Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5726 5721 ??? Hidden

The soul of the soul and Shi Xuan and others are leaking out envious eyes.

Although these people were slavery, they also had their own will.

Just this will, is completely controlled by Babi.

Let them go east, will not west.

The sword is unparalleled, because he is all chasing the pace of killing, then Pakfield will help him.

It is not better to solve it yourself.

In case, what about Pakpegi will play him again!


The sword is unhealthy sigh, but the face is leaking a brilliant color, got up and respect the Babi, and it is a chat.


He is now very curious, and Babi will take them.

When the eternal kity has destroyed, when he is, he saw that the space of Babi even gave a cut.

This is to completely hide yourself.

Ok, Babi Emperor is not ready to conceal them, but said the next order.

Gonegiece of reorganizing the road.

This is also the most expective thing that soul Tiandi and Shi Xuan.

According to the intention of Babi, they will go to a danger, waiting for a special place for a while, looking for a treasure.

Just get the treasure, Babi can create a legal door of heavy racing road.

"Now I still need some layout. Some people in you need to return to their respective Zongmen, conceal my things, and I will explain you!" Babi began to arrange the task of everyone.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just curious.

The seven-robbery "Tongliang" of the ancient mouse

And some other seven-star people, all returned to their forces and continue to practice normally.

There is a need for Babi Emperor to inform them.

These people and slavery are not afraid of rebellion.

Although they left.

But in the surveillance of Babi, there is no possibility of escape.

"Well, it is probably this arrangement, everything listening to my order!" Babi's look, and he is more than these bullets.

After all of them heard, they gave life!

"Yes, I will never live up to adults!"

Babi Emperor took a stack of tokens and distributed it to everyone.

There are also numbers above.

From one to ten.

The soul of the soul is a letter, Shi Xuan is the second.

Tang Liang, the ancient mouse, is the third.

It is seen in the power.

It is just a special thing to look at it.

The sword is unparalleled without being in the hands, so it is a little curious.

At this time, Babi explained: "You are mine, this order, this plan needs to conceal your identity, but in the future, you can definitely say that it is my person with the outside world, or is a son. Yes! "

"Yes, dry!" The soul of the soul became smart, the first opening is called.

It is simply a thief.

The rest of the people also opened.

The sword is unparalleled at Shixuan, the old man of this guy can still live!

"Well, you can start, there is no longer, I will find the room to practice in this place!" Babi was also full, slowly standing from the chair.

The sword is unparalleled with four, some people leave, some people also get up and enter the macrobed cultivation.

It seems that all this is normal.

You can just play, you are still playing.

The world is impermanent!

Babi also left the cabin. When entering the core cabin belonging to his own core cabin, he turned to the sword unparalleled. He said: "The sword is unparalleled, you have the treasure you need, please feel free to find me!"

I have left it.

Dillen also entered the core cabin with together.

In the cabin, there is no sword where you are unparalleled.

When I look up, I see that there is still this guy when I see the hive.

He did not hurry to practice the room, but came to the edge of the cabin, and he regarded the outside world.

Before the huge floor window, everything is transparent, he can see the scenery of the outside world.

That is a miniature universe.

Represents a master of universe.

Although I don't know, what is the boat going?

But he is clear, he should also go toward the Lord of the Universe.

Leave the Polyson Temple, short thousand years.

He has been involved in the battle of the Eight-minded hierarchy.

Although it is just a bystander, it does not need him to force.

It can also be a little boring.

He needs constant power to stand in ancient times.

The thoughts rose, the sword has no double eyes, sitting in front of the floor, slowly closes the scorpion.

The main will have returned to the present.

Vietnam, Wufu.

Eternal State has passed only three days, the whole ancient wood mainland, and even the ancient times, it is spread.

The soul of the soul of the soul is born, and the majority of great power will went to encroach the death and injury.

Shi Xuan in Shijia is falling.

The nine seven robbers have only four people.

For a time, this thing is swept away.

Going to the robbery to the emperor, it is talking.

After the blood of the eternal country, many people went to view.

On this day, Wumu Chang came to Wufu, not to pull the sword unparalleled and Wu Li also went up and lively.

No way, who makes the other party have high status, they can only follow it.

I don't know why, the sword is unparalleled, Wu Li seems to be not in the heart.

In accordance with the constant executives, this war is broke out.

No matter who it is, it should be shocked and curious.

Three people set off together, and I have arrived in Eternal King on a day.

The sword is unparalleled to make a strange east look at the West.

No way, you can only entertain.

He left Babi Emperor to leave.

Everything is too familiar with everything here.

As for the war, follow the inside.

He must be more clear than anyone.

There is really no wonderful heart.

In less than half a day, he began to persuade the elder of the wood to leave.

It is indeed no good look.

The space and land of this place are gone.

There is a huge black hole.

There is no such breath.

It is not the ruins of battle, there is no study at all.

In the end, the three people turned around with Wu Li's persuasion.

When they left, the other side of the black hole came to a group.

"It is Vietnami, they are very close to the eternal kingdom, but it is much more faster than our stone country!" A young man in this pedestrian said.

Seven people, four old people, three young people.

When I heard Vietnamese, one of the young people said: "The Vietnamese people, I heard that I have suffered a little loss in the country, and I have been in the country."

"You can defeat Shijiu, it seems that the other party's power exceeds 180,000, and it is really itchy!"

Two young emperors, there is a lot to say.

Just before them, the red woman standing is very light.

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