Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5732, 5727 ??

"That is good, I can always accompany it!" The sword is unparalleled with a sigh of relief. If it is the Lord of the universe, he needs to expose some strength.

It is very simple to be the Lord of the universe, and simple skills can be rolled with each other.

"This time he returned from ancient wood, it has become three robbery. It is also very close to the mastery of the universe. You still be careful!" Wap Chen's old reminded: "Right, there are several people with him." The Tianjiao of the ancient mouse, remember to be guilty, otherwise it will be unfavorable to us when the holy will! "

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just a slight nod.

As long as you don't sin, everything is good.

It is the big mener, why don't you find him.

Is it unknown with Shijiu, and he doesn't have this sister?

The sword is rushing to rise, and I feel funny.

It's been a robbery, I don't want to go to the robbery, but I will travel to this boring thing.

His marriage with Jin Chen has been a foregone!

Not an emperor can block.

After saying this, the woodchen has said that some of the rules on the big married have been said in a few days.

The sword is not sent to send, and it is refused by the other party.

Wooden is long before the feet, Wu Li appeared.

"It seems that you are a big nephew, it's not good!" Wu Li doubled his chest, his brow slightly, his eyes turned to the sky opening: "Come!"

The sword is unparalleled and also looking along with his eyes.

Among the sky, the three shadows appeared.

The main one of the universe of the two three killedrs, one has not mastered the three robbers of the universe.

The strength is still still not calculated.

These people are also a primate in the ancient muto.

The age is not a double larger than the sword, and the realm has arrived in the Lord of the universe.

It is indeed a proud of the sky.

"The people are not good, good people are not coming!" The sword was laughing, he didn't care.

Others can have some awkwardness.

Entering his Wufu, don't walk, they are still the first to do this.

Flying directly, don't give him face.

"You are the sword is unparalleled!" The three people headed the gold armor, the face is resolute, and the sword is unparalleled, a high high posture.

The sword is unparalleled to this feeling, and the face is sinking, and it is said: "It is the big emperor, since it is not as good as it is!"

"I don't think this, such a small yard, not enough to stretch!" Unattended in the big emperor, and even see Wu Li.

This makes Wu Li, who is extremely valued against the face, and I really want to teach these three people.

It's really going to shoot, these three are not with his opponent.

Especially the big emperor, I have just robbed the universe, I dare to be so arrogant.

If it is the master of the universe, isn't it to drive your eyes to the top?

"The big emperor, if you think that the yard is small, I can deal with you!" Wu Gifts, one hand, and a powerful power, directly put half of Wu Hutang.

This powerful power is burst, but it is very introverted.

So that the destroyed half of Wufu, the outside world did not feel the fluctuation of the power.

This scene made three people contractions.

Wu Li looked up another hand, and then swept another side of the house.

"Now enough!" Wu Li bit his teeth.

The sword is unparalleled, the whole Wufu is all flat, and where are they living in the evening?

In a few days, he was the day of his married. Wu Fu was being flatten at this time. This is not more shameful.

The big emperor frowned, he didn't expect Wu Li to be so hard.

And strength is so powerful, beyond his expectations.

Look, even the ideas for him, or not anger.

The main thing of the two ancient mutas of the ancient mouse is a little curious about Wu Li's strength. I asked: "Lu Chenshi, is this person who has a famous strong in the Sanbian universe? Wu Li? ? "

"Yes, he is Wu Li, which is also the old ancestors of Wu Jia, one of the ten families of the Vietnam, and the strength of half a step!" The big emperor Lu Chen returned.

Wu Li saw that when they talk about their title, they leaked a smile.

Even if you provocate him, you will be enough to recognize him.

He is cold, wait until the Wanliu's name is the ancient wood mainland, don't say a small Vietnamese eshere, that is, the Great Vietnamese, you have to get the guest.

Everything is still a strength!


Three people slowly landed.

Both parties gaze.

"Wu Li predecessors, you are very polite!" Lu Chen glanced around.

This time is really spacious.

The sword is unparalleled, where is it worried about where they live?

It's too bad to be too big.

After Wu Li heard the emperor's words, Wu Li said that he smiled: "The big emperor is in the cold house, of course, you will be polite, or you will say it!"

"In this case, then I will be welcome!" Lu Chen's face, turned to the sword unparalleled.

He is not recognized to this brother.

Not because Jin Chen doesn't like it.

But the background of the sword is too weak.

The ancient muto is a place that is born. These years of cultivation make him understand it.

As for the worried wolf in the clan, he dismissed.

Shi Country is so powerful, how can it be a small Vietnamese.

Lu Chen, this idea, if it is known by the ancestors of the clan, it will definitely be illegally climbed from the stone.

Regardless of any forces, it is from weak.

Why do you have a self-purple?

Stone Country is indeed good, but what is the relationship between him?

Your country, this is also normal.

Why is the ambition of Stone Country, and outsiders only see its overbearing and strength.

But I didn't see the greed of Shishi's neighboring countries.

wild ambition.

Due to undoubted!

It is because the ancient mouse is holding, the grass is sixteen, and it has become a stone country.

Stone Country's opening the country is a bouncing.

Guardian's flame god of Shi Country is a super power with a weak eight-hearted universe.

Although the ancient muto has a few ancestors of eight puffs, it is not enough to play a person.

So Stone Country dare to fight with this arrogance.

In addition, the excessive nephew now, Shi State's hindrance is less.

In the 16th country, the first thing is the stone country that is not allowed.

The second is a daughter country.

The third eternal country is no longer.

The rest of the country is weak, it is not a level, not only there is no bounce, but even one or two strangers.

If Shi Country is invasion, it is entirely swept.

As the country of Vietnam, if it is a stone.

I am afraid I don't know how to die.

It is best not to be contaminated with Shi State. It will also get the support of the ancient mouse, otherwise sitting on a boat, can only give the stone country as cannon.

This is the Vietnamese old ancestors don't want to see.

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