Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5741 5736 ???? Chen Jiayou

This big array is definitely the Lord of the five-knocked universe in the peak, and created for the family.

Other unless the super power of the five hobbies is not found.


The monster of the white transformation, it is directly on the hills of the transfer array.

The sword is unbolded, the big voice: "Don't take care of everything, break him!"

After listening to this sentence, the white eyes were together, directly burned their own origin.

He is also equally ambiguous, even less than scattered.

It is still possible to slowly condense your vitality as long as you don't shoot.

Unless there is too long, even the seeds of life disappear, will be completely withered.

Soco white is different.

He is a person who is dead, even if it recovered, but it is a power that has been in an moment.

Once the source is burned, it will be completely fallen.

The seeds after burning the source have the war of five puffy peaks.

There are four arms behind them, with three ugly heads.

The most powerful of the ancients, the peak of the french episode.

Directly exhibited three times the power.

The whole standing method is torn.

The sword is not double-faced, and he did not expect it to be so easy.

Everything is done between several breaths.

The ancestors of Chen Jia, the eyes were scattered, and the confidence was completely lost.

"I want you to die!"

Four old ancestors were dedicated.

With the whole body, the last life, and there were not many blood left when you were young, and selected self-explosion.

Take the Death!

The family is over, the guys who are old, they are alive, they are alive.

The key, swords are unparalleled, they will not let them live.

In the moment of their self-explosion, the child is also exhausted by the whole body, and the sword is unparalleled as the power of terror.

boom! ! ! !

Huge gods fall.

Since the flesh is started.

The transfer array is also destroyed.

There is only one hurt.

And the sword is unparalleled.


After the sword is unparalleled, there is a black hole, and all the black holes behind those debris are revenue.

Turned and looked at it, chaotic Chenjiaban, swords were unparalleled from the mustard, took out a destruction of this source.

This is coming out from the Polyson Temple.

I was thinking about being swallowed.

Now he is not missing, the sure is here to open!


There is no double tear space, and the body will leave.

Behind it is blooming a dark flower.

Chenjiaban, was erased.

Although it is midnight, you can practice the world, every day and night.

Similarly, it is also a black and white.

Chen Jia was erased.

"Master, have you seen it?" Someone looked up to the sky and was sacrificing her own master.

Also some people worship Chen Jia.

Have an enemy, and there is also a person.

There is also no shortage of hurt.

The sword has no doubles to take the treasure house, and can bring some fixed resources.

This side of the site is rapidly eaten by several forces next to them.

However, this is a later words.

The sword is unparalleled, through the space, throws a mustard on a meteorite, and the body is destroyed.

That meteorite, inclusions are in chaos, with hundreds of millions of gravel, surrounding a burning star.

And this place has countless stars.

It is like a purgatory.


Early morning.

The sword is unparalleled with Jin Chen, and the room was taken early and went to the palace to see the emperor.

This is the rule of the royal family.

In the morning, it is just the time.

However, in the main hall of the palace, only the sword is unparalleled with the princess Jin Chen is true, and the rest is the body.

They instantly came, appearing above their respective thrills.

The emperor also appeared in the final.

"Your Majesty, Chen Jia was destroyed, according to the latest exploration, like a magical tremendous shot!"

"Three years ago, the eternal kingdom was destroyed, and now Chen Jia is erased between her, and the residual power, ask what I ask, too embarrassing!"

Many people are resistant to exploding this matter.

The kind of God of the country is destroyed.

What's more in Vietnam.

Still don't checked, the comparison is on this bones.

And it is still a hand of the night's big marriage, it is obviously a premeditude.

The emperor sat above and slowly raised his hand with your fingers to dress with the ink, and applied at a gold list.

She did not put it in my heart.

A family is sore.

And it is also a big family in Vietnam.

It is indeed a big thing, but at this time, she did not worry.

The heart is like a water.

"After the end of the sacred club, do a deep investigation!" The emperor is very random.

Compared with this matter, she is going to announce is the real thing.

When everyone heard the next words, each face halved!

Green grass.

The first thing is that stone country is not only as simple as there, but also the guardian of the flame god.

The third eternal country does not need to say more, there are the main people of the six-knocked universe, unfortunately, unfortunately, now, together with spaces are directly erased.

There is no longer country in the world.

There are special places in the first and third.

The grass is also not general in the second of the grass.

Daughter country!

This time, the emperor announced the matter, it was the success of the daughter's country, and became the Lord of the seven-robbery universe.

Originally, this country is named with the main "stone show" of Shi State's first universe.

At the name, it is not even as the stone show of Zhongxing Stone.

The people in the same fault of the ancient wood continent, the future is to see the existence of seven hobbies.

There are so many people in the Turkish Universe of the ancient wood mainland.

Many people think that the stone jail will be the fastest breakthrough, but they did not expect the daughter's country.

There is also a strange color on the face of the emperor, and the brow is slightly, it seems to have a good thing.

It's just a shock than a person now.

"The Lord of the Seven Covered Universe!" The sword was unparalleled, and it took a breath of cold.

What is the realm of the initiative!

This is not a bulk.

That is the owner of the universe of the price.

The seven-robust universe of the whole ancient wood continent, with almost no gap with the quantity of the eight hobby.

There is then two or three in the ancient wood mainland.

There is an ancient mouse to open the ancestors, once with the ancient moon gods, the people of the ancient times.

It is the oldest batch of eight knobs.

Then it is the ancestors of the stone country, as well as the flame god.

Finally, the old ancestors of the daughter country.

However, the boss of the daughter country is very capable, it has fallen.

And the age of falling is already a long time.

Full of full full calculation, there is a four-bit eight knobs, and one is falling.

The godmark king of the ancient mouse is too old, and there are not many vitality. It is afraid not far from the limit.

The only flame god can be taken.

The old ancestors of Shi Country can't.

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