"Before the monsters were not as good as the big price, he kill him."

"Now Xiao Jiami makes such a big battle, and the family is guilty, but it is also a sword!"

"There is no doubt that this bronish emperor is definitely knowing that the sword has the existence of the compass, and also knows that the Luo is about the age!"

Thinking of this, the face of the hometown of the Ice Peak is now gloomy.

On the void, the Lord of the Xuanling Temple and the two represents the top existence of human beings with the monsters, Yaoyao is holding.

The Muan Ling Temple is silent, and it is long, "Jingjia demon emperor, are you coming over the Luo of the sword monarch?"

At this point, Jingli Emperor and Ice Peak Temple will become a change.

"She doesn't know?" The Emperor of the Demon Emperor is sinking, but it is a clear look, the opening: "What is the que, the emperor is unclear, the emperor only wants the sword monarch."

"Well, I will give you the sword monarch, but the many treasures of the sword monarch Qiankun, which is quite safe to my demon alliance, and then I will not give you the Qiankun." The Muan Ling Temple is indifferent.

"That's not good." Jingham demon shook his head directly, "not only himself, his Qiankun ring, the emperor is also."

"Oh." The Xuanling Temple laughed, and the laughter took a slightly ridicule, "Jingjia demon emperor, you will not be a fool? Also say that as long as the sword monarch is, it is the treasure of the sword monarch. And the eighth complex is the compass. "

The crystal demon emperor secretly frowned, never opened.

"You don't admit it, it doesn't matter. Although this seat is still unclear, the role of the compass is now, I will immediately figure it out."

The Lord of the Xuanling Temple said, but it turned into the hometown of the Human Peak of the Human Camp.

"This ..." The main eyes of the ice peak, but some hesitate.

"Say." The Muan Ling Temple is cold and drink. "Don't think that this is unclear, before in the blood month plain, for the compass, you almost killed the sword monarch, but fortunately this seat is timely Otherwise, the sword monarch is afraid of death in your hand? "

The cold of the Xuan Ling Temple also clips with a sharp pressure, oppressing the main body of the Ice Peak, can't bear the shaped body shape.

Many strong people in the human camp are also horrified, and they have seen the Hall of the Ice Peak.

In the case of the compass, the Ice Peak Temple is ready to kill the sword.

Jing Xia demon emperor is a nationality, is it for the compass?

What is the compass, what is it? Why is there such a big attraction.

The souvenir is complicated by everyone, knowing that the secret of the compass cannot be hidden, then the sure is directly said: "That Luo ... is the coincidence of the Jin Snake God, you also know that the front gold snake god The life of the sword monarch is, I am helping to contribute, and I will be willing to come up with the golden snake because the gold snake gives me a message! "

"That message is related to the age!"

Say this, the main voice of the Ice Peak Temple is a long walking around.

Sure enough, a stone aroused a thousand waves, when the three words were exit, the many of the many palays around him were widened.


Even the Lord of the Muan Ling Temple, heard the three words of the ages, and the eyes were also protruded.

The Horizhen Temple is not surprising to the surroundings of those temples. After all, he got a message from the Jin Sni, and then the same expression like these temples. I am just a message, and I also promised to promote his life and death of him with the sword, but I didn't expect to live in life and death. This Jinzun Shenjun was killed by the sword monarch! "

"Originally, this golden snake is dead, but he is in front of death, but he is again sent to me, saying his Qiankun ring, there is a compass, the compass, it is to get the treasure of the ancient order, I want to get the ancient order This compassion is critical, so ... "

Next, the Horizon of the Ice Peak did not continue to say, but the people around you have already been.

They have also understood that why I will kill swords if I have to kill swords?

It also understands the goals of those who are incense before, dealing with swords.

Now this brilliant descendant is a family, there is no doubt, it is also for this compass.

They did not doubt.

It is absolutely qualified to be eligible for the emperor of the Emperor.

"Wenjia Demon Emperor, now you still want to deny?" The Xuanling Temple of the Xuanling Temple saw the past.

"Hey, yes, this emperor is indeed rushing to the compass, how come it?" Jingli demon emperor is cold, "that Luo, originally mine, forty years ago, is the one of the first I found that the cave, found this compass, but I was seen by the human gods that were just in the monster territory, this human goddess took the road, robbed the compass, then disappeared. "

"For 40 years, the royal fee is made up with the turn of this human god, who wants to grab this compass, who once thought that this human godder was very low, never showed him in front of him. The way of brush, if he is not a death battle with the sword monarch, and has to use the relationship between the trend of life and death, this emperor does not know this compass in him. "

After the emperor of Jingchi, the many strong people of human camps have also been seen.

They have always been confused by the golden snake God, in the brock on the knife, but why didn't I see him in front of humans? It turned out that the Jin Shu Shenjun has great concern, this concern is the Emperor of this crystal .

"The Lord of the Muan Ling Temple, the Luo, this emperor is willing, you only need to give me the sword monarch, I will leave, but if it is not letting ... Today, this emperor will be with you!" Crystal The emperor is cold, "Don't doubt, the compass, it is worthy of me,"

The main color of the Xuanling Temple is sinking.

She knows that the crystal emperor is not a joke, and the compass is indeed worthy of him to die.

"Wenjia Demon Emperor." The Muan Ling Temple was silent, and he once again opened again. "The sword monarch, I will never give him to you."

"Well?" Jingchi's emperor is cold.

"People will not pay, but that, the compass ... I have to see the sword monarch, if he is willing to give you, my human group will not stop, but if he is not willing, then, he is the god of my demon alliance. , I will go to the Demon Alliance will find a way to protect him, as for the frontal battle ... "

"If you dare to fight on the front, maybe my human ethnic group will lose a heavy loss, but you will be in these monster groups, and it is most important that your crystal is the emperor, you will die!"

"There are also those monster kings present, and dare to shoot my human territory. My Xuan Ling can guarantee, you can't live."


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