Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 577 extradition god

The cold voice is issued in the main port of the Xuan Ling Temple, and the echoing sounds in this day.

For a time, the whole world is shaken.

Especially in the unnecessary monster group, there is even a large-scale turmoil.

The brilliance of Jingli is a lord, staring at the Lord of the Xuanling Temple, the words of the Xuanling Temple, extremely deterrent, and he does not dare to question any questions.

He is very clear about the terrible of this Muan Ling Temple. If this Muan Ling Temple is really crazy, it is indeed possible to kill him.

"The Lord of the Xuanling Temple, the sword monarch is just a foreign person, you are really for him, with the Emperor Wars?" Xiao Mihuang voice low.

The Lord of the Xuanling Temple is firm. It does not have any hesitation, but after her, the strong people of those human camps have frowned.

"The sword monarch, how to say it is just a foreign person, for a foreign man with this crystal war, not worth it!"

"The Lord of the Xuanling Temple, actually to protect the sword is unparalleled?"

Most of these human beings do not support for the sword where there is no double, followed by the crypt.

The Muan Xuanling Temple is insisting on doing this.

"It seems that the Xuan Ling Temple is determined to have, we have persuaded it. You can only expect the sword where there is no double shackles.

"That Luo is not used by him, he should know how to choose."

"No matter what, I don't want to have a two from the sword, I will go to the Demon Emperor Wars, and I will fight with the demon, that loss, I can't afford it."

The strong people of human camps are quietly discussing.

On the void, the crystal demon emperor also saw the determination of the Muan Ling Temple, and immediately said, "Very good, in this case, let the sword monarch come out."

"The sword is now closing, and is in an important moment, I have already sent him, wait for him to go, naturally, I will arrive here for the first time."

"What do you mean, is it necessary to wait for him to go out here?" Jingchi imperial colored.

"Yes." The main point of the Xuanling Temple.

Zhongli Emperor's monster, flashing, flashing, the bottom is also hidden, but in the end, he is still compressed by him. "Well, the emperor is waiting for him. However, this emperor is patient and limited, and the top will only give him a day. If he still doesn't appear within one day, the emperor will start immediately, never have more hesitation, hehe! "

After the emperor of Jingchi, he didn't finish it, and then slow closed his eyes and started to wait.

The big world has become calm, only many strong people in the human camp are quietly discussing.

"The face of the sword monarch is really big enough, let us all the monk of the Diofue Alliance, and this broth is here waiting for him."

"Where is the sword monarch? Is it really closed?"

"I heard that the sword monarch has went to the fifth floor of the Vintage House, will it still stay now?"

"The Fifth Floor of the Constant House, is it only the existence of the top of the temple, is it qualified?"

"I heard that the Muan Ling Temple is personally ordered, allowing him to go to the fifth floor of the landlord."

"Allows the sword monarch to go to the Fifth floor of the Vinion Palace, now maintain him, this Xuanling Temple is too eccentrically."

"Who knows? But the Xuanling Temple is the top pillar of our entire human ethnic group. Our people can survive to the present, and occupy the rumor of the spirit, it is because of the relationship between the Muan Ling Temple. What is the eccentricity of the temple? "

At the human camp, there is a monster group that the millennia led the monster, while the human territory, Holy Land, and the Foundation of the Foundation.

Before the scarlet finger, the sword was sitting, and the vast message came out from the broken finger, poured into the sword.

Finally, this vast message transmission is completed.

Inti-secret, from the first floor of the bones to the fourth layer of the body articles, finished the whole introduction to the sword unparalleled.

Until at this time, the sword was slightly spit, and then opened his eyes, and his eyes had a dramatic flash.

"Do not destroy the secret, so horrible, no secrets!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is difficult to calm for a long time.

It is really that this is too strong.

This secret is completely targeted by the flesh, like the finish of the human ethnic group, from the human ethnic group, coming from this inert secretation.

Instead of destroying the secret, ......................

You must know that the twelve layers of bones, all in the whole demon spirit, no one is refined, the highest one is the first power of the Demon Alliance, the Lord of the Solid Temple, also only Just refining the eleventh floor.

The bones are so tough, and the few articles behind it are ...

"This secret surgery has already exceeded the category of the ages, nor did I know that there is no chance to practice behind the backwards." The sword is unparalleled.

He is now just a tenth floor of the integration of bones, and there is a certain gap from the eleventh floor and the twelfth level. It is expected that the coagulation of the coagulation after cultivation is.

Just when the sword was unparalled, the truncated finger, with a bit of domineering, "small doll, your flesh is not bad, I will send you a extradition of the god, I hope you will not die as soon as possible. The method is cultivated to the coagulation, so you have the opportunity to come to the world. "

The voice falls, and since the truncation fingers, there is a bloody thunder, and the sword is straight.

This blood color is too fast, and the sword is unparalleled without any chance of dodge. Time, this bloody thunder bombards in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled only, the whole body is a hemp, and the blood-therapeutic synchronizes, it is immediately emotion, and the pores of him will enter his body.

Hey ~~~ The sword is unparalleled to slowly dramatically, and a typical feeling passes his whole body.

This feeling, very wonderful, very comfortable.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and the body of his flesh is also detected.

His skin, muscles, blood, skeleton, even in the body, the promotion of this bloody Thunder, started to rise directly.

"I, I am ..."

The sword is unparalleled.

He did was scared, because he is really terrible for the speed of the flesh.

The original because of the relationship between the day, his flesh has been upgrading, but this speed is very slow, but now, under this bloody thunder, this increase speed has a few times.

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