red Jiuyi!

When the eyes of Babi, when the eyes of Heys, the eyes of the nine were also seen in the past.

This makes everyone can't help but shrink the neck.

"The sword is unparalleled, you come!" Babi Emperor said that the sword came to come, and then referred to those seven-robbery: "I will give you a choice, kneel when you are a dog!"

When the sword flying to Babi is unparalleled, it almost fell from the sky.

This is definitely what he has heard of the most arrogant.

A choice!

That is not to choose.

In the side of Dillen, the sword was unparalleled behind Babi.

Now he seems to be a person who is Babi.

"You have just performed, very good!" Babi's face was slow, then said: "I originally intended to give you a silence, so that the old dog will definitely go crazy, he is looking for life, don't know more For a long time, I found you, as long as you die, it is actually a peace of peace, or this guy will definitely go to the peak! "

The sword is unluckled, as always, anyway, it is divided, he is fearless.

Listening to the narration of Babi Emperor, nodded and replied: "It seems that you change your mind!"

"Yes!" Babi did not deny it.

He was originally prepared to kill the sword.

It is not necessary now.

Perhaps he saw the strength of Red Jijiu, he started a wolf.

Or, he is intended to be in the sword.

With the way, he also.

He also wants to use the sword and unparalleled, go to the other side.

Nothing, just in order to give it to the original.

He wants to help the sword unparalleled to swallow the life.

When the sword is unparalleled, the heart is a little laugh.

This kind of good intention, he acted.

In his opinion, Babi still doesn't understand the life!

Decoction can talk to him through the Moro time.

Who dares to guarantee that the giant gods have no relationship with the life.

Although the power of the death is different, the smell is too like.

Sword is unparalleled, you can't dare.

This is the intention of running at any time.

The imitation is like seeing a general, explained: "You can rest assured, Red Jijiu does not need to swallow the power of life, you can go to the peak!"

It seems that it will be wrong!

The sword can only nod, even those seven-robbery is coming to be a dog.

He is an emperor, which is selected.

It's better to furnish, it is better to mix with Babi!

The present is that hiding in the country, waiting for the Holy Association to enter the Wanliu Shenmu.

Next, I will see how Babi is planning.

Seeing the soul of the soul and others, I really twisted, Babi Hand passed in the Dillan chest, and immediately resumed Dilen's injury.

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