Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5737 5732?? Proud Fan Tianfeng

"This is normal, the sword is unparalleled is the emperor of the sky, and it is the emperor of the same level!"

Many people discuss below.

The sword is unparalleled, it is a tale.

"How do you?"

"Don't be too serious, just want to see these days, you have improved, it seems that it is better than before, but this strength is not enough!"

Twenty six thousand power, was not worth it by Fan Tianfeng.

The sword is not borne jitter.

Dark hard, she is afraid to have forgotten the fear of being dominated!

At the beginning, they were in the east of the east jun bones, and they broke out of 250,000 times, and they can suppress her.

How long is it now, I feel that some power can be added so arrogant?

"Good!" The sword has no double one.

Since you have to learn.

Then let the other party know, what is the sky outside, someone outside people.

and also!

Time and space origin is the strongest.

The sword is unparalleled.

He wants to use the home of his hometown, defeat Fan Tianfeng.

Let her understand, don't forget it.

"Well?" Fan Tianfeng looked at the sword and unparalleled, wrinkled with brows: "How, you are afraid!"

The sword is unparalleled, but I can't help but laugh: "I am afraid, I will not leave there for a lifetime!"



boom! ! ! !

The spatial burst sound is deafening.

Today is the day of marriage, can't be delayed.

Since he chooses to use his own source to deal with Fan Tianfeng, then we will not leave.

"I changed!"

The blue arc surrounds, the breath in the sword is turned into blue.

Hair, clothes, eyebrows, are blue.

Also represents the power of the starry sky.

This turmoil.

Let the people within the palace can't help but come out.

The emperor led the group, looking at the sword unparalleled and Fan Tianfeng.

She is not able to intervene.

If it is the two six-hearted border dare to do.

She has to go down.

Although the two are six robbers.

It is not the Lord of the universe.

She is the master of the half-steps, and the palace is her way.

How much is it to die?

Unless it is seven-robbery.

Otherwise, she is invincible.

Naturally doesn't panic.

When you feel the breath of the sword, there is a color in her cold scorpion.

The atmosphere, and there was also a nine o'clock in the original.

Just this time, it is much stronger than the past.

"He has a secret!" The Emperor is sigh.

She thought that the sword is unparalleled is the royal cage, and now I understand.

The Vietnamese is a small place, can't sleep, unparalleled.

It's just a scorpion, this understands.

But I just felt that the sword was unparalleled with an emperor, can't set up a big wind wave.

Just now she is shaken.

I know that the sword will be willing to get up, and the people who can't constraints in nine days.

Cut the sword is unparalleled, maybe it is a wrong choice.

If she is aware of the sword, there is no harm, I don't know how many people, I am afraid that the intestines must repent.

Fan Tianfeng felt the change in swords and unparalleled.

She knows that she is a unparalleled card.

"Put the sword!"

"You do not deserve!"

The sword is unparalleled in an instant, the figure is like the Thunder in the space.

Fast people can't see it.

Even the Lord of the universe is unclear.

Wooden elders are even more can't believe in the speed of swords.

When you blink, look at the sword again, you can only see some residuals.

And Fan Tianfeng is in a bottom gas and strength is naturally weak.

Twenty-eight million power soared to 300,000.

There is no double hand with the sword several times, but there is no wind.

Follow the big emperor around the emperor, tightly tight.

Three days ago, he thought that the sword was unparalleled.

The result is that it is playing him.

As long as it is the sword in this state, it is only one eye to defeat him.

boom! ! !

The sword is unparalleled, and sharp boxing is shocked.

If it is not the array of Wang, and the maintenance of the emperor.

This place has long become the forever.

Although he did not destroy the entire eternal country.

But destroying a king, it is really not a problem.

The combat power he broke out has reached the four hops.

And it is still the power of the main battle.

The Lord of the Sikikovo is also his strength.

The princess of the dragon, Jin Chen, taking the head to the burst of a group of blue airlamps in the sky.

I know that the sword is unparalleled every time.

However, it is a look when you can't see the sword.


"He, it is so strong!" Jin Chen scorpion.

When the sword was unparalleled to defeat Shijiu, she only felt that Shijiu is not good.

After the robbery, you can catch up with the sword.

But now I have witnessed the true fighting power of the sword. Even if the stone is 90% of the universe, it is not a sword unparalleled opponent.

At this point, she had to admit it.

Wu Li and others in Wangdu are also looking up.

He is more shocked by his heart.

The strength of the sword has exceeded him.

Some can't hold it.

Fortunately, he also has a basement.

Otherwise, he has to consider running.

Working with the swords and unparalleled, I unloaded the killing, and he did not have any way.

The whole of Wangdu, and even the entire Vietnamese high-rise are concerned about this battle.

Some people think that the royal family is getting a treasure.

I actually discovered that the sword was unparalleled.

There are also some people think about the long way.

I feel that the king family may be taboo unparalleled.

It is really the strength of the sword unparalleled out.

The sword in the blue airweight is unparalleled, just use the breath to shock Fan Tianfeng.

Similarly Fan Tianfeng in the flame, the breath is some unstable.

Just a series of handicides, let her see the gap.

The sword is unparalleled, it is indeed beyond her imagination.

"It's impossible, how can your strength be strong!" Fan Tianfeng enforced the power of burning and rushed again.

She does not believe, the sword is unparalleled to maintain this state for a long time.

It is definitely burning your own source and she is desperate!

The sword is unparalleled in the void, and the depths are both refers to cold.


A light beam is burst into the finger.

The blue gas column broke out, and the moment was in front of Fan Tianfeng.

I don't want her to think more, the sword is unparalleled, and the gas column just played.

His speed is faster than your own breath.

Fan Tianfeng wants to hide no place.

Hide attack, hide, no sword!

"His Royal Highlights!" The two six-hearted power of watching the battle were shot.

They shocked the sword unparalleled horror.

You will not forget your own mission.

Protect Fan Tianfeng!

This is the most proud of the flame power.

If it falls, they can't live.

Although the sword is unparalleled, there is no way to face the strong people of the six-minded.

Can only stop.

At this time, the emperor also personally ended.

Three thousand red sleeves, flying from the palace.

Cover the sky.

The horrible breath suddenly came.

At the same time, the two six-hearted strong people were attacked by Fan Tianfeng and turned to the outside of the palace.

Where did the emperor stood in, and the law rushed to the sky.

"Sheng Hui Xing Yun!" The emperor was cold.

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