Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 575, one of the three big hegemony, Jingjia Demon!

"Million, at least hundreds of monsters, even thousands!"

"Look, see those monsters that are all over the purple crystals, that is ... Defunity!"

"It is the crystal armor of the three big people in the San Dynasty, the San Dynasty of the Librai," "

"Fast, quickly inform the Shengdi, one of the three Daba people, the demon, carrying thousands of monsters!"

An emergency message immediately passed to the holy place, and the whole holy place was shaken for a while.

The first power of the Demon Alliance is personally ordered. Then the demon alliance has dispatched, and even the old monsters that have been closed all the year round have come.

The four major military camps, Dongying, Xiying, and Nanying, and Nanying, the four major people in the human territory, also tunned to North Ying.

The whole of the high-level power of the whole demon alliance, gathered to north.

On the vast plains, many human benners gathered there, 33 patriarchs, there were more than 25 rushed to this, and there were a few, because they went to other worlds of relationships, they have not come back.

The first power of the Demon Alliance, the Muan Ling Temple, also arrived.

However, when many people have seen that there is no appearance in front of the plains, when they can't see the demon group, they are almost the same.

These monsters, there are too many quantities, and there is 10 million.

And the most important thing is that this thousands of monsters are very high. Even the Sams of the Shengzhong is rare, almost all the monsters comparable to human beings, and stronger, like those It is enough to compare the seven-order, eight-order monster, and it is all around.

Even the monster king, there are more than 30 heads.

On the overall strength, it is obviously better than this side of the human ethnic group.

In the monster group. There are still some huge volumes, all over the monsters, giving the pressure greater to the human strong.

"Jingjia Demon!"

The demon spirit continent, the monsters are endless, and they are divided into a lot of monster races. These ethnicity of these monsters have strong weakness. Under normal circumstances, those powerful monsters will be close to the powerful race, The nature of some of the world's strengths in the world is quite.

Under this situation, the entire monster ethnic group has gradually appeared three strongest races.

These three strongest races are called the three big people, respectively, the bone dragon family, the crystal armor, the magic family.

The leaders of these three Daba people are also called the emperor, respectively, the bones, the crystal emperor, the magic emperor.

This time, this time, it is impacted by the human territory, it is one of the three Dalers.

In the absence of the monsters, there is a front front in the human territory, but it is very orderly stopped, and on the top most empty, the golden throne appeared in the air, followed by a purple robe, face demon The young man is slowly condensed on the throne.

This young man is in a beautiful demon, and a pair of eyes released a soft purple monster, this purple demon light is a heartny.

Unlike normal human beings, this Purple robe is a forehead with two sides of the man, with two curved purple angles.

This purple robe is sitting on the throne, and the eyes of the faint purple monster, sweeping the many strong people of the human camp.

Many of the people in the human camp, when seeing this Purple robe monster, one is also slightly.

"Jingfei Emperm!" The Temple of the Moon bite his teeth, but it is a fear.

The Emperor of the Demon, as one of the three big demon emperors of the monster group, and its strength is far from the main people of these humanity.

Their entire human group, the only person who has compensated with this crystal demon, only one, that is the Lord of the Xuanling Temple.

At this moment, the Ling Temple of the Xuanling Temple station in the forehead of the human camp, the body is like transient, and there is directly in front of the Emperor of the Chikai.

"Jingfei Emperor." The Purple Rope Men on the Xuanling Temple of the Xuanling Temple saw it.

"The Lord of the Xuanling Temple." Jinghammus rumored with a smooth hoarse, and also looked at the Xuanling Temple. The entire human league is only one of the Muan Ling Temple. It is worthy of him.

"Millennium Millennium, this is the agreement with your three demon emperors, you can remember." The Muan Ling Temple cleans. "

"Remember." Jingchi . . . .

"Then you come here today, why? Don't you want to violate the agreement, fight with my human beings?" The Master of Xuanling Temple.

The brim parallel is a sink.

Violation of the agreement, fight with human beings to death?

Although he is one of the three demon emperors, but there are many scruples to humans. It is accurate to say that there is a great counted in this Xuanling Temple. If it is not necessary, his life does not want to fight with humanity, then last thousand years The agreement, he did not dare to violate it.

But this time ...

"Na Luo, is the treasure of the age, as long as it gets it, I can get the age, no matter what, I have to get my hand!" The emperor of the Demon Emperor was flashing.

"The Lord of the Muan Ling Temple, the emperor is not interested to die with you, the emperor came today, just think that you have to be alone, as long as you give the human beings to me, I immediately left." Xiao Shi Lu said.

"Do you want a person?" Xuanling Temple is a beautiful look, "Who is the human beings you want?"

"It is a goddess of your Human League, called Jian Mun." Jingchi Demon Huang opened, "According to this emperor, the sword monarch is not human, but a foreign person, and in the demon The mainland has no longer, and the district is a foreign person. It is not much for your Human Union. As long as you give him to the emperor, the emperor is immediately left. "

The words of the Demon Emperor did not cover up, echoing in the world, and the countless human benger in the rear human camp is very clear.

"Sword Monarch? Just that just became a Junjun, and is just a sword monarch?"

"These monsters are actually rushing to the sword monarch?"

"The sword monarch, you can really make things, before, I will have a life and death battle before, now, now better, there is one of the three Daba's prize people to make people."

"A foreign person, if this brilliant demon emperor is really away, I will give him the sword monarch."

Among the human camps, there were many voice, and many of these voices were unparalleled for swords.

If the sword is unparalleled is the human strong in the Library, they may still maintain one or two, but a foreign person ... that is completely different.

And the hometown of the ice peak is also in the human camp, hear the words of the Demon Emperor, but the face has changed.

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