Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5747 5742 Chapter ?? Strange Life

He is afraid that it will be born directly into the power of life.

From the perspective of the above power, the other's strength seems to be independent of the power of life, but instead is related to the bloody atmosphere just absorbed.

Life will only make it born in advance, but the bloody breath can make him strong.

The emperor stared at the sword. The eyebrows were slightly frowned. She always felt that since the sword was unparalleled in her, this Vietnamese is not in peace. She doesn't know, even the eternal kity is covert, it is very big. relation.

"Dead!" Yanlong's ancestors were gathered on the cockroaches and said a sentence.

Because of the power of the life, after the sword is unparalleled, it has been so faded, and it is necessary to finish.

The sword is unparalleled, and the elliptical, such a thing, he doesn't want it.

"It is yours, no need to say anything!" Yan Long's ancestors said: "I heard that this time I went to my daughter's state of you, I will go back to prepare!"

This is going to send a sword unparalleled and others leave.

The sword is unparalleled to the altar, but there is some kind of concern, I really want to open it.

Just, his identity is not qualified.

He is able to feel that many people are staring at this life liquid.

Especially which Yilong old ancestors.

The emperor didn't matter, the Lord of the universe did not need to have a life.

But the few people who have robbed, and Yanlong old ancestors are coming into the coffin, it is necessary!

"The late generation, tell!"

Three people can only leave.

As for the main hall, it is how to assign it.

Vietnam, there is a top-day person.

How much is the six robbery, and the sword is unparalleled.

But the seven robbery is only one.

The opening of the country in the royal family.

Seven-robbery, hearing has entered the tomb, and I don't know if I can still recover.

It's just that life liquid, I want to recover the seven hobbies, I am dreaming, the big probability is still a few points in the temple.

These have nothing to do with him.

He wants or the altar.

It is not because of the limited strength and identity.

He really wants to come up with a group of life, squat on the opponent's face, and then holding the altar directly to the closure.

Now I can only hold a glow, or a half-dead.

Even the bloody breath he just absorbed was swallowed by the other party.

"No!" The sword was unparalleled, just out of the palace, the bottom of the heart suddenly moved.

The bloody breath on his body is gone, but the increased power is still there.

At this time, he understood it.

This bloody force is the largest anti-alpha.

The source of anti-anti-allel is that

"I have sent it!"

The sword is unparalleled. Double-old, and there is no ignorance of Jin Chen, directly returning to the short-lived closure of the Fufu Express.

He wants to confirm your own ideas.

Go back to the sky, obscure the unlimited heaven, that is, heaven.

Put the sword in your hand.

"There is still a vibrant machine!" The sword can feel it.

Even if there is no life, he can also put the other party to forced recovery!

This is something like this kind of risk, he dare not engage in his own.

All treasures from Chen Jia, only the source of Shishan is in his own source.

The rest is in the cave.


Bloody valley.

Fruits everywhere.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is thrown directly into the air.

A huge green river, like a star river, and wrap it directly.

Elliptical, rehabilitate again.

The figure is rehabilitating, but the power has not changed.

Now in the case, even immortals are not.

Otherwise, it will not give him so white.


After swallowing a life, elliptical cockroaches, broken.

It turns into a huge beetle.

Although there is enough vitality, it can't be rewarded again.

Moreover, the strength does not increase, turning into a beetle, the body shape is large, and the movement is very slow.

The sword is unparalleled to the direction of the other party.

It is a bloody valley.

"This can not be given directly!" The sword is unparalleled to bind the beetle.

I have entered the bloody valley.

Begin the big mouth to swallow those bloody fruits, as well as some herbs.

The body is crazy soaring.

It seems that there is no upper limit.

The sword has no double one hand to eat blood color, and one hand gives all the best to the beetle.

This is that he is purely increased.

When a time, he added 10,000 power.

This speed, if people know that I will suffocate.

If you don't have a home, you can swallow his blood, I am afraid he will explode and die.

That bloody breath, in the abnormal violent violent in the beetle.

Just now the beetle, it is no longer the original look.

The sword is unparalleled, and the other person has a person.

However, the characteristics of the beetle are also retained.

The crust becomes a shoulder, breastplate, leg armor, bevel.

Its head is the same, although it is humanoid, but has a unique eye of the beetle.

The mouth is even hard.

"You will talk?" The sword was unparalleled!

Staring at each other with a strange face.


Listen carefully, only low breathing.

Eragocation of so many blood, there is still not much power.

At this time, it is even.

This makes the sword unconsciously.

If this guy is thrown into the bloodstant, I don't know if I can become an emperor.

The sword has swayed his head, and the heart shed: "Forget it, your biggest use is to help me relieve these bloodyness."


The time flow rate slowly slowed down.

And his power is in crazy growth.

He wants to swallow the fruit in the valley.

Look, Shen Li will arrive at that level.

One year, two years, a hundred years.

At the acceleration of time, he only swallowed the fruits in the bloody canyon in a hundred years.

Within a hundred years, the body of the pedestrian beetle does not change much, but the strength has broken through the immortal fairy.

And it has reached the peak.

It is considered a road.

This strength, in the sword where there is no difference, there is no difference with the real bug.

The current sword is unparalleled, and it is really quite qualified.

His infrastructure has increased to 400,000 times.

Emperor, the foundation is 400,000 times.

I don't want to think so.

This time, he does not need the power of the beast, there is a forty spirit, comparable to the top four hobbies.

He is now, if it is used to use the power of the beast, the burden is great.


The sword is unparalleled, and the beasts on the body appear.

Next, he biting his teeth and wanted to show the power of the beast, but found that it could not be mobilized.

"It seems that some is barely!"

He did not accidentally.

Now there are 400,000 times of power, once the power of the beast is, even if it is double the power of the beast, it can increase to 480,000.

That is the real limit.

He did a short five hundred thousand times.

It was originally because of the power of Babi.

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