Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5757 5752?? Super Dilen

However, the seven robbery, no universe, I want to have two million still difficult.

If it is the universe, it is okay.

Now he can't do it, and naturally don't believe that Dilen can do it.

He took Dillen as a magical power, some couldn't see it.

Even a hundred or five million power broke out.

"Dealing with this kind of scattering, 15 million, enough!" Delun sounded, directly.

Uncomfortable outbreaks, directly turning into size.

Otherwise, it is not enough to carry a million power, unless it is very special or flesh.

For example, special life.

When the blood knife, the old ancestors were immediately angry, and the red-haired youth was thrown into the time and space, reminded: "The kid should escape, you took the opportunity to chase him, this person is given to me!"

"Lao Zu, be careful!" The red-haired youth will answer, very calm, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, but the scene is stable.

His understanding, it appeared in the border of the magic, and stopped.

He wants to wait, which red-haired youth.

A four-knocked universe, nothing is too afraid.

At that time, the other party introduced the other party into the stone country, far from Babi, it is not too late.

It's just to practice the other party.

400,000 power, he has not used it yet.

Looking at Dilong and the blood knife out of their own eruption, he also has some hand itchy.

Dilong's handshake with the blood knife old ancestors is extremely exciting.

The sword is unparalleled, while waiting for a division.

Over the void.

A white breath burst.

Two waves, like ghosts, flashing around.

The sword is unparalpired, but it is unable to track the fall of each of the two.

I can only look up.

The soul of the soul is excited.

"Dilen's power, although he did not break, he had the support of death, the power is unlimited. It is unlikely that the top of the top of the seven-robbery, the vitality cannot support such a big consumption, will only become more weaker, Di Lun, but I adapt to the current power and began to suppress the other party! "The soul of the soul came.

Everyone is also nodded.

The sword is unparalleled with an emperor, listening is to understand, can not understand.

You can only see the remaining shadows after each time in hand.

Today, this void is almost a residue.

It is full of 10,000.

Every remaining shadow is two people, the image left.

Because the speed is too fast, it does even affect time, causing their figure to break the space to another place.

But the shadow is still in the original position.

Time has not reacted.

Millions of powerful power, really terrible.

The sword is unparalleled.

The battle at this time is not as in the eternal nation.

At the beginning, the soul of the soul shot, when he saved, he can see it clearly, and he can feel the horror of the eight knobs.

But now it is different, and now is a strong force that is equivalent, being handed over.

The time of the eternal state is the unilateral rolling.

"Fast, Dilen broke out!"

Everyone moved again.

The sword is unmatched. This time Dillen has stopped the body shape, the hands crossed, and then lifted the sky, a burst, the void of the week, countless removal.

"Ha!" Dillen was full of arc, shaped contraction, and effort.

Two million power, all show it.

The blood knife old ancestors gasped at this time, two people handed over, high-intensity, every time I hate, I can't take the whole body.

This kind of battle, rarely showed it after his universe was shattered.

I have been very happy, and he also shocked the madness of Dilen.

Don't fight off.

It is uncomfortable.

Catch, shocked!

He is now desperate.

"You are the owner of the universe!" The blood knife old ancestors panic, the breath is unstable, the chest is up and down, the throat is sweet, sprayed a heart blood.

After Dirun broke out, slowly moved to the blood knife, and he didn't pay attention to the other side, but he said: "When a fragrant time, you will arrive!"


It seems that the slowness is slow, the speed is fast, a punch, directly bombarding the bloody clothes of the blood knife.


The blood knife eye is contracted, and the power is constantly decline.

From one hundred and eight million, with a 15 million.

This blood is sprayed, and it fell to around million.

Still don't take him, it is a punch.

Playing the door of the blood knife old ancestors.

This punch, let the blood knife old ancestors completely lost its war.

"Death!" Dillen is like the devil in the slaughter, no one can block, and it is full of feelings.

In his hands, it was condensed out a bloody rhodron, directly toward the chest of the blood knife.

At this moment, the blood knife old ancestors used the whole body and desperately blocked.

Blood knife is horizontal in your own chest.

At the same time, the treasure is used, and the things of this place will be advertised.

Dark day.

Bloody door door owner, the main of the contemporary

It is also the father of redhead youth.

"What, the blood knife has a death crisis, and the Late is also!" Bloody door door is frowning.

Black days, the strongest eight-star.

Bloody door palm.

The strongest family, the Lord of the night home.

At this time, the eyes flashed, the next moment, the communication token, told this matter to another super power in the ancient wood continent, and some of him also have some origins.

The only one can help him now, only that person.

Although some reluctant, a seven-robbery top, and his son is still in ancient wood continent!

The blood knife is dead, his son will die.

The message came out.

Ancient wood continent.

Daughter country.

In the exquisite college, a neighbor of a neat middle-aged man saw the content on the token, the corner jitter.

"Night Lingyun, will you ask me?" Iron gallbid gave up a slightly smileless.

At the beginning, the two people were so powerful, he has been pressing the first family of the first family of the first family.

It is also because of this matter, he is crowded in the darkness and will come to the ancient wood mainland.

Although he got into the ancient moon god, he was not afraid that someone had trouble.

It's just that the darkness is completely mastered by the night, and the ancient moon god is not a way.

So he took the initiative to apply to ancient wood mainland.

Night Lingyun!

He did not use the other party as an opponent.

But the other party has always regarded him as an opponent.

I didn't expect this time, I will ask him.

"I went out, you are waiting here, if the country is coming, I said that I have something to leave a few days!" Iron gallboy explained a sentence, and then torn the void and left her daughter.

Almost, he has arrived in the magic void in an instant.



"not good!"

The soul of the soul is the fastest reaction.

They can't go out directly in the universe boat.

At this time, Barbi also noticed that the people, the finger, and directly with the soul of the soul.

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