Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 574 is not destroyed

With the inheritance of a layer of method, the inheritance is constantly improving. The average person even is the main master, it is estimated that it can only accept the tenth floor inheritance, as for the eleventh layer inheritance, can be completely accepted, It also looks also to the respective capabilities.

This eleventh layer is not more difficult to say that the sword is unparalleled.

Just a moment, this eleventh layer of the complete method is deeply printed in his mind.

It is followed, it is the 12th floor method, and it is also the last layer of the fingertips.

The twelfth level of the method is inherited, and the difficulty is more difficult. In the instant of the 12th floor method, the sword is unparalleled, only a huge pressure directly oppressed in his body, as if he must put his body, including the five organs Extruded crushing.

Eruption, unprecedented oppression, this oppression is direct for the flesh, the longer the inheritance, the stronger the oppression.

"See the passage of the twelfth layer of the form, it is very important for the flesh. If the flesh is not required, then the qualifications of this inheritance are not qualified." The sword is unparalleled, and he is at this moment. It is also trying to support.

"I finally understood why no one can refine the twelfth layer of the fungus." The sword is also smirk.

"Such huge oppression, don't say to refine into the fingers of the bone, single need to completely accept the inheritance of this twelve layers, almost impossible."

Only him, because of the relationship between the cultivation of the big days, the incredibility of the flesh roots, under this compression, the party can barely support, not to rush, change to others, even those strong temples We are supported, and it is estimated that the body has to be compressed.

The time is slowly passed, and finally the inheritance of the twelfth layer of finishes is completely ended. The twelfth layer of finish is completely printed in the sword unparalleled brain.

"Is it finally ended?" The sword didn't open his eyes, and he also spit his tone. At this time, he found that he had been soaked by sweat.

"Although I have a bitter, but the eleventh floor with the twelfth layer of finish doors, but I finally got the hand." The sword was unparalleled, and there was a joy in the heart.

It is at this time ...

"Well?" A light, although it is very weak, it can be in the fifth floor of this empty Vintage Venean.

"Who?" The sword was unparalleled and frowning, and he saw the naked eye, but he did not see half a shadow.

"Is it ..." The sword didn't have a double eyeliner, but it was once again in front of this cutting scarlet finger.

"Insight is so sensitive." The faint laughter sounded, and this voice took a few points of domineering.

This time the sword is unparalleled, and this sound is indeed spread from this truncated finger.

"Is you talking?" The sword was unparalleled.

A cut-off refers to talking?

"Oh, I really didn't expect, in this small one world, there is still someone who can intend to" not destroy "secret articles, and it is rare." Dominer sound Ring again.

The sword is unparalleled, and the look is always.

Do not destroy the secret?

first time?


"I have encountered the enemy to chase, I thought it will be dying, so I will break the ten fingers. Every finger contains my inheritance, breaking the space, let it go, there is a nine fingertips that falls. The world, after I escaped, I will recovered the nine fingers, and the inheritance of the nine fingers naturally can get it. "

"Only this tenth point, fall into this small one world, because some restrictions, even if I can't recover this, I can only stay here, but I didn't expect that today's meeting You a little guy from the world, it will be inherited with my integrity ... "

That domineering voice was silent, and then said: "My tenth refers to anyway, I can't recover, see you with my own, I will pass this tenth point to you, I hope you In the future, I can grow up, I have the opportunity to come to the world of us. "

This domineering sound is finished, do not give the sword unparalleled slightly, I saw the scarlet breakdown to become a glamorous red light, followed by a full of twelve layers of bullish doors. Many messages, they are directly in the sword.

At all, there is no room for any selection of swords, and the inheritance is started.

"Do not destroy the secret!"

"First, !"

"The second, the coagulation!"

"The third article, the imperial article!"

"The fourth article, the body of the body!"

One secret, divided into four, except for the first embolism, the twelve layers, the second printer, the third floor, the fourth layer of body There are only three three stages.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, starting from the second coagulation, and starting from the first floor of the coagulation.

This is inherited, the overbearing is incomparable, the sword is not acceptable.

Under the helplessness, the sword is unparalleled, and it can only be hard, starting a layer of to accept the inheritance.

It is good to pass through the inheritance of the back, and the inheritance of the bones before, and there is no difficulty, and there is no difficulty, and there is no oppression of the flesh. The process is relatively easy, just take time.

In the fifth floor of the Foundation Palace, the sword has no self-employed inheritance, and the time is quietly passing.

At the same time, in the fifth floor of the Judi, the fifth floor of the Confucian Palace is received, the outside world, the northern border of the human territory, here is the North Ying Town.

Booming ~~~

The ground abrupt crazy tremble, this tremor seems to have a huge earthquake.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Many of the sergeants in Beiying are still in a stunned, but the tremor of the land is becoming more and more intense.

Finally, as the dense numbness of the monsters appear in the distant sight, the numerous sergeants of Beiying have reacted.

"The monster, it is a monster!"

"This, this monster!"

"How? This, so much?"

Beiying's sergeants, including the generals of Beiying, even the three temples who took the town of Beiying, and when I saw the demon group of the demon, I was still stunned.

These monsters are really too much.

Like the monster burst in Dongying, there is a lot of monsters, there are hundreds of thousands of monsters, but hundreds of thousands of monsters, these monsters appear in front of Beiying, but poor It's too far away.

Intensive, dense, like a locust.

There are also walking, and there are also flip in the void.

I look at it, but I still can't see my end.


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