Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5727 5722 ?? Last cultivation

I have been watching the black hole, and the abyss below is.

The battle of the hijacity level.

She is very curious.

Especially the seven robbers.

After the two young emperors behind, they have been talking about the country.

"Yes, the emperor who defeated Shijiu is the Tianjiao of the family. This is so close to the country, it is better to play!"

"I heard that Wu Jia Yulu's outer, what is called!" The young emperor screamed his head and then thought about it, said:

"Right, he is a sword!"

"Sword is unparalleled!"

When you hear this name, the red woman looks out, and it is not aware that it looks out.

Looking at the big red woman, the two were shocked.

Two people are the post-martial arts of Stone, also the emperor of Shi Country.

But compared with the woman's woman, their status can be too much.

The red woman is the strongest one of the Stone National Emperor Jun Tianjiao.

It is also the first after the flame god, the most popular post-mortal is mostly stored.

The status exceeds the general universe, is the most concerned that the flame god is most concerned.

This time, it is also arranged four five-bit robbery protection.

In addition, the two flame gods, although they are embarrassed, they can't do their position, or they are not as good as this red woman.

Fan Tianfeng! "

Or is the "Fan Feng!" Of the 18th God of the Discrimination Temple.

When she heard the sword, there was no surprise, some were just excited.

She is now, but it is much more powerful, I have to find someone to look at it.

Even, she believes that she has surpassing the Democratic Emperor.

"The sword is unparalleled!" Fan Feng heart silently.

I also learned some things in the Sword Musou's most recent years from the two.

It is the exterior of Wu's old ancestors, and it is still a horses in the country.

"Hey, we are all in front of you, you are good, just have to go to the door in a few days!" Fan Feng dismissed.

After the two young emperors behind him, I don't know what this big sister is thinking, I don't talk about it.

Fan Tianfeng has an idea at this time, saying: "Go back, return to the stone country, go to the kings to see, what kind of waste will be lost to a Vietname, but also a gun, this face can be lost, but we can't I'm losing together! "

"This?" The two hesitated.

What is the relationship between Shi Kings?

They don't know, Fan Feng is ready to take the sword without double opening.

And there is already a plan.

In particular, the sword is unparalleled, I can't think of it, I will be considered by myself.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled to Wufu, so it's hard to get the old man, and urgently returning to your room and start cultivating.

He is now a lot of treasures.

Especially the present treasure, let Wu Li help him exchange a lot, now you can justify your strength before the Holy Association is coming.

Since I was in hand with Shijiu, he felt that he could not read the emperor of the ancient times.

Maybe, the emperors of those on the surface, there is a killing.

Just as the end of Nikun.

Sudden explosion, the most terrible.

He doesn't want to lose to the same order.

Honestly, he broke through the emperor, there was no closed repair.

At the emperor level, he improved the strength.

Of course, it is the head of the right, it is not necessary.

It is still the most powerful and Dao Jun.

I can't fall in the emperor.


Under the junction, the time flow rate is adjusted to 100,000 times.

The outside world is a year, which is more than 100,000 years.

There are still more than two years from the marriage. He is ready to go forward one month in advance, and the remaining time is used to cultivate.

More than 20 million years, enough for him to digest the treasure of recent acquisition.

This source is treasured, worth billions of party.

Don't say that it is in the Temple, even if it is in ancient times, it is possible to take out so many treasures at one time, and the minimum is also three robbery.

The three puffs of the poor point may not be able to get it.

After all, the strength of the same order is also a varied.

The robbery is not an emperor.

The three-order scatters, the Lord of the universe of the three-minded, can be said to be a day.

"The heart of time and space!" The sword was unparalleled to open a jade box, some curious.

According to the above introduction, this portable green circular stone is worth 70 million cosmine.

Standing all the five-fifth of the treasure.

This treasure is not simple.

Contains time and space.

Now he is just slightly smashed.

For time and space or a good situation.

Simple space.

Time is cumbersome.

Now he has not understood in the time, how can he understand the power of time and space.

It is also blurred feelings.

For example, knowing the time and space can shuttle and once.

the only.

"Canadal!" The sword is unhappy, the power of the time and space is in the palm of his own style.


The six thousand black holes are running at the same time, the power of explosing, comparable to the owner of the universe.

Although the Lord he contacted is not much.

But he also learned from Wu Li's conversation.

The main source of the power.

The space is very weak, and the time is more common.

A lot of seven-robbery cultivation is not as good as the Lord of the five-knocked universe of Moro.

After all, they just take time and space to assist them.

Not at your heart.

One thousand black holes can condense the universe, becoming the universe.

The sword is unparalleled to see those universe, they will say that the miniature universe.

It is too small, and there is no big universe.

Not don't say, his own origin is sky.

Only six thousand black holes with only light, it is possible to compare the Lord of the universe of the four hops.

In ancient times.

10,000 black holes, representing the peak of the four hobby universe.

Of course, this can only say that the owner of the ancient times the sky is weak in space.

Can compensate for this shortcomings.

Plus the integrity of the method.

The robbery of the ancient month, the whole is the powerful than Moro time and space.

However, it is a place to envy the envy of the ancient moon time.

That is the master of Moro, walking is time and space.

The time of robbery will be very long.

The time of the ancient moon time and space is coming.

Take a first-class power of time and space, more accurate, and it can be delayed.

There is three times more than the power than the power of the power.

This is also why the original Moose time is basically the owner of the universe.

There are very few scattered.

This also makes a lot of robbery, giving up the scatters, even if it is not willing to become a bulk.

The disagreement is like this.

It is also possible that it has encountered a life, and he is not willing to become a scattered and cooperate with the life.

Thinking of this, the sword has no pair of approaches, it also relieved.

The seven robbers of the ancient month time and space are willing to come enough.

Compared with the discriminates, it is still a matter of positive.

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