Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5735 5730 Chapter ??? Welcome Team

Even after he became a robbery, in a certain realm, you can give it into your life.

Once exposed, countless scattered bits will flock to.

That is still a sales and sale.

It is estimated that all the eight robbery is that it will grab him.

Unless there is sufficient strength, there will be orderly.

But there is that strength, why should he sell his life.

Go directly to those families, not better.

The sword has shaken his head.

I have to marry tomorrow.

Tonight, I started working.

Draw an ancient month scene.

He painted very slow, very serious.

I returned to the Polyson Temple that day, and he would give some friends to tell yourself in ancient times.

This picture is to witness!


The sky is bright.

Wang Tu's early morning, sunshine glaring.

Among the royal palaces above the cloud, the Colorful Yun fell, a pair of luxurious welcome teams, stepping on the colorful clouds, Lin Wang Dudu, all the way to Wufumen.

On both sides of the street, whether it is a customary or immortal, both yearning.


A loud voice sounded, Jin Chen's princess was a red robes, and the colorful clouds entered Wufu.

It's just that her face is very embarrassed.

I was thinking about making my own friend to teach the sword unparalleled. After the big brother came back, I didn't care.

Ask if you don't say it.


Cross the threshold.

After entering the sword, there is a unparalleled room, her face is slightly slow.

At this point, she didn't have any other way.

Hard can't, can only come soft.

"You are here!" The sword was unparalleled before the bed, he was also a red robes.

In the distance, the two are also as far as Lang Talent.

It's just a few bustlers in the sword.

"Well!" Jin Chen whispered.

The sword is unparalleled to see that the other party is so hearty and talking to him, and it is also a bit surprised.

I don't know what tricky playing this princess.

He has to protect the point.

Two people are relative, I don't know what to say in a time.

The big girl married, both of them were heads.

The sword is unparalleled for the first time.

Jin Chen's first married.

After a while, Jin Chen took the initiative to say: "I heard that you have been outside the country, returning to the country is still habits?"

"Fortunately, I am free of this person, as long as there is no one wants me, where is it habits!" The sword is unparalleled, don't forget to make up: "If you are not habits, you can inform it at any time!"

Jin Chenzhen's nose, but I still have a sword who is unparalleled after the big marriage, and the light replies: "must!"

Two people have a time to send time.

In the team where to welcome your pro, Wumang is not happy with Wu Li.

After watching the time, after almost, I am going to bring the sword to go to the palace.

"Ji Ni has arrived, trip!"

After hearing two people, walking out of the house.

There is already a circle of people outside.

Each is a strong in the country.

Either it is the Tianjiao in the emperor.

Congratulations on the voice.

The sword is unparalleled to swear.

When he left Wufu.

Wu Li is standing in front of the door, the old tears, pulls the hands of the wood, sad: "I will be such a foreign, Mu Chen brother, you can ......."

"Reassured, it is a person, it will never let the unparalleled sages are bunful!"

The sword is unparalleled in the side, that is, his face is thick.

Otherwise, you will definitely find a slit.

, I really don't have it.

At least the face is thick.

Jin Chen took the colorful clouds, with swords and unparalleled entered the dragon.

With the eyes of everyone, the team flew to the palace.

The sword is unparalleled or the first time I am sitting on the dragon, and I also enjoy the luxury of the emperor.

Just when he got the dragon, he felt a powerful breath and directly surpassed the team.

The number of terrorists are around the heels.

Can't be good!

The sword is unparalleled through the curtains to see the outside world.

The team of welcoming the relatives is blocked by a group.

Three people are erected!

A red robe is standing in the first place, and there is a red mark on the eyebrow.

That represents the flame god.

Not only the stone country is aware, but the strong people in the ancient wood continent know.

Nine-day ten places is very loud.

After all, it is a Totem imprint for a special life of a gum.

In addition to the owner of the Action of Eight, the flame god is invincible.

The universe will become a scattered because of the failure of ferry.

Fire flames are naturally invalid.

No one dares to defend this super existence.

Even the Lord of the universe of the eight hobbies is not willing to be guilty.

Once you have to go out, don't wait until you have a defeat, when you are playing your door, there is no chance.

"The gods are behind!" The sword was unparalleled.

He didn't heard that the Vietnamese family is related to the flame god!

And the other person is not good.

It is not a way to see.

Instead, it is like a field.

"Don't you grab your pro?" The sword was unparalleled.

He was robbed and also grabbed others.

It can be said that he has experienced a lot.

But this kind of thing can always make him meet every time!

The sword has no difference to the princess Jin Chen, I think this time is because of the reasons for each other.

The flame god is the Guardian of Stone Country.

Jin Chen is related to Stone Country.

It is definitely the reason for the other party.

The sword is unbearable.

Jin Chen's princess scorpion, she hopes that Shijiu took people to grab the pro.

There is no possibility at all.

The old ancestors of the royal family have greeted the stone country.

It has solved the things of Shijiu in private.

As for the gods, she also knows a lot.

This is not aware of it.

And seeing the breath is also an emperor.

The two black robes behind him are all the strong people.

Shenle leakage.


In the team, the strongest is just the old man of the half-step four.

At this time, I feel the breath of the two six-stranded breath, and the face is sinking.

When I saw the woman, I turned to look at the sword in the dragon.

A woman behind the gods, blocked in front.

It is not because of Jin Chen.

But the sword is unparalleled.

This time I really guess it.

I don't wait for him to ask.

The red woman headed, said: "The sword is unparalleled, you have a good life!"

After hearing this sentence, there is a flame in the old eye hole.

He was originally worried that the stone family came to trouble.

After being fixed by the ancestors, I thought I didn't have worries.

Results The troubles of swords and unparalleled came again.

Jin Chen princess in Longzhen is very excited.

If it is the reason why the sword is unparalleled, it is not that she doesn't need to marry the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, I am panicked.

Stand up directly.

Open the curtain and went out from the dragon.

A red robes, full of white hair.

When I saw this pair, the gods rose, and she guess it is good, it is really a sword.

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