Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5740 5735 ??? Chen Jia

Today, the strongest family in the family is the Lord of the universe of the three, the strength is not as good as Wu Li.

Even in your own universe, you will have an ordinary quartmpian force.

If it is not a prostitute, it is not in the fifth position.

There are still a few old-fashioned scatters in the family.

It is a good choice.

The sword is unparalleled with a conscious man shape, and in the white light shadow.

"Go to the universe of the owner of the universe!"

"Yes!" "The white white did not hesitate, and the body shape was quickly pulled, directly toward the universe in the void.

A elliptical universe, in the void, like a star.

If it is a close view, it is an internal architecture.

"There is only a thousand black holes!" The sword shook his head without double.

too weak.

This universe, in his time, emperor, is rubbish.

Worse works.

Does not survive.

"Oki it!"

"Yes!" "Zi whiteized light shadow, directly punctured the universe.

The home of the universe is wrapped in the universe, instant collapse.

Containment with the array of array is constantly corroded.

This is the precursor of the origin of this source.


A horns sounded, then the anger: "Dare to break into my universe, you are looking for death!"

The white body stops, looking toward the people inside the universe, smiles with a smile.

There are also a folding fan in your hands and gently dance.

It seems to be biagon.

However, the next moment, he became the god of destruction.

The figure instantly skyrockets, and the fumes exudes color light shadow, do not wait for the other party to react, a punch is on the universe.

Just a punch, let the black hole to carry the universe, collapse hundred.

The Lord of the universe, from the anger, instant, turned universal.

A punch destroys hundreds of black holes.

Nowadays, the universe has been hit hard.

Going to a few punches, I am afraid his universe will be covert directly.

"The old ancestors, save me!" A mourning just sounded, and it was completely dim.

On a large continent in the southeast China, Chen Jia took a mensive alarm!

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Fast, the universe of the owner is collapsed!"

As the noisy sound sounds.

Some people have broken out and fly to the sky.

The universe of contemporary home is above the races, they can see it.

A starry flicker, this is the signal before collapse.

The number of four strongest in the depths of the students, and I gathered together.

The Lord of the three hobbian universe is also there.

"Quick escape ....... Go to the king!" Chen Jia's master finished this sentence, the fidelity broke.

This also represents the fall of the present.

Several old ancestors, shiny.

But all the characters who have experienced big wind waves, and I have responded in an instant.

People in the family can't save it.

But that is not important.

The Tianjiao in the family is not in the ancient muto.

There are also some strong people who are outside.

Staying in the family is some of the back generations, or immortal, with some mortals.

These can be cultivated.

As long as the robbery is still alive.

The treasures of the family are still, they will be able to rise again.

When a few people, she arrived in the treasure house.

At the same time, a huge transfer is raised.

This transmission array also has a treasure house.

Baolu is a separate cave world.

Usually I can't access it.

Once the family enters the crisis, the treasure house will open the transfer array, and the moment is in the moment.

Only a few of the families have a few days of arrogance, where will they feel.

In the treasure house, there is four huge columns.

Four old ancestors, just one person, sitting on the knee.

They don't need to manipulate the big array, just guard the big array.

Even if you fall, you should make sure that the treasure lau is leaving.

The rest of the family, it is to escape, and ordinary emperors don't care.

There is a talented seedlings, it is scattered escape.

All of this is in an orderly manner.

It seems that it is very good.

The reaction is extremely fast.

Even the swords that have just come to this site are unparalleled.

I hope.

Chen Jia's old nest is a piece of scatter.

It can be different from these bulk powers.

Poor strength.

He didn't feel a robbery.

Obviously run.

"Well?" Sword is unparalleled to feel a weak space atmosphere.

If it is a very common force, it is difficult to feel that it is also a robbery.

The sword is unparalleled is the emperor of time and space, which is very sensitive to this induction.

"not good!"

That breath is a time-space transmission.

The sword is unparalleled to take out a mask belt, and the breath is inherently contracted, and a seed is then pinched directly.

That is the force of the starry sky that is condensed from the present.

Blue power is instantly rising.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a big array.

At the same time, he also passed the location of this place to the white white.

This transmission array must be destroyed.

Otherwise, this time he is coming.

Just at this time, it is still a treasure in the universe.

No more, etc., will let the strong people next to the universe find that he has to leave.

"Don't worry, first come to the family!" The sword is unparalleled.

This array is stronger than that of the universe.

He is guess with your ass, but also guessed, this treasure is set therein.

"Hahaha!" The sword did not appear in an invisible.

At this point, he is not afraid that others are suspicious, and they will directly go out.

This sword turns the entire array.

It is obstructing a moment.

Four old ancestors anger.

The power of just the sword is almost the strength of ordinary quartz.

It's almost different from them.

"I went to drag him!" A face is the most old power.

He is the oldest quadrupler of the family.

It is also the least true quadrupler.

He went to dedication.

"Gong sent, Zeng Zu!"

The three have the same four-hearted struggle with the ancestors, this moment is in the moment.

The agency is all, they have to call Zeng Zu.

The bulk boulder, which was the existence of the Lord of the five robbers that opened up the family.

Now it is to face fallen.

"Dare to attack me Chen Jia, I am not afraid of Vietnamese Kings!" The thin old man, even at this moment, don't forget to delay.

The sword is unparalleled, and the array is constantly attacking.

I don't look at each other.

Although the other party has the fighting power of four, it may be better to fight.

There may be no two moves, and the vitality is all lost, only the flesh is left.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a punch that hides the old people.

Pold the god sword, drift away.

Changed a place to continue to destroy the big array.

It is destroyed that it is dangerous.

His current power is still not enough to destroy this big array.

Even if he is also can't do.

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