Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5745, Yuanshi Mountain

It also has the treasure of the universe.

Some famous universe treasures must not be used, will be suspected.

Chen Jia has just been destroyed.

He used Chen family to the treasure, the fool will do it.

Some treasures, he can swallow up, can't devour it.

There are also some never heard of it.

After all, in addition to a few treasures that can represented, most treasures are open, easy to show people.

Just like his own treasure.

Many people know that he has a decoy, and there is a beast.

For other treasures, there is less.

A truth.

Others are the same.

In addition to the treasures that cannot be used, those remaining garbage, he can't see it.

The only thing that can be used is some odds.

It should be obtained from the void outside the domain, and the value is also good.

According to his estimation, worth more than 10 million.

However, the Lord of a three-knocked universe, he can get the actual interests, only 10 billion.

It is really a little loss.

Of course, there are some treasures he can't see.

Three red metals, I don't know what materials, tenacity, and this bloody at the top.

This should be.

The most important thing is the treasures in Chenjiabaoku.

"I haven't given me some kind of !" The sword did not hold a sentence.

The wreckage is exhausted, and there is only some forces left.

I can't dominate him at all.

The palm of the palm is directly banned, along with the internal spatial structure, all destroyed.


In front of you, you will have a colorful breath.

I look at it, this is gas, but is a treasure.

It's just too much, agglomerated together, and the atmosphere is particularly similar.

The cave is broken, but the probably structure is still there.

Three major regions.

Represents three treasures.

The sword is a lot of colorful treasures, which is a group of purple crystals.

"Is this?" He breathed some deep.

Cosmic crystal delayed treasure.

It is the same as the universe.

The sword is unparalleled to look, it is a hustleur mountain.

At least hundreds of trillions.

Conversion becomes a cosmic crystal, is an unfair number of quantities.

"Source Stone!" The sword was unparalleled to open the information opened in Qingyunmen.

I recognized these sparsons.

This is the most purective goddess, which is very useful in ancient times.

Put in the god hall, it is better than Camined crystals, and the price of the source of the cosmic crystal can surpass the universe.

So many source stones, I am afraid that seven robbers can't get it, a small man will have so many source stone reserves.

"This time, it's true!"

So many source stones, don't say that wine god, even if it is the eight hobbies.

Of course, most of the eight robbery, it doesn't need this treasure, and they need some chicks.

These source stones, or the role in which they can act, and these source stones can also be absorbed in the battle to restore the power.

It is a hard-selling in the robbery and a strategic material that the family needs a reserve.

In this way, Chen's ambition is really not small.

Snoving so many source stones.

The sword is unparalleled, some can't wait to open the remaining two spaces.

The second area.

It is a valley.

Dominant god grass herbalies and some grateful flowers are planted.

Even the sword is unparalleled.

However, from above, the value of these things is not small.

"Well? Don't you strong!" The sword was unbrick.

These wonderful flowers have a familiar atmosphere, and he just saw it.

It is the bloody breath.

He casually pulled off a fruit that was stained with blood, put it directly in his mouth.

That breath instantly fails to make a violent power, incorporate into his blood.


The sword is unparalleled, and the power suddenly broke out.

The foundation will increase one hundred.

"How is it possible?" The sword is unparalleled, I can't believe it.

His infrastructure has reached 200,000 times.

This is no longer the limit of the emperor, and even the limit of the two robbery is less than 2 million.

The limit of the emperor is 100,000 times.

He can get 200,000 times, or because of Babi.

Today, it absorbs the blood color, he actually can improve the power.

This is a little incredible.

Looking around, countless fruits.

The sword is unparalleled.

If it is all eaten, he is not a five-knocked border in the emperor.

"No!" The sword didn't shake his head.

There will be some kind of anthropogenesis.

If you are so magical, this kind of treasure is too back.

How can Chen Jia get this treasure.

A little Chen family, even if it is a ancestor, it can't get such a magical treasure!

There is this kind of treasure, and it should not be this strength.

Then there is only one situation left.

The sword is unparalleled to open the three parts.

One party is the source stone hill.

The middle is blood color fruit.

The last area is small, and there is a bloody blood.

This makes the sword unconsciously think of the blood sacrifice of the Emperor Tian Di.

Compared with him, the blood sacrifice is the pediatrics.

Chen Jia's bloody, let him look.

Unfortunately, Chen Jia people die, escaping.

It is estimated that people who know the truth are killed by him.

"These fruits should be that the bloody Tan water is developed, it seems that Chen Jia's plan is very big!" The sword didn't think.

Why don't Chen Jia people do not use it?

What is the purpose of cultivating these blood color fruit?

With these doubts, the sword is unparalleled out of the secret room.

Source stone can be used, this is not marked.

The rest of things, he has to cautiously, destroyed, can not be destroyed.

There are also some gain treasures to be swallowed down.

Now he is going to explore some things about Chen Jia.

Distance to the female country, only the next day.

Nowadays, it is late at night, and he can't go out again.

Only now go out, go to Chen's site to explore.

After getting a payment, the sword is unparalleled immediately.

His hearts can't hide such a big thing, I want to understand as soon as possible.

Because he always felt that Chen Jia's destruction is a big hidden danger.

Before he just came out of the city, the powerful breath was coming to the King of Kings.

The sword is unparalleled, and after transforming the body, go directly to the old nest after the excision of Chen.

It will not be doubtful now.

Because many strong people are in Chenjia's old nest, some are curious, some want to fish.

When he arrived, he met a lot of robbery.

"This Taoist, you have been late, the strong people of the" just "have a major discovery here, have been gone with those treasures!" An old man sits on the peak and found that the sword is not doubles. When you feel the powerful breath, you will just happen here.

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