Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5736 5731 ?? Fan Feng

The sword with her from the Polyson Temple is unparalleled!

The red robe woman is Fan Feng in the 18th God of the Diva.

Evergarten, I woke up the most powerful blood of the gods.

As a peerless arrogance.

The faint is the first emperor of the ancient wood.

She also uses the gods of the gods that have been exploring others.

I didn't expect the sword to fall together to the ancient wood continent.

Today is to confirm.

By the way, the sword is unparalleled.

She has nothing to do with the sword.

In particular, I heard that the sword is unparalleled.

It is even more shameful.

Those who have lost the temple.

Loss of the true spirit also puts the sword unparalleled as the successor training.

In her opinion, the strength of the sword is still, but the pattern is too much.

If she is able to inherit the Polysman, couple with the background of ancient times.

What to kill the life, the temple of the world, you have to be destroyed.

The flame gods have a lot of strongest.

When she became a robbery, they can completely seek the flame gods to dispense two seven-bit robbery. Follow her to go to the time and space of the original universe, eradicate the life.

By the way, the Polyson Temple is also brought to ancient times.

At that time, she inherited the Buddhist Temple, and the moon of the moon is spread throughout the moon.


It is really simple, and the sword is unparalleled.

Fan Feng will be too simple to imitate.

There is no complete recognition of the face of the disagreement.

The sword is unparalled to Fan Feng, recall carefully, he does not know each other.

Can recognize him each other.

And talk about tone, so light.

It is not a known to challenge him, but I have known him.

Then there is only one possibility.

Both are from the Polyson Temple.

Among the nine people came together, there was only one woman.

Fan Feng!

The sword is not double eyed ear.

He didn't think of it, this Fan Feng's luck is so good.

This is only a long time, not only the strength of the earth-shaking change.

Even the identity background has arrived at the point he wants to look up.

Two six-hearted strong workers are guarded.

How much power is this!

Flame God!

It is stronger than he thinks.

Two hexacited protects a emperor.

In fact, the gods of the flames did not have extravagant to this point, but this time Fan Feng came to the Vietnam to go to the country.

It can usually be accompanied by six places.

Only five hobbies!

Even so, it is not a sword.

"Why, give this seat so soon?" Fan Feng smashed.

The sword is unparalleled but is gloomy.

Is this not to wear a small shoe?

If you have two six-hearted strong, he wanted to rush, and the opponent's meal.

A bad thing is bad.

"This Taoist, I am afraid I admit the wrong person!" The sword was unparalleled, and the eyes were crazy, suggesting that Fan Feng quickly left.

There are two six-killed border, he doesn't dare to email!

Fan Feng is no matter whether it doesn't matter, the voice is still with a color.

If there is no two six-nating, the long life of Wume is going to break out.

These two are really extra.

"The sword is unparalleled, if you don't want to expose your identity, you can't listen to our conversation!" Fan Feng did not look for the sword, but now he is not a bit wrong.

If the sword is unparalleled in order to enhance strength, she is really not good.

But in her, the sword is unparalleled and there is no need.

If it is willing to discard the nephew sword, and swear will no longer use the sword in the future, she can consider the sword where there is no double as a door.

Treasure resources are casually used.

This is really much.

The sword is not boring, but still has to bear the emotions, the sound road: "Fan Feng, don't forget the original vows, then dare to be bad, I will never spare you!"

"Hey, you don't have the strength now!" Fan Feng smiled.

"Big Try!"

The two people have the bottom of the heart.

It can also be exploded at the same time.

Ready to do it!

"Wen?" Waphen Long Lao Laun two people want to do it, and quickly stop.

"This Hall, today is the big marriage of Vietnam, I don't know if I can give a face!" Wooden elderly asked.

Now there is a lot of people to stare!

He never chaired the situation, the sword was unparalleled, and the Breakfast is also face!

"Vietnam!" A black robe old behind Fan Feng, stepped out, the sunny sky was gloomy.

Wu Li was constantly refunded by the breath.

It is still that the sword has no double hand, and the shoulders of Wu Li are still stopped!

The sword is unparalleled, and only one sentence is left.

"Let me solve myself!"

This makes Wu Li's heart, I don't know why, after listening to the words of the sword, he will relieve a breath.

It's like a sword and a unparalleled to save the world.

There is absolute strength.

Princess Jin Chen, at this moment, saw the only flash point of the sword without double.

First, the strength, the second is domineering.

"Fan ... Tianfeng!" The sword was unparalleled and shouted in Fan Feng's name.

Although it is just a simple name, it contains his reminder.

Remind Fan Feng not to forget, she is also Fan Feng in the Polysman.

Instead of flame the gods.

All this is the true spirit to her.

Don't be more than forgetting.

I thought that my Phoenix fell into the crow group.

In fact, the crow fell into the Phoenix group.

Have this luck, steal the heart!

Don't take it out of the show.

"Today is a big marriage, if you have to drink happiness, my sword is unparalleled, if you come to trouble, please go back!" The sword is unparalleled, directly display the power of the beast.

The power begins to soar.

From 200,000, it also rose to around 260,000.

Two times the power of the beast.

It is halfway in his normal.

Fan Feng felt this breath, some excited.

Twenty six million power, she also have.

And more powerful.

Now she is no longer the source.

Since the reincarnation, I am awakened the blood of the flame god.

She is fully transformed into a practitioner mainly based on Shen Li.


Twenty-eight million power broke out, breath oscillating.

Missing many people are a glimpse.


Twenty-eight million power.

The sword has been shocked by the sword.

I feel that I'm of 280,000.

The emperor who thinks than they think is strong.

For example, the big god.

It is said that it is the master of the universe.

Can be held in the universe and don't fall.

Fan Tianfeng is now the power of the universe.

Instead, beyond the general universe, reaching the hierarchy of the top universe.

Powerful terrible.

It can be compared with the most reversed emperors in the times.

"Sustile strength!" The robbery of weakness could not face these two emperors.

"Fan Tianfeng, I have heard of her, it is a flame god, the blood is the most pure, and the emperor is invincible. I didn't expect that she would know with the Master!"

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