Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5725 5720 ?? Red Jijiu

The sword is unparalleled to see this scene, some surprised, did not expect this Pakistani to have this ability.

I can't really know people.

It is clear that it can control so many strong people, but also can be treated, an increase.


After Dillen recovered, after standing in Babi, staring at those twisting super powerful, his mouth rose.

Dog warning people, but so.

"Red Jiuyi, go to kill a few practicing hands!" Babii looked at these people did not give him a face, all three breathing past, these people have not thought about it.

I heard the order of Babi, and the nine shovel shot.

I found the most powerful soul of the soul.

His intuition tells him that it will enhance himself.

This is also the most variant place in Red, and is also a place where Babi is proud.

If you want to re-ignite the road, it is a weak bulk.

Of course, this only has a red nine.

Anyway, as long as you can reignite the road, it has been successful.

Next, it is necessary to continue to improve, from the perspective of enslaved, remove things that swallow this kind of magic is too deep, so that those who are tacked can condense the death.

It is possible to create a legal door of a heavy row.

In this way, the bulk border of cultivating this method needs to be his slave.

As to engulf, even if it is.

It will cause the nine-day time and space to shock, and the Lord of the universe will also find him.

Although there is more, though, but true war is still in the universe.

And there is also a three ancient times.

Can't be too mad.

To be low-key.

On the other hand, Red Jiusi has already paired the soul of the soul.

Just just a few tricks, the peak soul of the hit is hit hard.

The remaining nine seven robes, including Shi Xuan came to Babi, and directly worship the gift directly.

They are not stupid.

I don't agree, only one death.

The promised not only can alive, but also be the super power of the first batch of heavy rows, why not!

The soul of the soul only supports several breathing, and it can't help it.

"Babi Emperor, I am willing to be your dog!" The soul of the soul shouted.

Barbi is full of enthusiasm, but it is very polite to talk to those who have been coming.

This also makes those seven-robbery strong hearts.

The strength of the soul of the soul is much more powerful than they.

Babi is very uncomfortable.

It seems that when the dog is not intensive, but it is to compare the time.

Loyal first.

After understanding this, everyone talks more diligent.

The sword is unparalleled next to it is clear.

Slave is the way, it is really extraordinary.

Babi can reach today, there is absolute mind.

Seeing that the soul of the soul can't hold it, Babi will recruit it, say: "Jiuyi, you come back!"

Heijiu heard, there is no hesitation, even if he wants to swallow the soul of the soul, or the old man returns to Babi, respectful standing.

The body has also become a strong size.

It is also to be strong than the burly Dilen.

The style of the flesh is like the evil spirits.

Very horror, the light is a look, all of the hearts of God.

Those seven hobbies saw this pleasant in front of Babi, kneeling, and the panels turned right.

This time, I don't have to open my mouth again, and the soul of the soul flooded directly.

"Babi Emperor!" The soul of the soul kneeling at the foot of Babi like others.

The strength of the soul of the soul, the soul of the full blood sacrifice.

In the end, it became a dog!

"Well!" Babi's arrogant head, reached out, and the rings made in all kinds of gems.

The soul of the soul seeing the green paws stretched out and swallowed a sight.

I kissed it again.

"Master!" The soul of the soul has changed, staring at the eye hole of Babi, respectful.

In his eyebrow, he also showed a black mark.

After seeing, the family will kiss the hands of the Babi.

The sword is unparalpired.

He is thinking, if it is this, now he will not follow these people.

At present, Babi is to stay him.

Just don't know that Babi will not slave his branch.

Once you want a slave, he still have to go.

In case, it is enslaved, and there is also a bonus.

He is finished.


A circular cosmic boat appeared in the top of everyone.

Barbi is behind, and it is quietly said: "I should leave!"

! ! ! ! ! !

Everyone entered the cabin from the suspension compass below the cosmic boat.

The furnishings in the core warehouse are very weird.

Little is not like the objects in time and space.

This is something from the starry civilization.

They don't know that it is normal.

Before the round table that is growing from the ground, Babi is sitting in the first place, sitting opposite the sword.

The two sides are the top ten seven robbery.

Dillen is like a guard, standing behind Babi, there is no landing.

As for the table, it is placed in various types of metals.

Babii picks up a piece, chewing big mouth.


The rest, including swords, unparalleled, is not moving.

Seeing that these people did not have a movie, Babi Emperor widen his mouth, swept the people in a cold road: "Take it out, don't eat, is it not given to me!"

After everyone heard, the body was trembled, and it took a lot of metal on the table.

The sword is unparalleled and hesitant, and he looks at the position of Heijiu.

Aijiu is not sitting here, but a honeycomb is built on the cabin, and there is a black fog to send the existence.

It is a habit of inheriting.

"The sword is unparalleled, why don't you eat?" Babi's eyes were unperfected with the sword.

Also in the metallic, everyone is still looking at the sword, and the same eyes are not good.

The sword is unhappy, and even busy explains: "Babi Emperor, there is no appetite!"

He didn't look at it and said directly.

Those seven-robbery is the dog of Babi, but he is not.

After listening to his words.

Barbie's eyes are getting colder, and the two have done a few breaths, and finally Babi smiled: "Haha, you are honest."

"Thank you, praise!" The sword is unparalleled.

As long as you don't slave him, say anything well.

Join your hand to deal with indiscriminate life, then it is better.

If Babii is willing, now they can kill the time and space of the original universe.

During the death of the destroyed crushing directly.

Isn't it cool!

Sword is unparalleled.

In the case of Babi, the words of Babi are given him a pot of cold water.

"The sword is unparalleled, I am very optimistic, you are different from these waste, you can master the existence of time and space in the future, practice, catch up with the stern, I will help you to swallow your life. ! "Babi Emperor came out, the sword is unparalleled, although some is a little lonely.

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