Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5729 5724 ????

If you want to increase, he has no ability to swallow the treasures.

I can only swallow up after the robbery.

East Jun's skeleton, he will integrate his own flesh earlier.

At that time, it is possible to break a million power.

Until now, he can't see what is the strength of Dongjun.

In the eternal state, he also saw the fighting power of the Eight.

From the soul of the soul, did not feel the breath of the hands of the hands of the Dunjun.

This shows that Dongjun once the battle is better than the soul of the soul.

Bolding, eight knobs.

It is stronger than the boyess.

The disagreement during the peak period is not in his own way, there is a half-step battle force, which is similar to the soul of the soul.

If it is in your own, I am afraid I can explode the combined power of the full eight knocked.

The strength of Dongjun is absolutely strong than the spirit of the soul.

From the mouth of Babi, he can also see the strength of the life, it is by no means an ordinary eight knocked.

The least is half a hobby.

It's just for so many years, because some kind of thing, strength degraded.

He is originally prepared to return, and it is even necessary when it is necessary.

According to his current strength, as long as it is a robbery, it is a three-knocked border.

The five puffs are not far away.

Just in the identity of the life, it is more horrible than he imagined.

Not much to prepare, I am afraid it is also a dead.

As for others, he did not think about it.

Take him the nine people of the ancient times.

He is the first echelon.

Hui Qing can also be reluctant enough to have this threshold.

The second echelon.

Fan Feng, Tong Tian Buddha, Zhenhuyang, U.

The third echelon.

Light shadow, backbone.

The rest of the Dongsheng followes, it is to make up.

Strength is too far from them.

It is not too difficult to become a mourning.

It will be successful if you can go to the talents.

Although the strength of the light and shadow and the backbone, although the strength is poor, the future is in the future, and it is expected to be five robbers.

After all, it is the top Tianjiao in the niche of the original universe.

Don't make five robbery.

Wu Zhi and Fan Feng probability can also go to this point.

It is not easy to follow the Buddha, and the Buddha is not simple.

I expect them to solve the life, the nature of the original universe has long been finished.

The only hope is that he is with Huqing.

The sword is unparalleled, but now Fan Feng has become the back of the flame god, and is the strongest blood of the blood.

The strength has long been in the same day.

Time and space channels opened by Zhenling, can be said to be comparable to time and space.

They are ten people, and each of them is first-class.

The sword is unparalleled, you can become the child of Wujia's family.

Fan Feng is a flame god of the flame god of one of the most powerful people.

The rest have not yet showed the open corner, but it will not be too bad.

Both are quite high, not dying.

This is a chance.

Become a hobby.

Birth in the robbery family with their talents.

Slightly tempering, you can become a robbery.

But becoming a robbery, not their goals.

After the achievement of the emperor, the sword is unparalleled in the Polyson Temple ushered in the sense of security.

But in ancient times, it is not enough.

Fortunately, in this time, I got the increase in Babi.

Let his skills can break through.

There is also your own treasure.

Although the ancient month, although the trend is the source of the power, there are many treasures of time and space, and the price is cheap.

He can also take the opportunity to leak, and increase his own source to the emperor peak.

The force of nine thousand black holes.

The origin of transformation is much stronger than before.

The power of the starry sky has become extravagant.

Now he will show ancient times, I am afraid that the strength can soar to the quadrush, even more stronger.

The foundation, once he reached his limit, it is not weak to his peak.

This time is also a hurt.

At the time of his emperor, up to 100,000 times the foundation.

Now he can raise to 200,000 times.

When it is a holy club, the bottom card is buried!

The sword is unparalleled to close the scorpion and start entering the boring cultivation.

On one side, the origin is condensed, and the origin is cultivated.

The other side is a golden air flame on the skeleton.

About 100,000 years and 10,000 years.

At time acceleration, he has cultivated more than 20 million years.

The power is completely improved to the limit.

This time it is impossible to increase.

If Babi can grow his body, there is still hope.

But in this way, Babi will be aware of what he is dividing.

Can't expose.

His name, just appeared in Vietnam, there is still little known.

Otherwise, Babi is known, maybe you will take his book too.

Fortunately, Babi also has a bigger planning, and did not contact the outside world, which has been lurking in the dark.

His branch has been in peace of mind in the cabin and did not find any abnormalities.

Babi Emperor has never appeared since the entry of the core cabin.

Instead, the red nine rush from the hive and entered the core cabin.

Should be a command of Babi.

Otherwise, this guy will not move.

There is no more observation in the sword, and the power of death is very uncomfortable.

This is about this side, it is about to go.

The flames on the skeleton are all swallowed.

The remaining skeleton needs to be fused after he is a robbery.

After the foundation of the foundation came to 200,000, the sword was unparalleled three times the power of the beast god, and it was easy to break 300,000 times.

There is a little less than the secretary of the Pakistani.

This also made him have some respect for Babi.

The means of growth, the beast of the beast can be strong.

Just is also very high.

I want a permanent growth to get a dog.

The sword is unparalleled because it can't go, the ancient times of the ancient times.

Naturally, it is impossible to give Babi as a dog.

Now his power, it is no weak, four times the power of the beast, can break out of about 33,000.

It has been comparable to weakness of four pilgrims.

If Wu Li is not in his own way, he can explode Wu Li.

If he didn't see Wanliu Shenmu, there were too little information.

He wanted to slaughter Wu, robbing the jars.

After the power is strong, the increase of the ancient changes is more powerful.

He is a stable force.

Some temperings have been lacking since the way.

For example, the peak matchup.

Betting with Shijiu, it is not enough.

I just didn't have ancient times.

As for the battle with Huiqing, it is bordered, there is no kind of oppression.

It's better to have a good time to fight with Brole.

There is also a battle on the original star, the stronger the battle.

Top large derastine from the beginning.

To the last Daojun, every time it exceeds the limit.

He wants that battle.


The holy will start now.

At that time, the Lords of the Winnabo Universe participating in the Holy Association will have a lot.

There is no participation in the border.

Face the mains of the universe.

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