Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5748, 5743? Double the power

Now he will reach a hundred times of the power of the beast god now.

"Don't say, this side neck is related to Babi Emperor?" When he saw the beetle, he felt that it was not like.

It is also possible that it is from Babii from a place.

Then by Chen Jia, I want to cultivate this monster.

The sword has shaken his head: "Unfortunately, the strength is too weak!"

Now I've been aunt.

Even if you throw it into the bloody tower, you can reach the top, or the mourning.

What can this happen?

Ordinary robbery is also an antite.

Unless it's just like Babi.

Half-step nine hobbies.

Of course, Chen Jia also didn't cultivate it.

Although the strength of Babi is weak, it is very special, which can control a lot of strong, and even the super power in the ancient wood mainland is willing to cooperate with each other.

What is Chen Jia?

Is it a five-knocked body?

That is too bad.

After taking 10,000 steps, the beetle can really reach the point.

How to control?

Ordinary slavery, the roots are not available.

The sword is unparalleled with a beetle, the bottom is not a taste.

I don't know if I hope that the other party is strong, or it is just like this.

If it becomes very powerful, he doesn't have the Babi's ability to control each other.

"Forget it, you will stay here!" The sword has lost the other party to the bloody valley.

There are still a lot of residual blood, the next door is the bloody altar.

The other party is still here, and it will continue to increase strength!

Blood-colored pool, he did not use it.

There is side by the presence.

He didn't know, this will bring how big the country is brought about by the whole time and space.

Just that it is already a long time.

Before he left, the beetle won't stand, squat on the ground, twisted, watched the sword, there is no one, low two words!

"West Lu!"

The sword is unparalleled, and a piece of the mountain stone will be stored in the rock, and they are in a hurry.

Today, I have to follow Yi Yan Dragon, go to the female country, but I can't delay.

The daughter's country, the seven robbery.

Also talking with the emperor Fengchen.

The sword is unparalleled to see it.

By the way, go to Stone Country to get the swords behind.

If Fan Tianfeng is difficult to say, he goes to the ancient muto to find another, cast the master.

No need to hang in stone country.

Hope, Fan Tianfeng, will not be so be careful.

After leaving the room.

The breath has just appeared in the house, a body is instantly in front of him.

"How come you come out, don't know if you want to go to the daughter country today?" The coming is the princess Jin Chen. At this time, it has been put on the dress, and it is impatient to urge the sword unparalleled.

The sword is not angry, this time is still blame him.

In a hurry, I changed a black robes and followed Jin Chen out of the house.

The two directly went to the East Gate of the Palace.

Yanlong's ancestors have been here.

When the sword is unparalleled to see the black dragon under the feet, I also understand why the other party is called Yanlong.

It should be a road number, not a real name.

"Yanlong's ancestors!" Two people respectfully visited.

The face is somewhat can't stand, and an old man is waiting for them for two people.

"Come on!" Yan Long's ancestor didn't matter, still leaking a kind of kindness.

The sword is unparalleled to see the face of the other party, some rosy, and it looks like younger.

The probability has been absorbed by the fluid in the altar.

As for the altar!

He didn't want to think more, and there is no need to think about it.

Blood color fruit has long been transformed into a power.

"Set off!"

Three people ride the black dragon, smashed the space, and entered the chaos.

The seemingly speed is not very fast, but you have just blink of an eye, they have already out.

Now I am going to the daughter.

It is only necessary to reach the daughter.

The sword is unparalleled in the black hole, look around, the bottom of the heart is thinking of the sword.

The girl is only a curiosity.

Sword is a matter.

Go to Shi State, don't use the power of Vietnam, he quietly looking for.

It's hard to meet those famous masters.

It is necessary to use the relationship between the Kings, will let Fan Tian Feng know.


The key, this time, it is not only Vietnami.

There are other strong people in the ancient wood, and the people of Shenzhen ancient moon god will come.

The Lord of the universe of the Qi Qi, the identity is not general.

If there is a lord of the universe of eight knocked univers, I am afraid that there is a long river around the space, there will be strong people to come to see.

Eight hobbies.

Self-brought the universe.

A lord of eight knocked universe can shock a few big era.

Those ages like ancient times.

Some is the main creation of the seven-robbery universe, but every big era will have a Lord of the Eight Bodyless Universe.

For example, the Lord of the Badbera Cosmic Universe has left the ancient times of the ancient times.

Nowadays, the ancient moon time, in addition to the ancient moon gods, there is an universe of the universe of the ancient martial arts, and the rest of the universe of the eight hobbies.

With the power of the seven hobby universe, there are less pitiful.

Like ancient wood, there is only three people of the seven-robbery universe.

There is also a Feng Hou strong from the ancient moon god.

The top of the seven-robbery, the power of the owner halfway.

If it is in your universe, I am afraid that there is an ancient wood, no one can threaten him.

Unless it is a flame god, it will go a battle before the road.

Just arrived at the ancient times, the sword was unparalleled and felt that the owner of the universe was worthless.

It can be seen now, it is weak and small.

Powerful will always be rare.

Whether it is the Lord of the Universe, or the emperor, all the same.

He can't learn those weak, and to those who are strong.

Being a robbery, he is only a chance.

Open Wanliu, he will break through.

When it comes, it is directly the owner of the universe.

Strength will also change again.

Don't say the power of the stars.

Single said his current power, there is forty thousand.

At that time, the skeleton of Dongjun is incorporated into the body.

Under complete outbreak, millions of power is easy.

The power of the beast god, in the robbery, will really break out.


The sword is unparalleled.

There is a bright eye, calendering a mouth.

Then there was a world with a blue sky and green.

Green grass, with pink flowers embellished.

Women in the fantasy in the sword, exactly the same.

The only thing that is not seen is a woman in a daughter.

I don't know how it will be?

"It's going to be here, two little guys follow me!" Yan Long's ancestors have explained a sentence, and the black dragon body is flashed at the foot. It reached a simple and small city.

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