Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5733 5728????

Among them, the landscape is far from the big emperor, I can imagine, I can only say that the milk is not dry, thinking too simple.

Want to be strong, simply give Babi as a dog.

No, Babi is not such a weak dog!

The three robbers did not enter the eyes of Babi Emperor.

The sword is unparalleled. He suddenly thought that he was also a person in Babi, which is not weak stone country!

Nowadays, the power of Babi, does not say sweeping stone, and there is no problem.

The flame god is stronger, and it can be strong.

Half step of the nine hobbies, even if you can explode each other in the road of flame gods.

"Under Lu Chen, if you are not satisfied with it, you can shoot it!" There is no change in the breath of the sword.

As long as the other party shots, he will definitely defeat Lu Chen at the fastest speed.

Lu Chen did not expect the sword and unparalleled, actually so hard.

Not a family does not enter a door!

"Well, you have this sentence, but I have not lost ambition, but you are just an emperor, if I make the whole force, I will make out the outsider smile, so, you will put the throne halfway to hand in hand, if you can Anti-inquiry, you will ask Jin Chen's things, I will ask! "Lu Chen reached out, the power of the body fell sharply.

Twenty million power.

The sword is not a double eye angle.

Is this a special half?

The Lord of the universe of the three hobbies is also more than 20 million.

He has a three-knocked body, I am afraid that you can do 250,000 times, only 50,000, this can also be called half!

A fragrant!

This is simple.

Just worry that you will be too heavy, the other side is only a fragrant.

Wu Li is gloomy, looking to the sword without double passing the audience: "I put down the junior in this place, you can pick him at will, give me a taught him!"

He has absolute confidence in the sword, and the explosion of a three-knocked body, and there is no pair of swords.

The last time defeated the stone nine, the war of swords had no double broke out, it was comparable to the Lord of the three hobby universe.

Now dealing with a three-hearted country that doesn't have the universe, isn't it played with it.


After listening to Wu Li, the sword is unparalleled, the eye hole is enlarged and instantly shot.

The breath on the body has not changed.

Let the emperor Lu Chen are a bit surprised. He thought that the sword was unparalleled, and then he took out all the strength. He didn't expect it to be so arrogant.

Don't you see that 200,000 times in his body?

When the sword is unparalleled, the fist in the sky is falling, the big emperor is only decking, the arms are numb, and the body tremble is trembled.

"You actually hide the breath, so life-oriented!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is calm: "Lu Chen Temple can suppress strength, I hide the breath, not too much!"

I feel that there is no feeling, he is like a ghost.

In addition, the main look of the universe of the ancient mouse is a little bit!

"His strength is so strange, even without leaking, the power can grasp this level!"

"Look, like Lu Chen's brother, there is a power of 200,000 times under full, you see his attack, it has arrived, although it can be hidden, this ability can be paid in contact with the robbery. Chicken ribs! "

Although the two are somewhat surprised, they quickly felt that the sword was unparalleled.

It is the big emperor Lu Chen. I want to defeat the sword with 2,000 times. It is impossible.

On the experience of mastering the power, it is not as good as the sword.

Under the same kind of power, it naturally cannot be defeated the sword.


The blood of Lu Chen's mouth can see that there is no less than a loss.

At this time, his the power of his body continued to leak, and it has exceeded 200,000 times.

The sword is unparalleled.

Wu Li, who is watching, nor does it talk.

He is willing to start, and the sword is unparalleled to defeat each other.

Otherwise, now remind, but will let Lu Chen easy to leave.

The two universe of the ancient mouse is some frowning.

The famous man is a person, and the emperor is handed over, but also to play, there is a phoenix.

But it is a matter, they don't say much.

Even if it is not, they can't say.

Say, isn't it more shameful?

right way!

Wrong is here.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled.

Only take your own way.

It is afraid that it is the heavens.

In your own path, he is the heaven.

Let him despair!

Lu Chen immediately attacked, a punch lost the center of gravity, did not hit the sword.

At this point, you turn to the location where the sword is unparalleled.

But I found that the sword is unparalleled.

This time, the sword is not double high.

"The temple can be fully tried, don't be restrained!" The sword was not double-faced, and the stood was like a god.

Lu Chen clenched his fist, and the power broke out again.

This time, he showed 90% of the power.

Outbreak, it is dead.

Full of 25,000 power, all spread.

Wu Li wrinkled with brows, sigh, blame the girl's emperor to pass to Jin Chen princess, is not the big emperor.

The heart is too bad.

Enter the ancient mouse, because of the background, otherwise this kind of heart, can't become climate.

"Lu Chenshi, some have a bit!" The main thing of the ancient mouse is shocked.

"It's really excessive. Although the sword is unparalleled, it is very simple to defeat, but it is very simple, but it is not necessary to take so much power!"

Two people did not play with swords, and they did not know the reason.

Only behind Lu Chen sweating, even if he now took out 90% of the power, in the face of the sword, he felt a sense of compression.

Not from the power, but not to see the bottom of the other party.

And every time he enhanced the power, there is still no chair when there is no pair of war swords.

The sword is unparalleled with him, just like playing.


The big emperor after the strength is open again.

This time, directly show the peak secret law and take out the strongest tricks in the city.

"Looking at the moon!" The big emperor has two hands together, like a month of the month.

The arc in the body is loud, and the powerful power is terrible.

It is definitely more than 250,000 times.

This makes a few people watching, are all disconnected.

The battle is constantly upgrading, but they feel that the sword is unparalleled.

I don't understand why Lu Chen is so anxious.

The sword is unparalleled in the air, staring at the big emperor, not hiding.

On the occasion of the other side, he suddenly screamed.

The four-party heavens and the earth have dim.

There is a huge black hole behind his back.

That is the power of nine thousand black holes, completely introverted.

"Ah !!!"

The space began to break under his roar.

Wu Li eye hole contracted, both hands quickly slammed, stabilizing around the world.

Fortunately, there is also a mapping on the Wufu.

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