Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5744 5739 ?? Daughter Country

Now I have changed the name, and I was also beware of the eyes.

The sword has no sigh, not thinking about this, but said with Wu Li, the story of Chen Jia is destroyed.

Although the emperor didn't care.

But he is afraid that it is not checked.

Wu Li's understanding is not much for this matter.

The present also has been to the scene, talking with those who explore.

It is nothing to find out.

The sword is unhealthy.

Next, he said his daughter country.

For the girl's country, he was not a cold, but his emperor and the daughter's owner's country, he was very curious.

In the reel, he spywhere to some catacosons.

That is a picture.

Draw two women.

One is the Vietnamese Female Emperor Feng Chen, and it is a little unexpected.

Male dress up.

This kind of trick will be exposed in the vulgar.

The emperor has also played.

Another one is the daughter's country, a beautiful woman.

Look at the depth portrait, it naturally can't see a big energy of a seven-robbery.

When Wu Li heard the daughter country, it was first smiled.

Subsequently, he said: "This thing, I know is not much, this time you have a blessing, you can follow the country's ancestor to give the country's main road, I want to see it, No qualification! "

This is also.

By then, the forces of the trend.

I am afraid it is some six-star.

Ancient mouse and stone country this faucet will go.

The strong people of Vietnami are not conspicuous.

Not to mention Wu Jia, this family who is hanging at the end.

A honor of the Lord of the Seven Cornless Universe.

It is indeed a rare opportunity.

At that time, just let go to Shi State.

One fell again.

"Wu Li brother is willing, I can give you a special product of a few daughters!"

After Wu Li heard, he couldn't help but smile.

Naturally, what is the specialty of a daughter?

The two talked about the things about Wanliu, and then the sword was quietly left quietly.

I left the king directly.

After the external reflection surface, after a circle, returned to the king family to give him a house.

When I entered the house, he found a familiar atmosphere in the government.

Woody king.


"There is no pair of sages, just get to noon, today I will be my face in your meal!" Wooden face crowded with a smile.

Since I saw a unparalleled strength yesterday, I feel that the sword is unparalleled is a rare thigh.

It will not be poor than yours in the future.

Can be more than the people of the Emperor.

It is natural to get close to it.

"Emperor said, I have a lot of money today, don't say a meal, even if I come to me every day!" The sword is unparalleled, saying, very useful, Wooden at the table It's joyful.

On the side of Jinchen, there is a bit can't see it, and urge: "How to arrange for the daughter country!"

"Your girl is an urgent, there is no pair of sages just come back, I will say that it is not too late!" Wooden is afraid of the sword unparalleled, do not know his heart, do not say.

The sword has no doubles, and I just said: "But I am not good!"

Next, Wooden said the whole trip.

In fact, it is a departure time.

Departure tomorrow afternoon.

It will take a good day before the day before the black.

Dao He is also a night.

This time, the country is only going to three.

The old ancestors in the king family took two swords unparalleled and Jin Chen.

"Wooden old ance will take you before, remember to respect the ancestors, to respect the strong people!" Wooden finally added a sentence: "There are many strong people, you don't want too much. Zhang Yang, there is no mistake in this matter when the Holy Association is coming! "

"Understand!" The sword was unparalleled with Jin Chen.

The Holy Assault is coming.

Vietnam, this time this time.

Too much, it is unlucky, it is unlucky.

On the occasion of swords, the situation will go to Shi Country, and said it.

I heard the stone country, Jin Chen's colony.

Wooden is somewhat embarrassed, the sword is unparalleled. It doesn't matter.

"Sword embryo, it is very important, must go!" The sword was unfair.

Wooden passengers: "Need to help, you can say!"


This time, I didn't say anything. I didn't have a way for a while.

Jin Chen returned to the room alone.

The sword is unparalleled to go to the place where the house is specially cultivated.

Absolute space!

Enter a hole in a hole.

This space is a black hole in his universe.

Absolute hidden.

The outside world is a secret room in the government.

When you enter this way, the sword is unparalleled to take out the mustard.

Grasped it, he directly throws, and his mind is moving all over the sky.

Ordinary wreckage, instantly phagocytosis of the strength of the black hole.

From these wrecks, the sword is unparalleled to find four conch.

Above the universe.

It should be the cave of the universe level.

There are too many treasures that are luxurious, or the treasures stored, they need the space to store.

The sword is unparalleled is very expected.

However, I didn't open this four cave.

However, from the mustard, a black crystallization was taken out.

This is a child searched in the Chenjia Cosm.

First open this crystalline to see what treasures.

The sword has no double one pointing out, and it is directly broken.

Forcibly open the crystallization.


Inside is inlaid with a mustard.

If you want, it is the main desperation of the universe, choosing all the treasures in your universe.

Unfortunately, it is unfortunately.

Still found.

In fact, there are still many cosmic crystals on the white body, but unfortunately, they will block the attack, they have collapsed, and those camodants are also exhausted.

The sword is unparalleled now.

It is a little sorry for the fallen of the seed.

A good helper of the five puffs!

It's not that.

Now he wants to refine a piece of chess, there is no strength.

Can only be waited for the robbery to refine those chess pieces who will put the font.


The sword is unparalleled, holding an endless antique, opened the mustard of the universe.


Countless treasures, instantly inclined down.

When I saw these treasures, he was first surprised, but it quickly reacted.

In the universe of Chen Jia, life is Chen Jiafan.

Some strength is poor, or if you can't set foot on the practice, it is afraid that you will live a poor life.

It is not the same in the universe, it is the place where Chen Jia himself is.

Even if you can't practice, you can also give them a perfect life.

So the treasures stored in the mustard are all useful.

There is also a part of the immortal fairy.

Although the quantity is amazing, it is enough for hundreds of millions of people to use it without a point.

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