Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5730 5725 ?? Chess

At that time, it was the timing of his show.

Although the main task is to open Wanliu.

But don't hinder him to challenge the people of the universe.

As for the emperor?

The sword is unparalleled and gently shaking his head, and his finger rubs the sword sheath, and the sound of Salsa is issued.

The emperor is the same as the ruthless sword in his hand.

Some are not very enough.

Although the current decision cloud sword has his life, it will become the treasure of the universe in the future.

But this god sword is not that he is increasing from a weak hour.

Some is paying, lacking is the heart of the war.

He should find a way to create a sword that belongs to himself.

There is still a month from the marriage today.

It is not anxious.

After the big marriage, I went to Shi Country and visited the master of the mismary.

Create an embryo of a bumper.

Do your origin in the starry sky.

Slowly cultivate until they follow him to promote the owner of the universe.

At that time, some special materials are needed.

This can be used to find the long and old man.

The only some variable is that he is ashamed.

Under the upper body, I can't open 10,000 cosmine.

There are a lot of money for money.

Unfortunately, it is not possible.

"Yes!" The sword turns a double eye.

The mental power is coming to the watching chessboard.

The virtual rising place, sitting on the knee sitting on a few points.

Always in the Temporation of Time and Space in Tiantu Dish.

There are also some borders that are the origin of the chess pieces of the font size.

The origin of the soldiers is all cleaned by him Huoho.

Now there will be, handsome, god.

Removing only the name of the universe is the principal of the universe.

He quickly found the weakest piece of chess.

It looks like, the internal origin is like the main source of a five-knocked universe.

Place a piece of chess and suddenly use it.

Powerful suction, in an instant, I pushed the universe.

"Give me it out!" The sword did not have a double angry, directly pushed the power of the day, forcibly pulling the source into his hand.

Yellow strip shape of the original source, abnormal mild.

It may also be because his strength is strong enough, and the other party cannot break freely.

After coming out of your source, the sword is unparalleled to condense the power of life in the other hand.

The secret law.


The power of strong life, after injection of the yellow source, soon activated the source.


The universe is out of his hand from him and starts to condense.

Slowly gather, finalize the shape.

The shadow of condensed is a handsome young man wearing a white robes.

The beam is doing a crown, facial faculty, and the shape is long.

It is a rare beautiful teenager.

"In the white, I have seen the controllers!" The vain is unparalleled with the sword.

There is no double point of the sword, reach out, use the power of everything, help the opponent condense the flesh.

After a while, from a piece of chess, it became a living robbery.

The opponent has the fighting power of five knockers.

And it is a rare escort that is completely listening from his command.

The most important thing is to hide in his own origin. If it is a critical moment, you can come out to save him.

Even if you are not enemies, you can also help him block some attacks.

Just as the original, all the boxes of all the battles were thrown out by him.

Nowadays, it is a rounded number.

At the beginning, the first true king made him use these chess pieces to enhance the realm.

As a result, he is good, or swallowed these origins, or resuscitate them, go to the decendants.

"Maybe, it is the arrangement of Xuan Yi!" The sword was comforted with himself.

This observator is still not explored.

Need constant understanding.

Otherwise, some is a waste.

After he became a robbery, it is necessary to create the peak secret law that belongs to the watching chessboard.

If he is sitting on the mountain.

When the chess pieces were swallowed by him.

This treasure, he doesn't know how to use it.

It can't always be swallowed by the time and space!

That's too wasteful.

Just like the origin of the Bao Bao in the universe, he lost the sesame and lost watermelon.

Too much a pity.

No wonder, when I gave him the source of the origin, even the gods were a little twisted.

It's really wasteful!

But if there is no source of this source, he can't be so fast.

Don't keep, that can come to the ancient times!

Everything is equivalent to exchange!

"Zi white!" The sword is unparalleled, saying: "You are waiting here, when you need you, I will summon you!"


Recently, he will use the hard work of this five-knocked.

There is no cadam.

Then go to grab!

And don't grab the poor.

Grab the big family.

At this time, it is just to go to the strength of those families.

The Top Ten Family of Vietnam, many of them have no five hobbies.

Some of the people who even the universe did not.

But the bottom is not weak.

Back to the Vietnamese family, it is also moisturizing.

But there is no strength, keeping those treasures, is wasteful.

And it is a waste of this world.

Just look at them unlucky!

Thinking of a family treasure, the sword is not rising in the mouth.

How much is there.

Tens of cosmic crystals will be afraid!

The conservative point is a billion.

Ordinary quadruption, tens of billion worth.

The five robbers have a billion price.

However, those families have been inherited, and they are a lot of treasures.

In addition to the value of the inheritance, the reserve of cosmine is probably exceeding more than one billion.

On the occasion of the princesae of the Vietnamese, Wang has gathered a lot of many families.

They don't know, they will become the fat sheep in today's horses.


There is also a few days to marry.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is necessary to go forward in advance and prepare it.

Just right, call the Brand to receive several summons.

Wooden Chen is looking for him again?

The sword has no double picking the token. I just prepared for a back, I felt the breath of the elder of the wood, and the figure was directly arrived in the Temple of Wufu.

Mu Chen and Wu Li have already sit in the master position, it seems that I have come early.

It's just embarrassed to bother him.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, the woody old is old.

Because the sword has two hundred times a powerful breath.

Moreover, the elders of the wood can see that the sword is unparalleled.

I can't help it in my heart!

It seems that the sword is unparalleled and there is a lot.

This has not become a robbery, which is so powerful.

In the future, become a robbery, and the Lord of the universe is as simple as drinking water.

Four hobbies are nails on the plate, and there is a great hope in the five hobbies.

As for the six robbery, it is a high bar. Even if the emperor will fight back, no one will dare to be the owner of the universe of the six knobs.

"There is no pair of sages, this closed door, it seems that the receipt is very big!" Huichen Long is praise.

In his opinion, the future sword is unparalleled, but the power will never be weak than him.

Now I am close to some, I will be a big helper.

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