Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5739 5734 ?? What are you doing?

Big husband, born in the world!

Can you win this bed.

When the princess Jin Chen walked into the cave, the sword was unparalleled.

His scorpion is firm and clear, powerful, step by step approaching each other.

"You!" The princess Jin Chen was scared, stunned, and the purple eyes stared at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled in the day, it really lives.

Now she understands that at the same time, it is not a mysterious five knob that is at all, but the sword in front of me.

Although there are still some distance from the five puffs.

But now the sword is unparalleled with four struggles.

This time, the name of the old blood of the ancient wood continent, the war that is shown.

It is already the first in ancient times.

Even the number of times, the emperor of several reincarnation era, there is no sword where there is no double.

"What are you doing?" Jin Chen did not consciously retreat a step.

Ren Diab is unparalleled, and her heart is only one person.

This will not change.

The sword is not bored close, standing in front of Jinshen.

After staying for a moment, the hooky: "Let it!"

Jinchen Princess is a bit, but it is still a step back.

The sword is unparalleled, it walked out of the bed and came to a corner.

It is a corner that the king will prepare the house to be prepared.

Even if it is the corner, there is a futon.

I don't know, I thought it was prepared for the sword!

The sword is unparalleled, the knee is sitting on the futon, and there is a two-click.

"You can rest assured, I will not touch you!"

"Hey, if you do you know, I can have your handle, you better not make a thing!" Jin Chen princess is headed.

The sword is unparalleled to hear the handle, the brow is wrinkled, and it will stand up in an instant.

Just also have some princess Jin Chen, see the sword is unparalleled, and the head is low.

"You don't have to sin, I know why you are going to join the king, it is because the holy will be eligible!" Jin Chen said that there was no bottom.

I heard it, the sword is unparalleled.

He thought that it was aware of Babi, was known!

Today, the Holy Wait will have gotten it, nothing to conceal.

This time, it is just a clever name.

If you purely provoke the Tianjiao's Tianjiao, to show your strength, it is very likely that halfway is abolished.

Come to the ancient times.

Every time he broke out, it seems to be itself, in fact, every time he is fighting for others.

Battle stone nine follow Fan Tianfeng, the other party's background is more exaggerated.

Darkly, he first showed the open corner of the Baihua Mountain, and then broke out in the eternal kingdom.

They are all famous.

I can't have, and I will provoke someone else to explode strength, then wait for the ancient mouse or some super forces!

This will not only be cultivated, but will lose your life.

The trip to the people of the Polysman, let him see the terrible of the family.

When you can.


The roots are not available.

Even now, because of the identity of Wu Li, he can rank among this world.

Sometimes is sometimes not absolute.

For example, when he is now, it is only emandy.

Even if the fighting power of the four hobbies is still emandy, if there is no background, if it is worthless, it will be crowded by those super forces, even killing.

After all, this world has so many resources, and then rises, it will make more competitive opponents.

The sword is unparalleled.

So, will conduct Wu Li's plans according to the class.

This also shows that Wu Li is the planner of this game, and it is even earlier to understand the chain of this world.

If you want the family to rise again, you must have a peerless person.

He pressed the treasure on himself.

Wu Jia's contemporary robbery is so many, talent is not as good as him.

The heritage of the family is also very shallow.

After all, it is limited.

If you want to get more resources, you must become stronger.

So he dare to peek the Wanliu Shenmu.

This is his luck, I got the wood sword, and there is a power of life with Wanliu Shenmu.

The big probability is the treasure flowing inside the Wanliu Shenmu.

This is an opportunity and is also a disaster.

Grasped it, step by step.

The Lord of the universe that has become a five-knocked body is not a problem, and maybe it can be further, open up a super power.

If you can't grasp, then run the way.

This is nothing, anyway, Wu Jia is in the small dynasty in Vietnamese, it is only in the top ten.

Looking at ancient wood mainland, it can only be a famous forces.

That resource, he can't see it.

There is no Wu Li, but there is no Wu Li.

I have to open the Wanliu, and I have to cooperate with Babi in the dark.

His goal is not only ancient wood mainland, but even involves the dispute of the entire ancient times.

As long as there is dispute, there will be opportunities.

If Babi is really ahead of ancient times, he can get a lot of benefits.

Bao can't be pressed together.

He wants a long layout.

Now the strength is still too weak, you need to take risks.

Following Babi is an adventure, opening Wanliu is also an adventure.

As long as one is successful.

He will be able to stand up.

Returning to the Polyson Temple, solve the life.

He can directly get all time and space.

At that time, he will have real strength and patience, and look for Xuan and a teacher, look at the future of the future.

Now he still needs to struggle.

Vietnam, southeast China.

A white figure, like a stream, breaking the space, flying at a very fast speed.

In his body, there is a stylish breath with a sword.

This person is the sword, there is no double refining, and the five-minded strong "child whit" is injected into the life recovery.

On the day before the big marriage, the sword was unparalleled, and the child was placed out and waited near Wangdu.

The big marriage of the Vietnami future, there are many strong people, and there are some hobbies.

Not afraid of being discovered.

The white is waiting outside.

He is taken the opportunity to pick the prey.

In the top ten families, there were six pilgrims in the top three.

That is the super force that exists before opening up the country.

Although it is now broken, there is no main thing to come to the five knocked universe.

But there is still an old monster with a scattered mobility.

These three families, swords are unparalleled naturally not to take risks.

The remaining top ten families.

He also couldn't see it like Wujia who is at the end.

In the end, it is placed in the fifth family.

"Chen Jia!"

The rise is before several era.

The family has opened a five-knocked universe.

The Lord of the five knocked universe behind the next, and the Zongmen were also covered.

It turned into a clan force.

The land, continued to have a few universe of the four-knocked universe, and there was a failure of robbery and became a bulk.

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