Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5731 5726 ??? Memories

This kind of skirt is related to the mirror, and it can also be fully trust.

It is much more powerful than Wu Li.

Every good helper is worthy of these strong people to do their best.

Wu Li also seen a lot of swords and no double breath, but did not say much.

For him, the sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, he is not worried about the sword.

His chassis is equally simple.

"Wooden Chang Mao praise, just a little breakthrough!" The sword was unparalleled and humble shake his head, the breath on the same body, until the whole person is not very unreasonable, can only let people see it with the naked eye.

The mental strength is unable to perceive.

Of course, this is also the strength of Wu Li and Wuxic.

If a five-knocked universe is natural, it is natural to feel the existence of swords.

Seeing the unparalleled breath of the sword disappeared, two people are also a little surprised, but personal strength is very sensitive, naturally will not ask more.

"Sit down and say it, you are not outsiders!" Wu Li looked at the sword unparalleled, and he opened the sword without double.

Mu Chen also nodded: "Yes! We will soon be a family, just specialize in the Wangfu, who is prepared for you, has been built, for a few days, you can move over!"

Where is the sword sitting, just noddron.

"There is no pair of sages, I see you is a bit restraint, will n't you have to be pro?" Waphen Long is so old.

This kind of words, if it is in the crowd, it will not be said.

But everyone is a practitioner, and it is a robbery.

There is nothing wrong with it.

Who did not marry a few a doctors during the prolific period.

I can think of some family children, the proliferative period is still a boy, and it will become a Dao Jun.

The sword is unparalleled to the children of those families.

I have never experienced the red dust grinding of the world.

He heard the elderly in Wuman, he thought of himself.

The days struggled in the vulgar world.

Juvenile Sword Era.

He experienced that he was warm, and he asked the sword.

At that time, he was in the style of air, and the thing that did not range, a sword broke.

He has a chic.

The fire world, the power of the universe.

Every time he is journey, he is fearless.

The original partner, brother, a couple.

I don't know how it is now.

They are very far from the big sectors.

Emperor is hard to find.

There are two big hegens in the long river of time and space.

The Temple of Discrimination, the Temple of Drying the World.

I don't know if I will break the purple soil.

It is no longer going back.

But he still remembered and did not forget.

Even often recall the original bits.

I am eager to start.

But he has to go forward.

Go out of your own path.

Go and see the trendy snow month.

When I look back, the sword has already made the strongest emperor, and I will have a mourning.

Looking back to the way to you, looking at yourself.

Everything is hard, but it is disconnected.


I thought here, there was a figure in the sword.

Cold as frost!

That is his sword, a wife, he will forget.

Woodchen Long and Wu Li have seen the color of the recollection in the sword.

The gossip flames of the two people rose, and they can't help but want to listen.

Especially Wu Li, he has not engaged in the identity of the sword, but also, where is it, where is the sword?

It is nine days ten, or other nine times time and space.

He never thought that the sword was unparalleled from the end.

No one will believe that there will be such a strong emperor in the last time and space.

After the sword is unparalleled, I saw that the two were curious to stare at him, and they quickly explained: "I used to have some red face before, I didn't become married!"

"That is a bit unfortunately!" Waphen Long took the thigh, and it was not believed.

Wu Li came quickly to fight the round field, transfer the topic, and said something recently happened.

It is about the things of the Holy Association, and the sword is unparalleled and listened carefully.

There is no leak.

Listening to Wu Li's meaning, this sacred club will not only choose the candidate of the saints, but also absorb a group of strong people enter the ancient mutting.

I don't understand the sword where the sword is not understood. Since I have to absorb the strong to enter the ancient mouse, why not directly recruit.

Participating in the Holy Association is some families, absorbing these people.

Body in ancient wood heart at the family.

A group of vampires were raised.

It is better to go to the lottery of those potential.

This kind of person will cultivate and have a sense of belonging.

Wooden Changshen also understands this meaning, and some doubts.

"Of course, I just listen, and some people say that the ancient moon gods absorb the peripheral members during the Holy Association. This kind of thing is listening, don't be serious!" Wu Li hit haha.

Ancient moon god.

That is the only nine star.

Even if it is just a style, many people will vibrate.

Ancient moon sects, absorbed peripheral members.

The weakest are the owner of the universe.

It is not eligible to be qualified.

Even if it is the bulk of the eight knocked, it will not be absorbed.

Because the ancient moon god is inside, the least short is the strong border.

Without countless times, the ancient macrower of the ancient moon is too much.

But the Lord of the eight-order universe can be less.

Only one bit.

Almost every era will have one.

Otherwise, the ancient moon god is very difficult.

With the super forces of the eight affordable universe, no one wants to go.

Even if you are a peripheral member, you can walk around nine days.

So there will be many people vibrating.

This holy will have been copied.

Wu Li said that this thing is because of the regret of the heart!

The thighs are broken, if it is now, he can earn several times more.

It is cheaper.

The qualification token he sold out was sold to a four-hearted universe.

The requirements of the initial promised were also numbed.

It is equivalent to Wu Li's allies of a four-stricken.

It's not too much.

The three people chatted for a while, and Wu Li saw that the long of the woodchen was coming.

Of course, I don't come to him, I will take the initiative to tell, leaving the sword unparalleled and Wumen two people chat.

After Wu Li left, the elders of the woodchen were only to reveal the truth.

Originally, he was still hesitant. He saw that the breath of the sword was strong and strong, and he was relieved.

I have been chatting now, I have said that this time came.


After the sword is not completed, the brow is launched. He thought it was a big thing. It turned out to be the big brother of Jin Chen, which is his future big armor, you want to talk to him.

This is good!

"But the main thing of the universe?" The sword was unparalleled asked the other's strength.

Woodchen is old, and the opening said: "It is not so strong, it is really the owner of the universe, I will not come to you, this is not bullying!"

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