Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5742 5737 ??

And the Lord of the seven-robbery universe is the same.

And all in Zongmen, one is an ancient muto contemporary manager.

The other is a super power from the ancient moon gods to the ancient wood mainland. It is a Feng Hou strong "Iron Dream!"

In addition to the beginning of the nineteen super existence of the original opening of the original, most of them have fallen, or left the ancient month.

In the case of Feng Hou, it is almost the highest level of the ancient month.

It is the same as the peak power of the seven-robbery universe that can be enacted.

In your own way, you can compare the peak!

Even the palm of the ancient mouse was not blocked, I would like to know.

Nowadays, the daughter's country is a successful.

It is the Lord of the first seven-robbery universe outside the paramen.

It is also the Lord of the third seven-robbery of the ancient wood continent.

Within the road, it is an infinite vitality.

Everyone didn't envy.

Most of the people present, most of them are the owner of the universe.

However, most of them are three robbery, only a small part of the four-hearted universe.

As for the Sales of the universe of the five pilgrims, the entire Vietnamese also also on the Girl of the Queen.

And the emperor is still a successful hexacid universe, and only one step away from the robbery.

On the whole ancient wood, the emperor is in the same order, and the faint row is in the first.

This is also the recent greatness of the country.

Now only need to steadily, to compete for the position of the saints.

Nowadays, the daughter's national owner is successful, and it is afraid that it is faster than the ancient mouse, the ancient mouse, the same name.

No matter whether it is successful, it is to make it.

The emperor's position can be said to be ambiguous.

It's not accidental, it should be her.

"Okay, there is no other thing today, it will be scattered!" The Emperor put his hand and some tired.

The face is more oppressed.

That is the strength.

The daughter's owner, the emperor closes the scorpion, and recalls fine.

Two people in the original.

They are a generation.

Even, she is a lot more than the age of her daughter's country.

When she made the immortal fairy, her daughter's owner had just stepped on the road.

When she was the limit of the road, the other party has been chasing her pace.

The innocent girl, she remembers the face.

Time to go to the ancient mouse practice.

That girl, you can follow her behind him.

Now, she has reached the position she dares to think.

The Lord of the Seven Take the Universe.

She didn't think about it.

The sixth robbery, she has some effort.

What's more is seven-robbery.

If she can also become the master of the seven-robbery universe, the contemporary Vietnamese, can take the top three of the Temple of the grass.

Because of the disappearance of the eternal kingdom, it will have a position.

But resources, there is not much.

The whole eternal country is gone.

The Emperor Feng Chen took the eyebrow, the vain on the rest of the throne has disappeared.

The sword is unparalleled and Jin Chen princess is moving towards the outside.

Before going out of the threshold, it was stopped.

The sword is unparalleled, and I am busy and I am respectful: "What else is there!"

Although it is already a family, in accordance with the rules of Vietnam, he still caught a lot.

"The daughter's national owner will go to the seven-robbery, all parties have a congratulations, and we can't be less, this time you go to the old ancestors of the people!"

After finishing, a reel flew out and fell in front of Kim Chen.

"After the mother!" Jin Chen was a little surprised, and I still picked up the reel.

The sword is unparalleled in the side of the eyes, I don't know what is fun.

"Return!" The emperor said, and the figure also disappeared.

With the doubts of the full belly, the two came out of the main hall, all the way, directly returned to the house in the lower court.

Just entering the luxurious house, the sword is unparalleled, I can't help but ask: "What is the scroll?"

On the main hall, he noted that the emperor Feng Chen is written on the spot.

There is not much to say when it is given to Jin Chen.

This reel is definitely not simple.

"I don't know!" Jin Chen's princess took a little hand and walked toward the back garden.

The sword is unparalleled. It is intended to take back the hidden mustard, but the bottom is extremely curious about the reel.

Also followed by the back garden.

He didn't turn well in this house.

It's a garden to know that this is a garden, the whole is a flower mountain.

On the mountainside, in countless cooling flowers, there is a hill.

The two are sitting in the gazebo next to the ice tan.

The cool breeze is hitting, making people feel happy.

"I said, I can't open it!" Jin Chen was bored, directly took the reel, still gave a sword.

He carefully took it, gently hold the reel, blame: "Do not know the goods, this is baby, can't be so bad!"

Jin Chen's pair of water spirits, but it is turned over white.

The bottom of the heart is cold, this reel is a congratulatory ceremony of her mother's country after her mother, only the parties can open.

Just when I was handed over to her, I didn't know, but the voice told her.

Although the sword is unparalleled to the royal family.

It is not meant to be a person.

On the face of the face, the sword is unparalleled.

But the big events that are all interests, there is no sword unparalleled part.

Holding a reel, if you get the sword of treasure, no double, but I don't know the idea of ​​each other.

At this point, his thoughts, only one, that is, open the scroll, want to look at it.

He is not all curiosity.

never mind.

This time, it is really curiosity.

He also didn't want to argue.

Because of his emperor, he can see the frown of the emperor and some strange tastes.

The emperor, certainly with some kind of contact with the daughter's country.

The relationship between Feng Chen's emperor and daughter's country, only some of the five robbery and even the universe of the six knobs.

The book that generation survived so far.

It is not a midway to die outside the war.

I think a moment in your hand.

The sword is unparalleled to see the power of the above ban.

Very strange.

The power of the stock seems to be borrowed from a place.

Just like he chopped the stars of the stars.

The more you can't see it, the more curious.

I want to go to see it.

So even if there is something, there is no decent.

Now he is the most important thing to retrieve the treasure house from Chen's family, and the plans behind and Wu Li need to be finalized.

How long does it take to happen from the Holy Warace.

He also needs to build a sword embryo.

For the robbery, he is almost the same.

Breakthrough is not a problem, how is the problem?

When breaking through the mourning, he became the day of the universe.

At that time, his sword embrye will become the treasure of the universe.

It is the first universe of this source universe.

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